[Facts] I didn't meant that... I meant the other way around
by Gianfranco E. Tubino Bryce (guest)
11/10/2004, 5:27 PM
From what had been said I concluded that the "Jynx" of which is spoken of was a hollywood alteration fo the original "jinx" in that case had to make myself fit in the tiny wits of those behind hollywoods' highest budget productions... So I guessed that the "variant" of "Jinx" given as "Jynx" was inspired upon the "Lynx" word due to it being a mighty feline so it would be "Jynx" in the idea of "mighty feline which brings bad luck upon it's enemies"... You know... The problems one gets into when trying to explain hollywood's behaviour... I do recognize the info you gave... Althought I'm shocked to find that the feline owes it's name to the famous "leuk" indoeuropean root.