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Ummmm... This spelling of Riley/Rylie looks a little bit too childish for my taste...
Cute spelling, a little childish.
Why is this variant in the top 100 names chart now? Low taste people have these days.
My name is Rylee and I love it. I get complements 24/7 about it. It is unique and I love it. If your toilet sounds like that go buy a new one, or get your ears fixed. I am 13 (as of 2022) and I love it. Y’all are probably adults. I can believe people would say stuff like that. I am a female. But I also have a male friend named Rilee. It sounds amazing and fits both of us. You people are sexist and rude. I was doing research for a project. This is an Irish name. Just an FYI. Please stop being mean.
I think this would be cute for a transgender girl.
It's one of the popular names but is this supposed to be only feminine?
Flabbergasted rn reading these. Bro. At least it's not some basic name like Emma or Emily, or Kate, Rylee is so nice and can have a lot of different meanings to people,,,, ((also not a toilet?))
The name Rylee is difficult to explain how horrid it is. You haters are right, and you know it too. You Rylee lovers... or even worse actually Rylees? You need to go to therapy with your parents as well because who would name their child that? You are a moron. Moron parents make moron kids. Facts, no cap.
Okay. It's one thing to not like a name, it's another to insult the parents/people. Just because you're not a fan of this name, doesn't mean you can hurt people. I know an 19 year old Rylee who is going to Medical School. She's not a moron. I'm personally also not a fan. I love this name with the spelling Riley. If people want to spell their child's name as Rylee, nobody can stop them. With this comment, it makes you look like a moron, no cap.
I like Riley, but Rylee just looks weird and trendy.
Awful spelling of a not so great name!
Rylee Scott is Hillary Scott's sister. Love this name, love the spelling, and yeah. If you hate this name, at least don't compare it to your gosh dang toilet.
I love this version of the name way better then Ryleigh! But yeah I think this version of the name is beautiful.
Everyone who hates the name Rylee get outta here because Rylee is beautiful. My name is Rylee and I think it is beautiful and I am so offended by what everyone has been saying. You should just judge a person on their character not by their name. If don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. #BeProudRylee's #RyleeIsBeautiful.
I love the name Rylee. I fell in love with it when I was pregnant with my first. However my first was a wonderful baby boy who I named Cole. I love surnames and I love unisex names for girls. My name is Jamie and yes in the 80’s I was told that’s not a girl's name but a boy's name. Back then it was more commonly known as a boy's name but now 40 years later it’s more common as a unisex name. The best was when my parents registered me for gymnastics and I ended up in the boys class which was awesome. I loved the rings. My point is Rylee is a new name for a girl, only a few decades old so it hasn’t matured yet. When I hear the name it feels warm and kindhearted and I love that it means “courageous”. Whatever your name is it was picked with love and it’s alright if someone isn’t a fan. It’s their opinion and we all have opinions.
I am appalled by reading some of these comments. I bet some of you guys are adults and you should be ashamed of yourself by some of the stuff you are commenting. I saw one person’s comment saying they wouldn’t hire someone with the name Rylee! Honey, you need Jesus. What if the roles were switched? Huh? You went in for a job and you had all the qualifications they were looking for and more, but they don’t hire you just because they don’t like your name. How would you feel? I bet not very good. My name is Rylee and I was named after both my mom and my biological dad. The name is becoming so much more common than it was back when I was born. You should only judge a person on their character, not by their name. The world needs more kind people. We don’t need more judgement in this world.
I made an account to say this so hopefully it's worth it: my mom named me this because she liked the way the letters felt when written in cursive. Honestly, give it a try, because the downward swoop of the Y contrasts with the upward motion of the L, and then you get to add two loops at the end for E's. It's honestly fun to write haphazardly, with all its sweeping motions. So, for that reason alone, I'll take the sound of a toilet flush. It hasn't been a problem for me so far, I haven't accidentally turned my head because I thought the bathroom was calling my name. But who knows, maybe that'll happen in the near future, I'll have to stay tuned.
Cause Riley definitely wasn’t bad enough...
Won't age properly.
The name Rylee is a wonderful name! To all the people who hate it your name is probably Maddy or Olivia (not unique). Well our names are! All Rylee's have a beautiful and awesome name. So to all those other Rylee's out there your name is amazing! It is NOT misspelled either! So here are some more reasons why I LOVE this name. It is very short and easy to say, and in my opinion, I really don't like the way other Riley's or Rylie's spell it. And our name does NOT sound like a toilet flushing! But if your toilet makes that sound it is saying it over and over again when you flush it, because Rylee is such a good name!
I hope people know that some of these comments are hurtful. ALSO MY NAME DOES NOT SOUND LIKE A TOILET FLUSHING BOI! Okay, I’m done wit dat mess. My name is beautiful and it fits me. I’m glad that I’m not a Kate or an Olivia! My name is unique and my parents were smart to name me Rylee. So stop being a hater when your name ain’t any better sweetheart!
(also, I ain’t lazy and neither were my parents, so stop insulting!)
Okay, sweetheart, I'm sorry you don't like my name but I love it.
You say my name is 'mispelt' what about Juan? Hm? We say it 'wan' but we spell it different so back off the Rylee's-
We are beautiful!
Juan is a name in Spanish (I speak Spanish) and it is pronounced like Huan not Wan. Only Americans say it like Wan so don’t say that spelling is stupid. Yes, it’s rude that people say that your name sounds like the flush of a toilet and I completely disagree with that! It doesn’t. I don’t love the name Rylee but I wouldn’t say something rude like that.
Rylee sounds like the noise my toilet makes when I flush it.
My name is Rylee and I'm a girl, simple. STOP making fun of my name just because it's unique. I LOVE my name and you're over here making fun of it saying it's lazy and misspelled. Well it's not, it's spelled just right thank you very much, it's more feminine and pretty and I love it. BACK OFF people it's a name and it's mine and I love it. My mom loved how it was spelled and that it was different. My brother's name is also spelled differently to its Jaxon instead of Jaxson or Jackson. I love my name and I'm mad that people are out here making fun of it I bet your names are boring like Madison or Kate or common names like that. At least my name is different.
The name Rylee was given to 124 boys in the U.S. in 2017.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Rylee who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1, 215th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens. In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Rylee who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 4, 464th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
Rylee is a beautiful name, this is my favorite spelling for it!
My name is Rylee and I think it is amazing and one of a kind.
Rylee is a girl name. People make fun of me because my name is also a boy name, so stop saying it is not a girl name because it is!
I really prefer classic spellings, and Rylee does not look right with the Lee and the Y in the middle of the name. I also dislike Baylee, Kaylee, and Haylee, and they are spelled similarly. As if Riley on a girl wasn't bad enough, the spelling Reilly is best for a boy, not Rylee.
As a Rylee myself, I am absolutely appalled by these comments saying that this spelling is "lazy" or "immature." My mom's name was actually an alternative spelling name, so she wanted to make mine the same way. I can tell you that having this name does not mean you can't be seen as a mature woman. In fact, I graduated as a Salutatorian and was one of the few actually mature kids in my class. I also find it disgusting that people are bashing other people's choices. What if your name was something super common and generic like Kate or something, and I go make fun of it because of how old it sounds. Exactly. Plus, what if you had a child and they meet a new best friend at school named Rylee? You can't just not let your kid be friends with them or not let them hang out with them at all. A name is a name, and someone else's opinion. Rylee and Riley have the same amount of letters, so how does that make it lazy? You're just trading 2 letters. It's not like saying, "Oh, my kids name is Rylee, it's spelt Ryialininee," or something crazy like that. I, in fact, love my name and am proud to have it.
My name is Rylee and I'm a girl. And I have always been self conscious about my name. I hate meeting new people and telling them my name is Rylee because they immediately say "But isn't that a boy's name?". I also hate when teachers, dentists and doctors take one look at my name and assume I'm a boy. Not only have I been self conscious about my name, I've been curious as to where my name originated from. And I come here to see people complaining about how it's spelt differently. NEWS FLASH, 'Riley' and 'Rylee' still have the same amount of letters. Is it really going to upset you that instead of an "i" there's an extra 'e'? I've only recently come to terms that my name is quite unique for a girl, and I'm still yet to meet a girl with the name Rylee that's spelt the same way. I love my name and I can't believe people like you lot made me ashamed of it. People like you made me convinced when I was older I was gonna change my name to something else. But I don't need to. It's a cool name. And I'm grateful I've been given this name. Oh, and another thing, my parents aren't lazy or illiterate for spelling Rylee this way. My parents wanted me to be different from everybody else. They wanted an unusual name that wasn't something so typical and common like 'Kate', 'Sarah', and 'Elizabeth'. I'm glad I'm different and I don't need anybody to put down me or my name. Rylee is a beautiful name and it's sad that people can't see its originality.
What an ugly, babyish, obnoxious, trendoid misspelling of an already trendy name! This spelling also makes me want to pronounce it Ry-LEE, not RY-lee. Standard spellings are used for a reason, not on a whim!
The name Rylee was given to 173 boys born in the US in 2015.
My name is not Rylee, but my best friend's is. I made this account specifically to address the extremely rude comments about the name Rylee, because I'm frankly disgusted by the amount of comments claiming that this is a misspelled name that conveys ignorance, childishness, and laziness. Those who said the name is too childish for an adult simply didn't consider that "Rylee" brings joy to those who hear it. "Rylee" as an adult gives the feeling of energy and happiness, which is sure to come to my friend in old age. Rylee is a beautiful name that any child would be lucky to have. Calling the parents of a Rylee lazy and illiterate is an invalid argument altogether because "Rylee" and "Riley" have the same number of letters, and the pronunciation perfectly abides by the basic rules of English grammar. As for Ignorance, the Rylee I know is extremely smart, smart (and forgiving) enough to not punch someone in the throat every time they misspell or make fun of her name.
I made this account just to address the rude people talking bad about my name. It's a great name and I'm proud and happy to have it. You people obviously have no lives to be so foul. Rylee is a versatile name and is spelled different ways and this happens to be one of them. What if I went and dissed all of your names? It's not okay.
I can't believe people actually name their children these tacky names. If I was interviewing someone for a job with this name, I would immediately decline them the offer.
I like this spelling of the name as I think it looks more feminine than Riley. I do not care that it does not sound any different. I care that it looks different. Aaron and Erin both sound the same. They are just spelled differently. This spelling is more commonly used on girls, so most people in the US would assume the person was a female. Names mature as people mature. When most people picture a Jennifer, they imagine a woman in her 30's or 40's. They do not picture an 80 year old woman; however, some day those women in their 30's and 40's will be 80 year old women. The same is true for the teenage Rylee's.
Riley is a boy name, plain and simple. It has only become a feminine name in recent years, coinciding with the trend of giving masculine names like Aubrey and Madison to females. Spelling Riley 'Rylee', no matter how many y's and e's you add, is not going to make it sound any more feminine. It may look 'kutyr' and 'gurlyerr', but it all sounds the same, and although it ends in -ey, Riley sounds strictly masculine to me. It's all the same when spoken aloud, and when you call out Rylee at the park, all the male and female Riley's Reilly's rylie's, rhylee's, ryleigh's, and Rylee's will turn around.
I love the name Rylee, it's now one of my favorite names. It is actually quite pretty and girly but it would suit a tomboy at the same time it's cute for a kid and a teen. Not so sure for an adult though but if you use a classy elegant middle name then you can't go wrong.
I love the name Rylee. Is it so wrong to be different? Rylee for a girl is pretty. People need to get over the spelling thing. Spell it how ever you want. Saying it's lazy is like people naming their children Abby or Lexy instead of the long form, is lazy also. People like what they like.
And by that logic you can spell any word how you please. Grow up. If everyone was like you weed bie spelin lyke dis. Illiteracy, I hate it!Rylee is ugly and very very lazy. A weak attempt at making this tired surname look a bit more fresh only it comes off like cheap clothing with rhinestones.
Don't simplify etymology like that. It makes you sound dense. Rylee is lazy. I love the declaration by many a parent that is this the feminine spelling. With that logic in mind, Butchyrr is now the feminine version of Butcher.
Okay, now I would like to take the time out to say that I don't believe there is any 'right' way to spell YOUR child's name. That's totally up to you. And I don't think it's right for anyone else to bash the way someone chose to do so. I understand you are exercising your right to freedom of speech, but where does it say the 'right' way to spell a name? If the first person who ever had this named spelled it like this, you would all be arguing about how it's not spelled 'Rylee', right? So there is not a 'right' way.
This spelling is going to look very girly and immature on a middle-aged woman. The name isn't pretty to begin with. Riley should be used for boys only, as it simply doesn't sound very sophisticated and mature on women, and that's what even cute tomboys and indie rocker teen girls will be, and the young adult ones of this kind will be older. Not that this name has any edge for them either, as this is overused.
As if Riley wasn't bad enough.
This spelling is also now becoming popular for boys. (*gagging*)
What an absolute arse of a spelling!
Three words: learn to spell!I cannot stand these misspelled (and mangled) surnames used as given names. Someone needs to take a respect for language course.
Another misspelled surname. *massive yawn*
I think girls, boys and dogs should proud to have the name.

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