Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Pronounced Pron. SEE-nə(West Frisian)  [key]
Other Forms FormsSiene, Sieno, Sinne, Sinno, Syne, Syno

Meaning & History

Short form of Germanic given names that contain the element sinths meaning "way, path", such as Chlodosind, Rudesind (see Rosendo) and Sindbald. But in the case of female bearers, the name can also be a short form of any name that ends in -sine, such as Gesine and Jensine.
Added 10/21/2015 by Lucille
Edited 5/27/2023 by Beautiful Victory

See Also

Síne, Sìne, and user submission Şine