Gender Masculine
Scripts Լեո(Armenian)
Pronounced Pron. /ˈleː.o/(German, Danish) /ˈleː.oː/(Dutch) /ˈle.o/(Finnish) /ˈliː.oʊ/(English)  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

Derived from Latin leo meaning "lion", a cognate of Leon. It was popular among early Christians and was the name of 13 popes, including Saint Leo the Great who asserted the dominance of the Roman bishops (the popes) over all others in the 5th century. It was also borne by six Byzantine emperors and five Armenian kings. Another famous bearer was the Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), name spelled Лев in Russian, whose works include War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Leo is also a constellation and the fifth sign of the zodiac.

In some cases this name can be a short form of longer names that start with Leo, such as Leonard.

Related Names

VariantsLio(German) Lio(Dutch)
Feminine FormLeola(English)
Other Languages & CulturesLeon, Leontios, Leontius(Ancient Greek) Lionel(Arthurian Cycle) Leoš(Czech) Léo, Léon, Léonce, Léonel, Lionel(French) Levan(Georgian) Leon(Greek) Leone, Leonzio(Italian) Leons(Latvian) Leontes(Literature) Leonas(Lithuanian) Leon, Lew(Polish) Leão, Leonel(Portuguese) Leonti, Leontiy, Leonty, Lev, Lyov(Russian) Leon(Slovene) León, Leoncio, Leonel(Spanish) Lev(Ukrainian) Leib(Yiddish)
Same SpellingLéo 1, Léo 2
User SubmissionsLéo, Lèo, Leó


People think this name is

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Name Days

Austria: April 19
Austria: June 12
Austria: November 10
Croatia: July 17
Denmark: April 11
Estonia: June 28
Finland: June 28
Germany: November 10
Hungary: April 11 (as Leó)
Latvia: November 6
Norway: June 28
Sweden: June 28


Depiction of Saint Leo the Great by Bernardino CampiDepiction of Saint Leo the Great by Bernardino Campi


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Entry updated December 1, 2024