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10/13/2020, 10:12 AM JJB McC
10/13/2020, 9:54 AM anonymous

Name Korechika
Gender Masculine
Scripts 伊周(Japanese Kanji)
Pronounced Pron. KO-LE-CHI-KA
Edit Status Statusnot set

Meaning & History

Name that was given during the Hēan Period, to a Japanese Nobel, "藤原 伊周" FUJIWARANOKORECHIKA, married to "源重光の娘" the Daughter of MINAMOTONOSHIGEMITSU a Counselor of the First Rank Imperial Court of Japan. The Kanji Character "伊" meaning "He/She", etc, and with the Kanji Character "周" meaning "Whole Lap of Circle" or "Lap of Perimeter". See also TAKAIE, TĒSHI.
Added 10/13/2020 by anonymous