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[Facts] Off Topic.. Who got what for Christmas?
I got a 3/4 karat princess cut solitaire surrounded by a beautiful 1/3 karat wrap. My Jeff loves me and replaced the wedding set I lost right beofre our 1 year anniversary. We are now going on 6 years. My kids got me Eeyore house shoes, mug and picture frame.
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I spent two and a half hours with my mother (she's in a nursing home) on what would have been her 50th wedding anniversary (my father "went West" in June after a massive stroke, but he was a very sick man towards the end), and she recognized me :jump:. I don't know about the rest of you, but that was the best holiday present I can think of. :)Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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A couple of blouses, an expensive perfume (courtesy of dad :o), a cute necklace with dolphins and a certain sum of money (a late present for my birthday) and the privilege to wash all the dishes. Oh, and I got a cold :(.
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A really nifty little pair of binoculars 8)
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I got a poem, a handmade card, a really nice dinner at a French Bistro restaurant in Manhattan, and a beeper, and a hat and gloves, and a shirt and jeans, and a shopping bag full of Chocolate Stash: 2 boxes of chocolates and a box of hot cocoa envelopes and a box of Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies, and two other boxes of chocolate cookies.Andrea
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OoOoOi got a 17" computer screen for my comp :)
11 CDs: GROOVE 2001, Spice Girls - Forever (lmao i know... i suck...) Nelly - Country Grammar, Alicia Keys - Songs in A Minor, Enya - A Day Without Rain, Enigma - Greatest Hits, Daft Punk - Discovery, Basment Jaxx - Rooty, The Lord of the Rings soundtrack, Sarah McLauchlan - Remixed, Janet Jackson - All For You
4 Books - The Pillars of Creation - Terry Goodkind, The Outlander, The Fiery Cross, and the Outlandish Companion all by Diana Gabaldon
OoOoO new Pjs, blue with stars and moons (all i need is some clovers and red balloons...)
mmm chocolate,, whats life without chocolate :)
you know, i got other stuff, and I can't remember what it is, isn't that sad?
i got to much this year...
no not complaining, just,,, wierd,
newho! tootles! :)
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I got a nifty purple cell phone cover and a cherub hologram that goes on the face of the phone, but still lets you see the names and number of people who call. I also got some cool socks- you should see my sock collection;plain socks are so boring- one pair have little hands and feet that look to be finger-painted on them and the other are toe socks that are like mittens for your feet.
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A super-duper mountain bike :)))
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One of the coolest holiday pressies I got was the boxed DVD set of the first season of the old BBC teevee series *Upstairs, Downstairs*. I really loved that show.The second season is due out soon, and I've got an I.O.U. from my Honey to get me that, as well. :)-- Nanaea
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