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Reminds me of tequila.
I LOVE this name. My best friend and I wrote a book, and Aquila was the name of one of our female protagonists. We gave her family a "bird" vibe, so all of her family members were named after birds (Aquila, Corvus, Columba, Falco, Strix, Lanius, and Vultur). I think that Aquila is a perfect name for a feisty young girl, but it can also work for a sweet person too. This name is one of my favourites.
Gorgeous. Love how it sounds like Tequila. ❤️.
Aquila means "eagle" in Italian too and there is a city in Abruzzo (a region of Italy) called L'Aquila, I didn't know it was used as a given name.
I prefer Aquila as feminine name. In fact, it is grammatically feminine.If we want to use a masculine form, Aquilino is better. I would avoid it as a masculine form because it would be too close to Attila.It could be a lovely name. It is a pity that it is nearly extinct.
Since National statistics (1999-) Aquila has been used just two years in Italy: in 2004 as feminine name (less than five babies) while in 2010 as masculine name (less than five babies).
Yuck, yuck, yuck!
Could anyone tell me where or when Aquila was used as a feminine name? I want to know because I named a female character in my story Aquila, thinking that because it's grammatically feminine in Latin it'd be used for girls. But Wikipedia only mentions males having this as a first name, so I'm confused...
Strong's Concordance shows that the New Testament name, as written in Greek, is as follows:Ἀκύλας.
Aquila is close to an alcoholic drink. I strongly advice not to use this name- very silly.
Saying the 'qu' as 'kw' is an anglicized mispronunciation of this Latin name. The latinized/romance language pronunciation is uh-KEE-luh. I hope the BTN editors change it on the main Aquila page to return this name to its origins. (ie., you wouldn't pronounce Miguel as "mee-gwel" would you?)
The Classical Latin pronunciation of this name is 'u-KWI-lu', so no, 'uh-KEE-luh' isn't the "latinized/romance language pronunciation". Also, considering that Aquila is originally a Latin name, there is no way to "latinize" it.
This name in Spanish is pronounced uh-KEE-la. I expect that is true for a few other nationalities too.
This name is used in Italy as well.
This is also a constellation in the northern hemisphere.

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