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[Facts] ATT: Satu (or anyone else!)
I would like to know what the name Villemo means. It's an Old Norse girls' name.
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Hej Caprice,I couldn't find it in any Scandinavian name book - the closest I can get is "Willema" which is a Low German short form of Wilhelmina.The Norwegian author Margit Sandemo used the name Villemo in her novel series "Sagaen om Isfolket", which made the name popular.Norwegian names beginning with Vil- usually are variant forms of Old German names beginning with Wil- (Old High German 'willio' = willing).The name's suffix is quite common in Norwegian last names deriving from place names (see the author's surname Sandemo). 'Mo' is the Norwegian word for "heath, heathland". I couldn't find any other Norwegian _first_ names ending on '-mo'. Maybe the suffix is some variant form of 'mod' ('móðr' in Old Norse) which means "spirit, mind" and is a common part of Norwegian names (both male and female), like Modhild, Modgunn, Modstein, Tormod etc. or there's a connection to names ending on '-møy', which means "maiden". Well, I'm afraid, this is nothing but wild guessing... ;)Säg gärna till ifall du finner ut nånting om namnet!/Satu
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Tack skall du ha! Min kompis läste "Isfolket", så jag fick namnet därifrån.P.S. God Jul!
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Tack detsamma! :)
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