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A LOT of people I know in Hong Kong have the name Anson. I even know a girl who is called Anson. No idea why.
Anscyn, yes I can see that as a cool hip name. Cool! :)
Un-SON in Russian.
Anson Mount, an American actor (b. 1973).
The name Anson was given to 302 boys born in the US in 2016.
Strange name. Sounds like 'ants in.'
There is a town in Texas called Anson.
I like this one for the same reasons I like "Anselm" -- it sounds like "handsome" and makes me think of angels.
Novelist Robert Anson Heinlein (1907-1988) is a famous bearer. The four-time Hugo award winner was among the first authors of bestselling novel-length science fiction in the modern mass-market era.
My friends, Cynthia and Andy are thinking about baby names, and came up with an OK-sounding combination of their names - Ancyn, pronounced like Anson. Ancyn becoming the next hip form Anson? I could see it.

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