Also pronounced as /sə.ˈfɪəɹ.ə/ (sə-FEER-ə) by some people—myself included.
So beautiful!
This name is stunning. A gorgeous alternative to the beautiful but extremely popular Sophia. As a Christian I struggled with loving Sapphira for my baby girl because of the Biblical association. However, upon deeper thought, why is it acceptable for Christian's to use the names Delilah and Eve, but Sapphira is taboo? The story of Sapphira and Ananias isn't nearly as well known as the stories of the other two names. Furthermore, the root of the name, sapphire, has a beautiful spiritual/biblical meaning - sapphires in the bible represent the presence of God, wisdom and revelation. If I choose to name my baby girl this, it will not be in honor of the woman with this name, but it will be in honor of the presence of God, which I pray she carries near to her heart all the days of her life.
I'm not loving the Biblical references... (Ananias & Sapphira?)
This name is probably the prettiest of the biblical female names in my personal opinion. Plus the nickname "Phira" is especially alluring and mystical. I go back and forth between loving this and Seraphina best of the "S" names.
My name is Saphirra but mine is double r instead of double p I just realized how unique my name is- I love it!
I have this thing where I like to associate names with colors and/or patterns, and right away ever since the first time I heard about this name I've always associated it with a dark greenish turquoise gem color. I honestly prefer the spelling Saphira, but either way this name is still absolutely beautiful!
I'm happy and love my name. I found that my name means beautiful and also means blue. Blue happens to be one of my favorite colors so it's a win-win baby! And I also found out that my name isn't very common so it is nice to have such a unique name. In case you have not noticed, my name is Saphira and it is pronounced like this: (Sa-fear-uh) and I am glad to have this name.
It’s funny how people think there is only one “proper” pronunciation for this name. Both “Sah-FY-ruh” and “Sah-feer-uh” are equally acceptable and both have been used.Personally, I hate when people add the word “fear” into my name. I like when my name sounds more like the gemstone “sapphire” and sounds like it has the word “fire” in it.I think it’s totally okay for a name to have more than one pronunciation. Neither is more “proper”.A good example of this is the more common name of “Andrea” there are four ways to pronounce this common name and all are correct... So, Sapphira can have more than one pronunciation and both are totally fine.
So my name is Sapphira and all my life it has always been pronounced "sa fear ra." And my nickname is Saphi, pronounced "Saffy" So yeah, I don't know any of these other pronunciations.
My daughter's name is Sapphira, but unlike most people on here we do pronounce it like Saf-eye-ra (not Sa-fear-a) closer to Sapphire. This was my Great Grandmother's name and also the way she pronounced it, so that is why we continued with this pronunciation/ spelling. Most do say Sa-fear-a when we are at appointments etc, but it's fine we just correct them and continue on, everyone always compliments on how beautiful her name is.
The name Sapphira was given to 49 girls in 2017.
I really like this name, although I'd spell it as Zafira.
I love it! I prefer Zaphira though. Very rare and classy.
I grew up in the church and know who Sapphira was in the bible. I only have one girl and wanted her name to be special because of a certain situation. I never knew Sapphira meant "Beautiful" so I named her Sapphira (Sa-Fear-Rah) Eve and they both mean beautiful life and she is gorgeous... lol plus my name came from the bible- Elisha- so it was only right to get hers from the bible... I love her name :)
My granddaughter is named Sapphira. My youngest daughter's favorite movie is Eragon and she decided to name her daughter after her favorite character in the movie.
I named my daughter Sapphira. We pronounce it "Safeera". My husband is Arab, and in Arabic "safeera" means ambassador. In Hebrew, it means multifaceted beauty. We chose to spell it like Sapphira because she was born during the year of Queen Elizabeth's Sapphire Jubilee, and because my mother and grandmother's birthstone is sapphire and because the diminutive for her name is "Sappho", the name of one of my favourite poets. (I studied Attic Greek and literature in university).
My name is Sapphira and I used to hate it because nobody (including my parents) knows the correct pronunciation. This frustrated me for years. Plus I went to convent school my whole life so people (especially my classmates and teachers) frowned upon my name (Sapphira and her husband, Ananias, from the Bible, was struck by lightning for lying). Thankfully, I learnt to love my name and I'm happy with it now (my friends said that whenever they say my name they got chills down their spine, LOL). To those who are gonna have baby girls, please name them Sapphira :) P. S : my parents pronounce it as Sa-Fee-Ra while my friends pronounce it as Suh-Fee-Ra.
Saphiria or Sapphiria is a Hebrew baby name which means Saphiria (gem): beautiful! It's kind of common since seeing as it does sound similar to sapphire!
I think it's one of the most beautiful, yet unique names for a girl. I named my 2nd daughter Sapphira Rose Flowers and she's the sweetest happiest most well behaved little one I've ever seen! My other daughter and my sons are well behaved for their ages too, but not always. While she's not been ornery or bad at all..., yet. Lol.
Having already named my first baby after seeing ERAGON, I was always going to name my next girl Sapphira. Just to be different, I decided to spell her name Cyhfearra!
Definitely sounds like the name of a black woman. Considering slave masters used to name their slaves after evil people in the Bible, I can see that.
My birthstone is sapphire and so is my husband's. As soon as we met I knew our daughter had to be similar to sapphire. I thought I came up with the name myself then a year later heard and saw the Eragon movie. (I know it was from a book) It reaffirmed I needed to name my daughter Saphira (suh-fear-uh) She is now 15 months old and it fits her well. No one could imagine her with any other name!
I saw Eragon and since my birthstone is Sapphire, I decided to name my daughter Saphira (Sa-Fee-Ra).
I named my daughter Sapphira 4 yrs ago. We were originally considering Sophia but changed it. I gave her middle names of Rayne Eversong, so she definitely has a unique name and it couldn't fit her personality better. I am so happy with our choice of name. We also pronounce it Sa-FEAR-Ah.
Saphira is a very nice name and it is not so common, and I like uncommon things.
It's sad that Sapphira is a bad character in the Bible. Still, she's not as bad as Jezebel (and her name is much better) and not a lot of people I know have read the Bible. I would use this, with the middle name Domitilla or Domicela.
I think, for the sake of euphony, this name has to be pronounced "suh-FEER-uh". "suh-FIE-ruh" just sounds like you're trying too hard.
So much better than Sapphire, at least with this spelling. Safira is good too. Saphira, however, reminds me of that horrible book Eragon.
I think this is such a pretty name!
Someone told me it sounds like the name of a kicka*s warrior princess haha :)
Probably means beautiful or precious; comes from the Hebrew word sapir, meaning gem or jewel.
Related to the word "sapphire." Sapphires are highly prized gems, most famous for their beautiful vibrant blue variety but also sold in every other color under the name "rainbow sapphire" or "fancy sapphire." These come in all the basic colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, white, black, and grey, as well as many hues and shades such as peach, teal, and magenta. Some sapphires are identified as "star sapphires" because they display a starburst design within them, making them always look as if they were radiating or reflecting light.
The vast majority of people will pronounce it Sa-FEER-uh.
Sapphira Jane Sellheim-Moss, daughter of writer/fashion model Tara Moss
Safira de Wit, beauty pageant champion
Zafira Daima, professional dancer
As-Safirah, Syrian city
Sapphira, character in a Biblical legend
Sapphira, character in Henry Fielding's novel Joseph Andrews
Sapphira Colbert, character in Willa Cather's novel Sapphira and the Slave Girl
Saphira, character from Inheritance Cycle
Very beautiful, soft but strong; nickname Saffy is cute and sassy.
This is the only name I've ever seen on here with an approval rating of higher than 75 percent.
I love this name, it's so pretty and unique.
It's quite a beautiful name. I'd like to use it myself, but Christian fundamentalists will freak out because the biblical Sapphira was killed for lying. I personally don't think it's anywhere near as bad as, say, Jezebel. And I don't worry about it being a "stripper name".
It's a beautiful name. I do like it. I agree completely with slight night shiver: The pronunciation of it is wonderful, but sadly it's a bit of a stripper name.
I think this is a really pretty name. I don't know if I would name my daugher Sapphira, but I like it a lot.
The name has a really cool sound to it, whether you pronounce it as ''sa-FIE-ra'' or ''sa-FEE-ra''. Paradoxically enough, it also sounds like a stripper name, even if an exceptionally cool one. The name sounds so much like a pseudonym, and I have a hard time imagining a person with this as her real name. It's not very conventional, that's for sure.
I like this name, it really sounds terrific. Although, the one thing that keeps me from using it is the fact that it's the name of the dragon from Eragon (well, not exactly, but it's super-close).
I've always pronounced this name sa-FEAR-rah.
There is a novel by Eudora Welty entitled "Sapphira and the Slave Girl".
I got my daughter's name from this name. Hers is Saphara which is pronounced sa-fair-a.
I love this name. I know a girl named Sapphira and we all call her Saph.
In the book Eragon, the main character's blue dragon is named Sapphira.
In Christopher Paolini's books "Eragon" and "Eldest" the dragon's name is Saphira and the name is meant to mean only "Saphire".
I love this name. :-) I find that people can't pronounce it, though. I came across another meaning to Saphira (my spelling of the name): One that weaves or tells a tale.

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