Submitted Name Revision History

loadingDate    Editor    Change Summary
5/7/2024, 10:16 AM onomabot
10/25/2023, 1:06 PM StingyKingPro
2/14/2017, 3:46 PM SeaHorse15
2/14/2017, 3:40 PM SeaHorse15
1/22/2012, 11:28 PM SeaHorse15
9/3/2011, 8:16 PM SeaHorse15
9/2/2011, 2:49 PM SeaHorse15
9/2/2011, 1:42 PM SeaHorse15

Name Arcade
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Pronounced Pron. /aʁ.kad/(French)
Edit Status Status3. usages AND description are verified

Meaning & History

French masculine and feminine form of Arcadius.

It appears in the 13th-century Post-Vulgate Suite du Merlin belonging to a female character, the maiden loved by Pelleas. Thomas Malory renamed the character Ettard (possibly a corruption of Arcade) in his 15th-century compilation Le Morte d'Arthur, and used the name Archade for a knight who was slain by Palamedes while trying to avenge his brother's death.
Added 9/2/2011 by SeaHorse15