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[Facts] Hey, today's my BtN birthday! I'm one year old! :) n/t
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Happy Birthday Nan! Only one year? It can't be possible!. Feels like we've known you FOREVER. In such a short time you've been the Driving Force in making the board what it is today!! What next, O Goddess??; P
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Thank you, Daividh! I'm so touched by your compliments that I've decided to make a donation to GLADD in your name!;P
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Correction: GLAAD.;P
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Gay / Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation = Da's bayoneting maniacal genitalia fleas :P
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Daividh's great hysteria? = It is the varied, hard Gays.
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Homosexual persons are no big deal to me one way or another, altho it's irritating that they transmogrified the perfectly benign word "gay." I have many "great hysterias", but few of them are prejudicial. : ) And Silver, I'm 51. n
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My mistake. I thought your frequent references to "cocksmokin' gaywads" and "fudgepackers" may have been an indication that your irritation extended a bit beyond the mere appropriation of the word "gay". :)
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Ahem. One reference to cocksmokin gaywads doth not "frequent" make. I was merely trying to counter Andrea's PC-fuzzy explanation of homophobia, which in line with current revisionist thinking characteristically puts all the blame for aberrant"Cocksmoker owes me ten bucks!" - Jay in "Clerks"
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"Ahem" yourself...Anything which deviates from society's "norm" may be considered "aberrant behavior".If you feel comfortable applying that term to homosexuals, then you should feel equally comfortable applying that term to religious and societal minorities in this country, as well. The Amish, for instance, are "aberrant".However, I strongly doubt that your use of the term "aberrant behavior" for the Amish might convey the same negativity as your use of that term for homosexuals. Particularly with your reference to "blame" in the same sentence.Oh, and one thing more... Nanaea
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So what? "Essentially" and "exclusively" are not synonymous. And furthermore:
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P.S.Just want to add that it's no crime in this country, Daividh, to say that you don't happen to care for a particular group of people. That's your prerogative.-- Nanaea
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Yer darn right it's my prerogative. And ya might as well know that when we were teenagers, we'd have a few beers and go out and kick one around whenever we felt like it! Then we'd...snap his suspenders, pull on his beard, forcibly put curtains in his windows, and wire his house for electricity. Dayum cheesepackers!
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LOL! :)
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"Never walk bareassed amidst the fudgepackers" (ancient Greek proverb)
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HAPPY B-DAY!!!!! NAN!!!wow a year already for you!
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Thanks, Gia! Yep, I'm 1 year old already! Just wait till I'm a TEENAGER! Bwahahaha!
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Congrats Nan! I wish you many more "birth"days to come.Meaning, of course, that I hope you'll continue to make this your home for many years to come!
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A b'day greeting from Da Boss Man! I'm honored! Thanks, Mike! :)
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You mean this board used to exist without you? Go on!! ;)
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If this board wasn't already cool before I came here, I wouldn't have stayed. Thanks for the b'day wishes! :)
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Seems like a lifetime has passed since the fatal !
Happy birthday Nan :)
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"HOW TIME FLIES...Seems like a lifetime"
Am I schizo or what? n/t
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Your whole life must've just passed before your eyes! LOL!:)
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P.S. Thanks, Pavlos! :)
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Happy Birthday, Goddess!:)
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Thank you, O Stellar One! :)
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