Late Roman Names

Late Roman names were used in the early Christian Roman Empire. They formed after Ancient Roman names.
Abundius m Late Roman
From Latin abundus meaning "abundant, plentiful". This was the name of several early saints, including a 5th-century bishop of Como.
Adeodatus m Late Roman
Latin name meaning "given by God". This was the name of a son of Saint Augustine and two popes (who are also known by the related name Deusdedit).
Aegidius m Late Roman
Original Latin form of Giles.
Afra 1 f Late Roman, Italian
Originally used by the Romans as a nickname for a woman from Africa. This was the name of two early saints.
Alphius m Late Roman
Meaning unknown, possibly a variant of Alphaeus, or possibly from an Umbrian root meaning "white". This was the name of a 3rd-century saint who was martyred in Sicily.
Amabilia f Late Roman
Feminine form of Amabilis.
Amabilis m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "lovable". Saint Amabilis was a 5th-century priest in Riom, central France.
Amadeus m Late Roman
Means "love of God", derived from Latin amare "to love" and Deus "God". A famous bearer was the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), who was actually born Wolfgang Theophilus Mozart but preferred the Latin translation of his Greek middle name. This name was also assumed as a middle name by the German novelist E. T. A. Hoffmann (1776-1822), who took it in honour of Mozart.
Amanda f English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Hungarian, Latvian, Late Roman
In part this is a feminine form of Amandus. However, it was not used during the Middle Ages. In the 17th century it was recreated by authors and poets who based it directly on Latin amanda meaning "lovable, worthy of love". Notably, the playwright Colley Cibber used it for a character in his play Love's Last Shift (1696). It came into regular use during the 19th century.
Amandus m Late Roman
Derived from Latin amanda meaning "lovable, worthy of love". Saint Amandus was a 5th-century bishop of Bordeaux. It was also borne by a 7th-century French saint who evangelized in Flanders.
Amantius m Late Roman
Means "loving" in Latin. This was the name of several early saints. It has sometimes been confused with the name Amandus.
Amata f Late Roman
Feminine form of Amatus.
Amator m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "lover (of God)". Saint Amator was a 5th-century bishop of Auxerre.
Amatus m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "beloved". The 7th-century Saint Amatus was the first abbot of Remiremont Abbey.
Amor m & f Roman Mythology, Late Roman, Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Rare)
Means "love" in Latin. This was another name for the Roman god Cupid. It also means "love" in Spanish and Portuguese, and as a feminine name it can be derived directly from this vocabulary word.
Andeolus m Late Roman
Meaning unknown. This was the name of a saint who was martyred in southern Gaul (at the town now known as Bourg-Saint-Andéol) in 3rd century.
Angela f English, Italian, German, Dutch, Romanian, Slovene, Slovak, Russian, Macedonian, Greek, Late Roman
Feminine form of Angelus (see Angel). As an English name, it came into use in the 18th century. A notable bearer is the former German chancellor Angela Merkel (1954-).
Angelus m Late Roman
Latin form of Angel.
Aurea f Late Roman
Late Latin name that was derived from aureus "golden". This was the name of a 3rd-century saint from Ostia (near Rome), as well as an 11th-century Spanish saint.
Baptista m Late Roman
Latin form of Baptiste.
Barbara f English, Italian, French, German, Polish, Hungarian, Slovene, Croatian, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Late Roman
Derived from Greek βάρβαρος (barbaros) meaning "foreign, non-Greek". According to legend, Saint Barbara was a young woman killed by her father Dioscorus, who was then killed by a bolt of lightning. She is the patron of architects, geologists, stonemasons and artillerymen. Because of her renown, the name came into general use in the Christian world in the Middle Ages. In England it became rare after the Protestant Reformation, but it was revived in the 19th century.
Beata f Polish, German, Swedish, Danish, Late Roman
Derived from Latin beatus meaning "blessed". This was the name of a few minor saints.
Beatrix f German, Hungarian, Dutch, English, Late Roman
Probably from Viatrix, a feminine form of the Late Latin name Viator meaning "voyager, traveller". It was a common name amongst early Christians, and the spelling was altered by association with Latin beatus "blessed, happy". Viatrix or Beatrix was a 4th-century saint who was strangled to death during the persecutions of Diocletian.... [more]
Beatus m Late Roman
Masculine form of Beata. According to legend, Saint Beatus was ordained a priest by Saint Peter and evangelized in Switzerland. Another saint by this name was an 8th-century Asturian theologian.
Benedicta f Late Roman, Spanish
Feminine form of Benedictus (see Benedict).
Benedictus m Late Roman, Dutch (Rare)
Original Latin form of Benedict. This is also the official Dutch form, used on birth certificates but not typically in daily life.
Benignus m Late Roman
Late Latin form of Benigno.
Bibiana f Spanish, Italian, Late Roman
Possibly an early variant of Viviana. Alternatively, it may be a feminine derivative of the earlier Roman cognomen Vibianus.
Bonitus m Late Roman
Derived from a diminutive of Latin bonus meaning "good". This was the name of a 7th-century century saint, a bishop of Auvergne.
Caelestinus m Late Roman
Late Latin name, a derivative of Caelestis. This name was borne by five popes (usually spelled Celestine in English).
Caelestis m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "of the sky, heavenly", a derivative of Latin caelum "heaven, sky".
Caelestius m Late Roman
Variant of Caelestis. This was the name of a noted follower of the Christian heretic Pelagius.
Caesarius m Late Roman
Late Latin name that was derived from Caesar. Saint Caesarius was a 6th-century bishop of Arles.
Caietanus m Late Roman
Latin form of Gaetano.
Calixtus m Late Roman
Variant of Callistus, the spelling perhaps influenced by Latin calix "wine cup". This was the name of three popes (also known as Callistus).
Callistus m Late Roman
Late Latin name that was derived from the Greek name Κάλλιστος (Kallistos) meaning "most beautiful". This was the name of three popes (also known as Callixtus), including the 3rd-century Callistus I who is regarded as a saint.
Callixtus m Late Roman
Variant of Callistus, the spelling perhaps influenced by Latin calix "wine cup". This was the name of three popes (also known as Callistus).
Calogerus m Late Roman
Latin form of Calogero.
Candida f Late Roman, English
Late Latin name derived from candidus meaning "white". This was the name of several early saints, including a woman supposedly healed by Saint Peter. As an English name, it came into use after George Bernard Shaw's play Candida (1898).
Candidus m Late Roman
Masculine form of Candida. This name was borne by a few early saints and martyrs.
Carina 1 f English, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Late Roman
Late Latin name derived from cara meaning "dear, beloved". This was the name of a 4th-century saint and martyr. It is also the name of a constellation in the southern sky, though in this case it means "keel" in Latin, referring to a part of Jason's ship the Argo.
Catellus m Late Roman
Probably from Latin catulus meaning "young dog, puppy". Saint Catellus was a 9th-century bishop of Castellammare, Italy.
Christiana f English, Late Roman
Latin feminine form of Christian.
Clara f German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, Catalan, Romanian, English, Swedish, Danish, Late Roman
Feminine form of the Late Latin name Clarus, which meant "clear, bright, famous". The name Clarus was borne by a few early saints. The feminine form was popularized by the 13th-century Saint Clare of Assisi (called Chiara in Italian), a friend and follower of Saint Francis, who left her wealthy family to found the order of nuns known as the Poor Clares.... [more]
Claritia f Late Roman
Possibly a derivative of Clara.
Clarus m Late Roman
Masculine Latin form of Clara. This was the name of several early saints.
Clemens m German, Dutch, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Late Roman
Original Latin form of Clement, as well as the German, Dutch and Scandinavian form.
Clementia f Late Roman, Roman Mythology
Feminine form of Clemens or Clementius (see Clement). In Roman mythology this was the name of the personification of mercy and clemency.
Clementius m Late Roman
Derivative of Clemens (see Clement).
Climacus m Late Roman
Latin form of Clímaco.
Columba m & f Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "dove". The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit in Christianity. This was the name of several early saints both masculine and feminine, most notably the 6th-century Irish monk Saint Columba (or Colum) who established a monastery on the island of Iona off the coast of Scotland. He is credited with the conversion of Scotland to Christianity.
Columbanus m Late Roman
This name can be viewed as a derivative of Columba or a Latinized form of Columbán, both derivations being approximately equivalent. This is the name of Saint Columbán in Latin sources.
Constans m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "constant, steadfast". This was the name of a 4th-century Roman emperor, a son of Constantine the Great.
Constantia f Late Roman
Feminine form of the Late Latin name Constantius, which was itself derived from Constans.
Constantina f Late Roman, Romanian
Feminine form of Constantinus (see Constantine).
Constantius m Late Roman
Late Latin name that was a derivative of Constans.
Corona f Late Roman, Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Means "crown" in Latin, as well as Italian and Spanish. This was the name of a 2nd-century saint who was martyred with her companion Victor.
Crescens m Late Roman, Biblical Latin
Latin name that was derived from crescere "to grow". This name is mentioned briefly in one of Paul's epistles in the New Testament.
Crescentia f German (Rare), Late Roman
Feminine form of Crescentius. Saint Crescentia was a 4th-century companion of Saint Vitus. This is also the name of the eponymous heroine of a 12th-century German romance.
Crescentius m Late Roman
Latin name that was a derivative of the name Crescens. This was the name of a few early saints, including a child martyred in Rome during the persecutions of Emperor Diocletian in the early 4th century.
Cyriaca f Late Roman
Feminine form of Cyriacus.
Cyriacus m Late Roman
Latinized form of the Greek name Κυριακός (Kyriakos), which meant "of the lord" (derived from Greek κύριος (kyrios) meaning "lord"). This was the name of a few early saints.
Daria f Italian, Polish, Romanian, English, Croatian, Russian, Late Roman
Feminine form of Darius. Saint Daria was a 3rd-century woman who was martyred with her husband Chrysanthus under the Roman emperor Numerian. It has never been a particularly common English given name. As a Russian name, it is more commonly transcribed Darya.
Delphina f Late Roman
Feminine form of the Latin name Delphinus, which meant "of Delphi". Delphi was a city in ancient Greece, the name of which is possibly related to Greek δελφύς (delphys) meaning "womb". The Blessed Delphina was a 14th-century Provençal nun.
Delphinus m Late Roman
Masculine form of Delphina. Saint Delphinus was a 4th-century bishop of Bordeaux.
Deodatus m Late Roman
Variant of Adeodatus or Deusdedit. This name was borne by several saints.
Desiderata f Late Roman
Feminine form of Desideratus.
Desideratus m Late Roman
Derived from Latin desideratum meaning "desired". This was the name of a 6th-century French saint.
Desideria f Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Late Roman
Feminine form of Desiderio. This was the Latin name of a 19th-century queen of Sweden, the wife of Karl XIV. She was born in France with the name Désirée.
Desiderius m Late Roman
Derived from Latin desiderium meaning "longing, desire". It was the name of several early saints. It was also borne in the 8th century by the last king of the Lombard Kingdom.
Deusdedit m Late Roman
Latin name meaning "God has given". This was the name of two popes (who are also known by the related name Adeodatus). This is a Latin translation of Theodore.
Dominicus m Late Roman, Dutch (Rare)
Original Latin form of Dominic. This is also the official Dutch form, used on birth certificates but not typically in daily life.
Domna f Late Roman, Greek
Feminine form of Domnus. Saint Domna of Nicomedia was martyred during the persecutions of the early 4th century. However, in the case of Julia Domna, the Syrian wife of the Roman emperor Septimius Severus, it seems her name was actually of Semitic origin.
Domnina f Late Roman
Feminine form of Domninus. This was the name of a few early saints and martyrs.
Domninus m Late Roman
Latin name that was a derivative of Domnus. This name was borne by several early saints, including the 4th-century martyr Domninus of Fidenza.
Domnius m Late Roman
Latin name that was a derivative of Domnus. Saint Domnius was a bishop of Split in Croatia who was martyred during the persecutions of Diocletian in the early 4th century.
Domnus m Late Roman
From Vulgar Latin domnus, from Latin dominus meaning "lord, master". This name was borne by the 6th-century saint Domnus of Vienne (also called Domninus).
Donata f Italian, Polish, Lithuanian, Late Roman
Feminine form of Donatus (see Donato).
Donatianus m Late Roman
Derivative of Donatus (see Donato). This was the name of a few early saints.
Donatus m Late Roman
Latin form of Donato.
Dorotheus m Late Roman
Latinized form of Dorotheos.
Durans m Late Roman
Original Latin form of Durante.
Eligius m Late Roman
Late Latin name derived from Latin eligere "to choose". The 7th-century Saint Eligius is the patron saint of metalworkers.
Emerentius m Late Roman
Derived from Latin emereo meaning "to fully deserve".
Emeterius m Late Roman
Meaning uncertain, possibly of Greek origin. Saint Emeterius was a 3rd-century Roman soldier who was martyred with Celedonius.
Emygdius m Late Roman
Latin form of Emidio.
Ephesius m Late Roman
Latin form of Efisio.
Eustachius m Late Roman
Possibly from the Greek name Eustachys, or from the same elements. This (or Eustathius) is the Latin name of Saint Eustace.
Facundus m Late Roman
Latin form of Facundo.
Febronia f Late Roman
Possibly from Februa, a Roman purification festival that was held during the month of February (and which gave the month its name). The festival was derived from Latin februum meaning "purging, purification". This name was borne by Saint Febronia of Nisibis, a 4th-century martyr.
Felicia f English, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Dutch, Swedish, Late Roman
Feminine form of the Latin name Felicius, a derivative of Felix. As an English name, it has occasionally been used since the Middle Ages.
Felician m Romanian, Late Roman (Anglicized)
Romanian form of Felicianus (see Feliciano), as well as the usual English spelling of the saints' names.
Feliciana f Spanish, Italian, Late Roman
Feminine form of Felicianus (see Feliciano).
Felicianus m Late Roman
Original Latin form of Feliciano.
Felicitas f Late Roman, Roman Mythology, German, Spanish
Latin name meaning "good luck, fortune". In Roman mythology the goddess Felicitas was the personification of good luck. It was borne by a 3rd-century saint, a slave martyred with her master Perpetua in Carthage.
Felicius m Late Roman
Masculine form of Felicia. This was the name of a 4th-century saint, a companion of Saint Castor of Karden.
Felina f Late Roman
Feminine form of Felinus.
Felinus m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "cat-like". This was the name of a possibly legendary saint who was martyred with Gratian in the 3rd century.
Fidelis m Late Roman
Original form of Fidel.
Firmina f Late Roman, Portuguese
Feminine form of Firminus (see Firmin). Saint Firmina was a 3rd-century saint and martyr from Amelia or Civitavecchia in Italy.
Firminus m Late Roman
Latin form of Firmin.
Florentia f Late Roman
Original feminine form of Florence.
Florentinus m Late Roman
Latin name that was a derivative of Florentius (see Florence).
Florentius m Late Roman
Original masculine form of Florence.
Florinus m Late Roman
Latin name that was a derivative of Florus. This was the name of a 9th-century Swiss saint.
Francisca f Spanish, Portuguese, Late Roman
Spanish and Portuguese feminine form of Franciscus (see Francis).
Franciscus m Late Roman, Dutch
Latin form of Francis. This is also the official Dutch form, used on birth certificates but typically rendered Frans in daily life.
Frigidianus m Late Roman
Original Latin form of Frediano.
Fructuosus m Late Roman
Derived from Latin fructuosus meaning "fruitful, productive", from fructus meaning "enjoyment, product, fruit". Saint Fructuosus was a 3rd-century bishop of Tarragona and a martyr under the Roman emperor Valerian. Another saint by this name was a 7th-century archbishop of Braga.
Gabinus m Late Roman
Latin form of Gavino.
Generosa f Late Roman, Spanish (Rare)
Feminine form of Generosus. This name was borne by Generosa of Scillium, a martyr and saint from the 2nd century.
Generosus m Late Roman
Derived from Latin generosus meaning "well-born, noble, excellent", from genus meaning "birth, origin". This name was borne by a few early saints, including a 4th-century martyr from Ortona dei Marsi in Italy.
Genesius m Late Roman
From Greek γένεσις (genesis) meaning "birth, origin". This was the name of various early Christian saints, notably Genesius of Rome, the patron saint of actors.
Gereon m German, Late Roman
Possibly derived from Greek γέρων (geron) meaning "old man, elder". This was the name of a saint martyred in Cologne in the 4th century.
Gerontius m Late Roman
From a Late Latin name that was derived from Greek γέρων (geron) meaning "old man".
Honorata f Late Roman, Polish
Feminine form of Honoratus.
Honoratus m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "esteemed, distinguished". This was the name of at least seven saints, including a 5th-century archbishop of Arles and a 6th-century bishop of Amiens who is the patron saint of bakers.
Honoria f Late Roman
Feminine form of Honorius. This name was borne by the sister of the Western Roman emperor Valentinian III. After her brother had her engaged to a man she did not like, she wrote to Attila the Hun asking for help. Attila interpreted this as a marriage proposal and subsequently invaded.
Honorina f Late Roman
Feminine form of Honorinus.
Honorinus m Late Roman
Late Latin name that was a derivative of Honorius.
Honorius m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "honour, esteem, dignity". This was the name of an emperor of the Western Roman Empire. It was also borne by a few early saints and four popes.
Iacomus m Late Roman
Late Latin form of James.
Ieronimus m Late Roman
Medieval Latin form of Jerome.
Ignatia f Late Roman
Feminine form of Ignatius.
Ignatius m Late Roman
From the Roman family name Egnatius, meaning unknown, of Etruscan origin. The spelling was later altered to resemble Latin ignis "fire". This was the name of several saints, including the third bishop of Antioch who was thrown to wild beasts by Emperor Trajan, and by Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), founder of the Jesuits, whose real birth name was in fact Íñigo.
Illuminata f Late Roman
Means "illuminated, brightened, filled with light" in Latin. This name was borne by a 4th-century saint from Todi, Italy.
Iordanes m Late Roman
Latin form of Jordanes.
Iordanus m Late Roman
Latin form of Jordan.
Iosephus m Late Roman
Latin form of Joseph.
Isaura f Portuguese, Spanish, Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "from Isauria". Isauria was the name of a region in Asia Minor.
Isaurus m Late Roman
Masculine form of Isaura. This was the name of an early saint who was martyred in Macedon.
Iucunda f Late Roman
Latin form of Gioconda.
Iusta f Late Roman
Latin form of Justa.
Iustina f Late Roman
Feminine form of Iustinus (see Justin).
Iustinus m Late Roman
Latin form of Justin.
Iustus m Late Roman
Latin form of Justus.
Jacobus m Dutch, Late Roman
Latin form of Jacob, also used in Dutch.
Joannes m Late Roman
Latin variant of Johannes.
Johanna f German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Hungarian, Finnish, Estonian, English, Late Roman
Latinate form of Greek Ioanna (see Joanna).
Johannes m German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian, Late Roman
Latin form of Greek Ioannes (see John). Notable bearers include the inventor of the printing press Johannes Gutenberg (1398-1468), astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), painter Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675), and composer Johannes Brahms (1833-1897).
Jordanes m Late Roman
The name of a 6th-century Roman author of Gothic background, who wrote a history of the Goths. His name is probably derived from that of the Jordan River. However, some theories suggest that it could contain a trace of the Germanic root *erþō meaning "earth" (Gothic airþa, Old Norse jǫrð).
Justa f Late Roman, Spanish
Feminine form of Justus. This was the name of a few early saints.
Justina f English, Spanish, Portuguese, Slovene, Lithuanian, Late Roman
From Latin Iustina, the feminine form of Iustinus (see Justin). This name was borne by several early saints and martyrs.
Justus m German, Dutch, Finnish, Late Roman
Latin name meaning "just". This name was borne by at least eight saints.
Katerina f Macedonian, Albanian, Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Late Roman
Macedonian and Albanian form of Katherine, a Russian short form of Yekaterina, a Bulgarian short form of Ekaterina, and a Greek variant of Aikaterine.
Laetitia f Late Roman, French
Original Latin form of Letitia, as well as a French variant. This name began rising in popularity in France around the same time that Serge Gainsbourg released his 1963 song Elaeudanla Téïtéïa (this title is a phonetic rendering of the letters in the name Lætitia). It peaked in 1982 as the fourth most common name for girls.
Laura f English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Catalan, French, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Polish, Slovene, Croatian, Czech, Slovak, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German, Dutch, Lithuanian, Latvian, Late Roman
Feminine form of the Late Latin name Laurus, which meant "laurel". This meaning was favourable, since in ancient Rome the leaves of laurel trees were used to create victors' garlands. The name was borne by the 9th-century Spanish martyr Saint Laura, who was a nun thrown into a vat of molten lead by the Moors. It was also the name of the subject of poems by the 14th-century Italian poet Petrarch.... [more]
Lauriana f Late Roman
Feminine form of Laurianus.
Laurianus m Late Roman
Roman name that was derived from Laurus. This was the name of a 6th-century saint, a bishop of Seville, who was martyred by the Arian Ostrogoths.
Laurus m Late Roman
Original masculine form of Laura. It was borne by a 2nd-century saint and martyr from Illyricum.
Leo m German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian, English, Croatian, Armenian, Late Roman
Derived from Latin leo meaning "lion", a cognate of Leon. It was popular among early Christians and was the name of 13 popes, including Saint Leo the Great who asserted the dominance of the Roman bishops (the popes) over all others in the 5th century. It was also borne by six Byzantine emperors and five Armenian kings. Another famous bearer was the Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), name spelled Лев in Russian, whose works include War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Leo is also a constellation and the fifth sign of the zodiac.
Leocadia f Spanish, Late Roman
Late Latin name that might be derived from the name of the Greek island of Leucadia or from Greek λευκός (leukos) meaning "bright, clear, white" (which is also the root of the island's name). Saint Leocadia was a 3rd-century martyr from Spain.
Leocadius m Late Roman
Masculine form of Leocadia.
Leonia f Late Roman
Feminine form of Leonius.
Leonius m Late Roman
Late Latin name that was derived from Leo.
Liberata f Late Roman
Feminine form of Liberatus. This was the name of a few early saints, including the patron of Pizzone, Italy.
Liberatus m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "freed, released". This name was borne by a 3rd-century saint and martyr.
Liberia f Late Roman
Feminine form of Liberius.
Liberius m Late Roman
Late Latin name that was derived from Latin liber "free". This name was borne by a 2nd-century saint and a 4th-century pope.
Liborius m Late Roman
Possibly a variant of Liberius, or possibly a Latinized form of a Gaulish name. Saint Liborius was a 4th-century bishop of Le Mans.
Magnus m Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "great". It was borne by a 7th-century saint who was a missionary in Germany. It became popular in Scandinavia after the time of the 11th-century Norwegian king Magnus I, who was said to have been named after Charlemagne, or Carolus Magnus in Latin (however there was also a Norse name Magni). The name was borne by six subsequent kings of Norway as well as three kings of Sweden. It was imported to Scotland and Ireland during the Middle Ages.
Margarita f Spanish, Russian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Greek, Albanian, Late Roman
Latinate form of Margaret. This is also the Spanish word for the daisy flower (species Bellis perennis, Leucanthemum vulgare and others).
Matrona 1 f Russian (Rare), Late Roman
Means "lady" in Late Latin, a derivative of Latin mater "mother". This was the name of three early saints.
Mauritius m Late Roman
Latin form of Maurice.
Maurus m Late Roman
Latin name meaning "North African, Moorish", of Greek origin. This was the name of numerous early saints, most notably a follower of Saint Benedict.
Melania f Italian, Spanish, Polish, Romanian, Late Roman
Italian, Spanish, Polish and Romanian form of Melanie.
Modesta f Spanish, Late Roman
Feminine form of Modestus.
Modestus m Late Roman
Means "moderate, restrained" in Late Latin. This was the name of several saints.
Monica f English, Italian, Romanian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Late Roman
Meaning unknown, most likely of Berber or Phoenician origin. In the 4th century this name was borne by a North African saint, the mother of Saint Augustine of Hippo, whom she converted to Christianity. Since the Middle Ages it has been associated with Latin moneo "advisor" and Greek μονός (monos) "one, single".... [more]
Morandus m Late Roman
Medieval Latin name of uncertain meaning. It could be derived from a Germanic name. Alternatively it might be from Latin demorandus meaning "lasting, staying" or Maurus meaning "North African, Moorish".
Narcissa f Late Roman
Feminine form of Narcissus.
Narcissus m Greek Mythology (Latinized), Late Roman, Biblical
Latinized form of Greek Νάρκισσος (Narkissos), possibly derived from νάρκη (narke) meaning "sleep, numbness". Narkissos was a beautiful youth in Greek mythology who stared at his own reflection for so long that he eventually died and was turned into the narcissus flower.... [more]
Natalius m Late Roman
Masculine form of Natalia (see Natalie).
Nazarius m Late Roman
Latin name meaning "from Nazareth". Nazareth was the town in Galilee where Jesus lived. This name was borne by several early saints, including a man martyred with Celsus in Milan.
Oliva f Late Roman, Spanish, Italian
Late Latin name meaning "olive". This was the name of a 2nd-century saint from Brescia.
Onuphrius m Egyptian Mythology (Latinized), Late Roman
Latinized form of Greek Ὀνούφριος (Onouphrios), derived from Egyptian wnn-nfr meaning "he who is good, he who is happy". This was an epithet of the god Osiris. It was later used by an Egyptian saint and hermit from the 4th or 5th century.
Paschalis m Late Roman, Greek
Latin and Greek form of Pascal.
Pastor m Spanish, Late Roman
From a Late Latin name meaning "shepherd". This was the name of at least three saints.
Patricia f English, Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Late Roman
Feminine form of Patricius (see Patrick). In medieval England this spelling appears in Latin documents, but this form was probably not used as the actual name until the 18th century, in Scotland.
Patricius m Late Roman
Original Latin form of Patrick.
Perpetua f Spanish, Late Roman
Derived from Latin perpetuus meaning "continuous". This was the name of a 3rd-century saint martyred with another woman named Felicity.
Petronilla f Italian, Late Roman
From a Latin name, a diminutive of Petronia, the feminine form of Petronius. This was the name of an obscure 1st-century Roman saint, later believed to be a daughter of Saint Peter.
Pius m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "pious, dutiful". This was the name of twelve popes.
Placida f Late Roman, Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Placidus (see Placido).
Placidus m Late Roman
Latin form of Placido.
Primitiva f Spanish, Late Roman
Feminine form of Primitivus. Saint Primitiva was an early martyr from Rome.
Primitivus m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "first formed". Saint Primitivus was a 3rd-century Spanish martyr.
Primus m Late Roman
Original Latin form of Primo.
Prosperus m Late Roman
Latin form of Prosper.
Prudentia f Late Roman
Feminine form of Prudentius.
Prudentius m Late Roman
Late Latin name derived from prudens "prudent, wise, skilled". This was the name of a 9th-century bishop of Troyes. He is considered a local saint there.
Quirina f Late Roman
Feminine form of Quirinus.
Quirinus m Roman Mythology, Late Roman
Possibly derived from the Sabine word quiris meaning "spear". Quirinus was a Sabine and Roman god, sometimes identified with Romulus. He declined in importance after the early Republican era. The name was also borne by several early saints.
Quiteria f Spanish (Rare), Late Roman
Meaning uncertain, possibly a form of Kythereia. Saint Quiteria was a semi-legendary 2nd-century Iberian martyr.
Regina f English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Late Roman
Means "queen" in Latin (or Italian). It was in use as a Christian name from early times, and was borne by a 2nd-century saint. In England it was used during the Middle Ages in honour of the Virgin Mary, and it was later revived in the 19th century. A city in Canada bears this name, in honour of Queen Victoria.
Regula f German (Swiss), Late Roman
Means "rule" in Latin. This was the name of a 3rd-century Swiss martyr, the patron saint of Zurich.
Remigius m Late Roman
Latin form of Rémy.
Renatus m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "born again".
Rogatus m Late Roman
From Latin rogatus meaning "request, entreaty", in turn derived from rogo meaning "to ask, to request". This name was borne by several early and relatively obscure martyrs and saints.
Romaeus m Late Roman
Latin form of Romeo.
Romana f Italian, Polish, Slovene, Croatian, Czech, Slovak, Late Roman
Feminine form of Romanus (see Roman).
Romanus m Late Roman
Latin form of Roman.
Rosalia f Italian, Late Roman
Late Latin name derived from rosa "rose". This was the name of a 12th-century Sicilian saint.
Sabellius m Late Roman
Latin form of Saveliy.
Salvator m Late Roman
Latin form of Salvador.
Salvatrix f Late Roman
Feminine form of Salvator.
Sanctius m Late Roman
Latin form of Sancho.
Scholastica f Late Roman
From a Late Latin name that was derived from scholasticus meaning "rhetorician, orator". Saint Scholastica was a 6th-century Benedictine abbess, the sister of Saint Benedict of Nursia.
Seraphina f English (Rare), German (Rare), Late Roman
Feminine form of the Late Latin name Seraphinus, derived from the biblical word seraphim, which was Hebrew in origin and meant "fiery ones". The seraphim were an order of angels, described by Isaiah in the Bible as having six wings each.... [more]
Seraphinus m Late Roman
Masculine form of Seraphina.
Serena f English, Italian, Late Roman
From a Late Latin name that was derived from Latin serenus meaning "clear, tranquil, serene". This name was borne by an obscure early saint. Edmund Spenser also used it in his poem The Faerie Queene (1590). A famous bearer from the modern era is tennis player Serena Williams (1981-).
Servatius m Late Roman
Latin form of Servaas.
Sibylla f Late Roman, German
Latinate form of Sibyl.
Sidonia f Late Roman, Georgian
Feminine form of Sidonius. This is the name of a legendary saint from Georgia. She and her father Abiathar were supposedly converted by Saint Nino from Judaism to Christianity.
Sidonius m Late Roman
Latin name meaning "of Sidon". Sidon was an ancient Phoenician city corresponding to modern-day Saida in Lebanon. This name was borne by the 5th-century saint Sidonius Apollinaris, a 5th-century bishop of Clermont.
Silverius m Late Roman
Probably from Latin silva meaning "wood, forest" (compare Silvanus, Silvester and Silvius). This name was borne by a 6th-century pope who served for less than a year but is considered a saint.
Silvester m Slovak, Slovene, Serbian, German, English, Late Roman
From a Latin name meaning "wooded, wild", derived from silva "wood, forest". This was the name of three popes, including Saint Silvester I who supposedly baptized the first Christian Roman emperor, Constantine the Great. As an English name, Silvester (or Sylvester) has been in use since the Middle Ages, though it became less common after the Protestant Reformation.
Silvia f Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, German, Dutch, English, Late Roman, Roman Mythology
Feminine form of Silvius. Rhea Silvia was the mother of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome. This was also the name of a 6th-century saint, the mother of the pope Gregory the Great. It has been a common name in Italy since the Middle Ages. It was introduced to England by Shakespeare, who used it for a character in his play The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1594). It is now more commonly spelled Sylvia in the English-speaking world.
Silvius m Late Roman, Roman Mythology
Derived from Latin silva meaning "wood, forest". This was the family name of several of the legendary kings of Alba Longa. It was also the name of an early saint martyred in Alexandria.
Sixtus m Late Roman
Probably the Latin form of the Greek name Ξύστος (Xystos) meaning "scraped, polished". This name was borne by five popes. The first pope by this name was the sixth to serve after Saint Peter, so there is a possibility that this name is in fact derived from Latin sextus "sixth".
Sollemnia f Late Roman
Latin form of Solange.
Sybilla f Polish, Late Roman
Polish form and Latin variant of Sibylla.
Therasia f Late Roman
Earliest recorded form of Theresa.
Turibius m Late Roman
Latin form of Toribio.
Urbanus m Late Roman, Biblical Latin, Biblical
Latin form of Urban. This is the form found in most English translations of the New Testament.
Ursa f Late Roman
Feminine form of Ursus. This is the name of two constellations in the northern sky: Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
Ursinus m Late Roman
Latin name that was a derivative of Ursus (see Urs).
Ursula f English, Swedish, Danish, German, Dutch, Finnish, Late Roman
Means "little bear", derived from a diminutive form of the Latin word ursa "she-bear". Saint Ursula was a legendary virgin princess of the 4th century who was martyred by the Huns while returning from a pilgrimage. In England the saint was popular during the Middle Ages, and the name came into general use at that time.
Venantius m Late Roman
Derived from Latin venans meaning "hunting, chasing, pursuing". This name was borne by several early saints, including a 6th-century bishop of Poitiers who was a noted poet.
Verena f German, Late Roman
Possibly related to Latin verus "true". This might also be a Coptic form of the Ptolemaic name Berenice. Saint Verena was a 3rd-century Egyptian-born nurse who went with the Theban Legion to Switzerland. After the legion was massacred she settled near Zurich.
Veronica f English, Italian, Romanian, Late Roman
Latin alteration of Berenice, the spelling influenced by the ecclesiastical Latin phrase vera icon meaning "true image". This was the name of a legendary saint who wiped Jesus' face with a towel and then found his image imprinted upon it. Due to popular stories about her, the name was occasionally used in the Christian world in the Middle Ages. It was borne by the Italian saint and mystic Veronica Giuliani (1660-1727). As an English name, it was not common until the 19th century, when it was imported from France and Scotland.
Viator m Late Roman
Late Latin name (see Beatrix). This was the name of a 4th-century Italian saint.
Viatrix f Late Roman
Earlier form of Beatrix.
Victor m English, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Late Roman
Roman name meaning "victor, conqueror" in Latin. It was common among early Christians, and was borne by several early saints and three popes. It was rare as an English name during the Middle Ages, but it was revived in the 19th century. A famous bearer was the French writer Victor Hugo (1802-1885), who authored The Hunchback of Notre-Dame and Les Misérables.
Victoria f English, Spanish, Romanian, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, French, Late Roman, Roman Mythology
Means "victory" in Latin, being borne by the Roman goddess of victory. It is also a feminine form of Victorius. This name was borne by a 4th-century saint and martyr from North Africa.... [more]
Victorianus m Late Roman
Roman name that was derived from Victor. This was the name of two early saints.
Victorina f Late Roman
Feminine form of Victorinus.
Victorinus m Late Roman
Roman name that was derived from Victor. This was the name of a ruler of the Gallic Empire in the 3rd century. It was also borne by the 4th-century Roman grammarian and philosopher Victorinus Afer as well as a few early saints.
Victorius m Late Roman
Roman name that was derived from Victor. This was the name of two early saints.
Vincentius m Late Roman
Original Latin form of Vincent.
Virgilius m Late Roman
Medieval Latin form of Vergilius, altered by association with Latin virgo "maiden" or virga "wand".
Vitalianus m Late Roman
Roman cognomen that was derived from Vitalis. This was the name of a 7th-century pope who is considered a saint.
Vitalis m Late Roman
Latin form of Vitale.
Viviana f Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Late Roman
Feminine form of Vivianus (see Vivian). Saint Viviana (also known as Bibiana) was a Roman saint and martyr of the 4th century.
Vivianus m Late Roman
Latin form of Vivian.