Biblical (All) Names

These names occur in the Bible (in any language). See also about biblical names.
Aaron אַהֲרֹן, Ἀαρών m English, French, German, Finnish, Jewish, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
From the Hebrew name אַהֲרֹן (ʾAharon), which is most likely of unknown Egyptian origin. Other theories claim a Hebrew derivation, and suggest meanings such as "high mountain" or "exalted". In the Old Testament this name is borne by the older brother of Moses. He acted as a spokesman for his brother when they appealed to the pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery. Aaron's rod produced miracles and plagues to intimidate the pharaoh. After the departure from Egypt and arrival at Mount Sinai, God installed Aaron as the first high priest of the Israelites and promised that his descendants would form the priesthood.... [more]
Abacuc m Biblical Latin
Biblical Latin form of Habakkuk.
Abaddon אֲבַדּוֹן m Biblical
Means "ruin, destruction" in Hebrew. In Revelation in the New Testament this is another name of the angel of the abyss.
Abdias Ἀβδίας m Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Form of Obadiah used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament, as well as the Portuguese form (used chiefly in Brazil).
Abdiel עֲבְדִיאֵל, Ἀβδιήλ m Biblical, Biblical Greek
Means "servant of God" in Hebrew, from עֶבֶד (ʿeveḏ) meaning "servant, slave" and אֵל (ʾel) meaning "God". In the Old Testament, this is the name of a member of the tribe of Gad. In John Milton's Paradise Lost (1667), this is the name of a seraph who withstands Satan when he urges the angels to revolt.
Abdiou Ἀβδιού m Biblical Greek
Form of Obadiah used in the Greek Old Testament, also spelled Ἀβδίας (Abdias).
Abednego עֲבֵד־ןְגוֹ m Biblical
Means "servant of Nebo" in Akkadian, Nebo being the Babylonian god of wisdom. In the Old Testament Abednego is the Babylonian name given to Azariah, one of the three men cast into a blazing furnace but saved from harm by God, as told in the Book of Daniel.
Abel הֶבֶל, Ἄβελ m English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Georgian, Armenian, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
From the Hebrew name הֶבֶל (Hevel) meaning "breath". In the Old Testament he is the second son of Adam and Eve, murdered out of envy by his brother Cain. In England, this name came into use during the Middle Ages, and it was common during the Puritan era.
Abenner Ἀβεννήρ m Biblical Greek
Biblical Greek form of Abner.
Abessa Ἀβεσσά m Biblical Greek
Biblical Greek form of Abishai.
Abessalom Ἀβεσσαλώμ m Biblical Greek
Biblical Greek form of Absalom.
Abia Ἀβιά m & f Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Biblical Greek and Latin form of Abijah.
Abiah אֲבִיָה m & f Biblical
Variant of Abijah, similarly borne by both males and females in the Old Testament.
Abiathar אֶבְיָתָר m Biblical
From the Hebrew name אֶבְיָתָר (ʾEvyaṯar) meaning "my father abounds" or "my father excels", derived from אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and יָתַר (yaṯar) meaning "to abound, to excel". According to the Old Testament Abiathar was a high priest during the reign of King David.
Abidan אֲבִידָן, Ἀβιδάν m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Means "my father has judged" in Hebrew, derived from אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and דִּין (din) meaning "to judge". In the Old Testament he is a Benjamite prince.
Abiel אֲבִיאֵל m Biblical
Means "God is my father" in Hebrew, from אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and אֵל (ʾel) meaning "God". This was the name of the grandfather of Saul according to the Old Testament.
Abigaia Ἀβιγαία f Biblical Greek
Greek form of Abigail.
Abigail אֲבִיגַיִל f English, Biblical, Biblical German, Biblical Italian, Biblical Portuguese, Biblical Latin
From the Hebrew name אֲבִיגָיִל (ʾAviḡayil) meaning "my father is joy", derived from the roots אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and גִּיל (gil) meaning "joy". In the Old Testament this is the name of Nabal's wife. After Nabal's death she became the third wife of King David.... [more]
Abihu אֲבִיהוּא m Biblical
Means "he is my father" in Hebrew, from אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and הוּא (hu) meaning "he". This is the name of a son of Aaron in the Old Testament. He and his brother Nadab were killed by God because they presented him with unauthorized fire.
Abijah אֲבִיָה m & f Biblical
Means "my father is Yahweh" in Hebrew, from אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. In the Old Testament this is the name of several characters, both male and female, including the second king of Judah (also known as Abijam).
Abimael אֲבִימָאֵל, Ἀβιμαέλ m Biblical, Biblical Greek
Meaning uncertain, though the first element is likely Hebrew אָב (ʾav) meaning "father". In the Old Testament he is listed as a descendant of Shem.
Abimelech אֲבִימֶלֶך, Ἀβιμέλεχ m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Means "my father is king" in Hebrew, derived from the roots אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and מֶלֶךְ (meleḵ) meaning "king". This is the name of several characters in the Old Testament including a king of Gerar who takes Abraham's wife Sarah, but is forced by God to give her back.
Abiram אֲבִירָם m Biblical
Means "my father is exalted" in Hebrew, derived from אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and רוּם (rum) meaning "to exalt". In the Old Testament, Abiram is swallowed by an earthquake after rebelling against the leadership of Moses.
Abisai m Biblical Latin
Biblical Latin form of Abishai.
Abishag אֲבִישַׁג f Biblical
Means "my father strays" in Hebrew, from אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and שָׁגָה (shaḡa) meaning "to stray, to err". In the Old Testament Abishag is a young woman who tends King David in his old age.
Abishai אֲבִישַׁי m Biblical
Means "my father is a gift" in Hebrew, from the roots אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and שַׁי (shai) meaning "gift". In the Old Testament he is one of King David's heroes.
Abital אֲבִיטָל f Biblical
Means "my father is dew" in Hebrew, from the roots אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and טַל (ṭal) meaning "dew". She is the fifth wife of David in the Old Testament.
Abner אַבְנֵר m English, Biblical, Biblical Latin
From the Hebrew name אַבְנֵר (ʾAvner) meaning "my father is a light", derived from אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and נֵר (ner) meaning "lamp, light". In the Old Testament, Abner was a cousin of Saul and the commander of his army. After he killed Asahel he was himself slain by Asahel's brother Joab.... [more]
Abraam Ἀβραάμ m Biblical Greek, Georgian
Biblical Greek form of Abraham, as well as a Georgian form.
Abraham אַבְרָהָם m English, Hebrew, Spanish, French, Dutch, Biblical, Biblical German, Biblical Swedish, Biblical Norwegian, Biblical Danish, Biblical Latin
From the Hebrew name אַבְרָהָם (ʾAvraham), which may be viewed either as meaning "father of many" or else as a contraction of Abram 1 and הָמוֹן (hamon) meaning "many, multitude". The biblical patriarch Abraham was originally named Abram but God changed his name (see Genesis 17:5). With his father Terah, he led his wife Sarah, his nephew Lot and their other followers from Ur into Canaan. He is regarded by Jews as being the founder of the Hebrews through his son Isaac and by Muslims as being the founder of the Arabs through his son Ishmael.... [more]
Abram 1 אַבְרָם m English, Biblical
Means "high father" in Hebrew, from the roots אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and רוּם (rum) meaning "to exalt, to be high". In the Old Testament God changed Abram's name to Abraham (see Genesis 17:5).
Absalom אַבְשָׁלוֹם m Biblical, Biblical Latin
From the Hebrew name אַבְשָׁלוֹם (ʾAvshalom) meaning "father is peace", derived from אָב (ʾav) meaning "father" and שָׁלוֹם (shalom) meaning "peace". In the Old Testament he is a son of King David. He avenged his sister Tamar by arranging the murder of her rapist, their half-brother Amnon. He later led a revolt against his father. While fleeing on the back of a mule he got his head caught in a tree and was killed by Joab.
Achaab Ἀχαάβ m Biblical Greek
Biblical Greek form of Ahab.
Achab m Biblical Latin
Latin form of Ahab used in some versions of the Vulgate.
Achaicus Ἀχαϊκός m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latinized form of the Greek name Ἀχαϊκός (Achaikos), which referred to the region in Greece called Ἀχαΐα (Achaia), situated on the northern coast of the Peloponnese. In the New Testament this is the name of a Corinthian Christian who aids Saint Paul.
Achaikos Ἀχαϊκός m Biblical Greek, Ancient Greek
Greek form of Achaicus.
Achan עָכָן m Biblical
Possibly a variation of the Hebrew word עֲכָר (ʿaḵar) meaning "trouble". In the Old Testament, Achan is stoned to death because he steals forbidden items during the assault on Jericho.
'Achashwerosh אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Ahasuerus.
'Ach'av אַחְאָב m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Ahab.
Acheim Ἀχείμ m Biblical Greek
Form of Achim 2 in the Greek New Testament.
Achim 2 Ἀχείμ m Biblical
Possibly from a Hebrew name meaning "he will establish". In the New Testament this name is listed as an ancestor of Jesus.
Achinoam אֲחִינֹעַם f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Ahinoam.
Achsah עַךְסָה f Biblical
Means "anklet, bangle" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of a daughter of Caleb.
Ada 3 עָדָה f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Adah.
Adah עָדָה f Biblical
Means "adornment, ornament" in Hebrew. This is the name of the wives of both Lamech and Esau in the Old Testament.
Adaiah עֲדָיָה m Biblical
From the Hebrew name עֲדָיָה (ʿAḏaya) meaning "Yahweh has adorned", derived from עָדָה (ʿaḏa) meaning "to adorn" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. This is the name of numerous Old Testament characters, including the father of Jedidah.
Adalia אֲדַלְיָא m Biblical
Meaning unknown, possibly of Persian origin. In Book of Esther in the Old Testament this is the name of a son of Haman the Agagite.
'Adalya אֲדַלְיָא m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Adalia.
Adam אָדָם, Ἀδάμ m English, French, German, Polish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Czech, Slovak, Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Romanian, Catalan, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Georgian, Malay, Indonesian, Dhivehi, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew
This is the Hebrew word for "man". It could be ultimately derived from Hebrew אדם (ʾaḏam) meaning "to be red", referring to the ruddy colour of human skin, or from Akkadian adamu meaning "to make".... [more]
Adamŭ m Old Church Slavic
Old Church Slavic form of Adam.
'Adaya עֲדָיָה m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Adaiah.
'Adina עֲדִינָא m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Adina 1.
Adina 1 Ἀδινά m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
From the Hebrew name עֲדִינָא (ʿAḏina), derived from עָדִין (ʿaḏin) meaning "delicate". This name is borne by a soldier in the Old Testament.... [more]
Adino עֲדִינוֹ m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Probably from Hebrew עָדִין (ʿaḏin) meaning "delicate". In the Old Testament this is the name of one of King David's mighty men.
Adlai עַדְלָי m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Contracted form of Adalia. This is the name of the father of one of King David's herdsmen in the Old Testament.
Adonijah אֲדֹנִיָה m Biblical
Means "my lord is Yahweh" in Hebrew, from אָדוֹן (ʾaḏon) meaning "lord, master" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. This is the name of one of King David's sons in the Old Testament. Though he was the eldest surviving son of David, he was passed over as heir to the throne in favour of Solomon.
Adoniram Ἀδωνιράμ, אֲדֹנִירָם m Biblical, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew
Means "my lord is exalted" in Hebrew, derived from אָדוֹן (ʾaḏon) meaning "lord, master" and רוּם (rum) meaning "to exalt". In the Old Testament this is the name of an overseer of tribute under the kings David, Solomon and Rehoboam. He was stoned to death when the Israelites revolted.
'Adoniya אֲדֹנִיָה m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Adonijah.
Adriel עַדְרִיאֵל m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "flock of God" in Hebrew, from עֵדֶר (ʿeḏer) meaning "flock, herd" and אֵל (ʾel) meaning "God". In the Old Testament this is the name of a man who married Saul's daughter Merab.
Agar Ἄγαρ f Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, Biblical French, Biblical Italian
Form of Hagar used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament.
Agrippa m & f Ancient Roman, Biblical
Roman cognomen of unknown meaning, possibly from a combination of Greek ἄγριος (agrios) meaning "wild" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse" or alternatively of Etruscan origin. It was also used as a praenomen, or given name, by the Furia and Menenia families. In the New Testament this name was borne by Herod Agrippa (a grandson of Herod the Great), the king of Israel who put the apostle James to death. It was also borne by the 1st-century BC Roman general Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa.
Ahab אַחְאָב m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Means "uncle" in Hebrew, from the combination of אָח (ʾaḥ) meaning "brother" and אָב (ʾav) meaning "father". This was the name of a king of Israel, the husband of Jezebel, as told in the Old Testament. He was admonished by Elijah for his sinful behaviour. Herman Melville later used this name in his novel Moby-Dick (1851), where it belongs to a sea captain obsessively hunting for a white whale.
Aharon אַהֲרֹן m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Aaron.
Ahasuerus אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ m Biblical
From Hebrew אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ (ʾAḥashwerosh), from the Old Persian name Xšayarša (see Xerxes). This name appears several times in the Old Testament belonging to a king of Persia. In the Book of Esther, Ahasuerus is the husband of Esther.
Ahinoam אֲחִינֹעַם f Biblical
Means "my brother is pleasant" in Hebrew, derived from אָח (ʾaḥ) meaning "brother" and נָעַם (naʿam) meaning "to be pleasant". In the Old Testament this is the name of wives of both Saul and David.
Aholibamah אָהֳלִיבָמָה f Biblical
Means "tent of the high place" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is one of the wives of Esau, possibly the same as Judith.
'Aholivama אָהֳלִיבָמָה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Aholibamah.
Ahoth m Biblical Latin
Form of Ehud used in the Latin Old Testament.
Aithan Αἰθάν m Biblical Greek
Form of Ethan used in the Greek Old Testament.
'Akhsa עַךְסָה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Achsah.
Alexander Ἀλέξανδρος m English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Hungarian, Slovak, Biblical, Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Ἀλέξανδρος (Alexandros), which meant "defending men" from Greek ἀλέξω (alexo) meaning "to defend, help" and ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man" (genitive ἀνδρός). In Greek mythology this was another name of the hero Paris, and it also belongs to several characters in the New Testament. However, the most famous bearer was Alexander the Great, king of Macedon. In the 4th century BC he built a huge empire out of Greece, Egypt, Persia, and parts of India. Due to his fame, and later medieval tales involving him, use of his name spread throughout Europe.... [more]
Alexandros Ἀλέξανδρος m Greek, Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek, Greek Mythology
Greek form of Alexander.
Allon אַלּוֹן m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "oak" in Hebrew. This name is mentioned briefly in the Old Testament.
Alphaeus Ἀλφαῖος m Biblical, Biblical Latin
From Ἀλφαῖος (Alphaios), the Greek form of a Hebrew name that meant "exchange". In the New Testament this is the name of the fathers of the apostles James the Lesser and Levi.
Alphaios Ἀλφαῖος m Biblical Greek
Greek form of Alphaeus.
Alvah עַלְוָה m Biblical
Means "his highness" in Hebrew. This name is mentioned in the Old Testament as belonging to a descendant of Esau.
Amal 2 עָמָל m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "work" in Hebrew. This is the name of an Asherite in the Old Testament.
Amariah אֲמַרְיָהוּ m Biblical
Means "Yahweh has said" in Hebrew, derived from the roots אָמַר (ʾamar) meaning "to say" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. This is the name of several Old Testament characters.
'Amaryahu אֲמַרְיָהוּ m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Amariah.
'Amatzyahu אֲמַץְיָהוּ m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Amaziah.
Amaziah אֲמַץְיָהוּ m Biblical
Means "Yahweh strengthens" in Hebrew, derived from אָמֵץ (ʾamets) meaning "to strengthen" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. This is the name of several Old Testament characters, including a king of Judah.
Ambakoum Ἀμβακούμ m Biblical Greek
Biblical Greek form of Habakkuk.
Ambram Ἀμβράμ m Biblical Greek
Biblical Greek form of Amram.
Ami 1 אָמִי m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "trustworthy, reliable" in Hebrew. This is the name of a servant of King Solomon in the Old Testament.
Amittai אֲמִתַּי m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "my truth" in Hebrew, a possessive form of אֱמֶת (ʾemeṯ) meaning "truth". In the Old Testament this is the name of the father of the prophet Jonah.
Ammiel עַמִּיאֵל m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "God is my kinsman" in Hebrew, from the roots עַם (ʿam) meaning "people, nation, kinsman" and אֵל (ʾel) meaning "God". This is the name of one of the spies sent out by Moses in the Old Testament.
Amnon Ἀμνών, אַםְנוֹן m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Means "faithful" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of the eldest son of King David. He was killed by his half-brother Absalom in revenge for the rape of his sister Tamar.
Amos עָמוֹס, Ἀμώς m English, Hebrew, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew
From Hebrew עָמַס (ʿamas) meaning "load, burden". Amos is one of the twelve minor prophets of the Old Testament, the author of the Book of Amos, which speaks against greed, corruption and oppression of the poor. Written about the 8th century BC, it is among the oldest of the prophetic books. As an English name, Amos has been used since the Protestant Reformation, and was popular among the Puritans.
Amram עַםְרָם m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Means "exalted nation" in Hebrew, from עַם (ʿam) meaning "people, nation" and רוּם (rum) meaning "to exalt". In the Old Testament, Amram is the father of Moses.
'Ana עֲנָה f & m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Anah.
Anah עֲנָה f & m Biblical
Means "answer" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this name belongs to one female character and two male characters.
Anaiah עֲנָיָה m Biblical
Means "Yahweh has answered" in Hebrew, from עָנָה (ʿana) meaning "to answer" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. This is the name of a minor character in the Old Testament.
Anan 2 עָנָן m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Means "cloud" in Hebrew. This name is mentioned very briefly in the Old Testament.
Anani עֲנָנִי m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "my cloud" in Hebrew, a possessive form of עָנָן (ʿanan) meaning "cloud". This name is mentioned in the Old Testament as belonging to a descendant of King David.
Ananias Ἁνανίας m Biblical, Biblical Latin
From Ἁνανίας (Hananias), the Greek form of Hananiah. In Acts in the New Testament this is the name of three characters: a disciple in Damascus, the husband of Sapphira, and the high priest of the Jews who tries Paul.
Anat 2 עַנָת f & m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Anath 1. In modern times it is often used as a feminine name.
Anath 1 עֲנָת, Ἀνάθ m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Probably means "answer" in Hebrew, a derivative of עָנָה (ʿana) meaning "to answer". In the Old Testament this is the name of the father of Shamgar.
'Anaya עֲנָיָה m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Anaiah.
Andreas Ἀνδρέας m German, Greek, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Welsh, Ancient Greek, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Ancient Greek and Latin form of Andrew. It is also the form used in Modern Greek, German and Welsh.
Andrei m Romanian, Russian, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Old Church Slavic
Romanian form of Andrew, as well as an alternate transcription of Russian/Bulgarian Андрей or Belarusian Андрэй (see Andrey).
Andrew m English, Biblical
English form of the Greek name Ἀνδρέας (Andreas), which was derived from ἀνδρεῖος (andreios) meaning "manly, masculine", a derivative of ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man". In the New Testament the apostle Andrew, the first disciple to join Jesus, is the brother of Simon Peter. According to tradition, he later preached in the Black Sea region, with some legends saying he was crucified on an X-shaped cross. Andrew, being a Greek name, was probably only a nickname or a translation of his real Hebrew name, which is not known.... [more]
Andronicus Ἀνδρόνικος m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Biblical Latin, Biblical
Latinized form of Greek Ἀνδρόνικος (Andronikos) meaning "victory of a man", from ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man" (genitive ἀνδρός) and νίκη (nike) meaning "victory". This name is mentioned briefly in Paul's epistle to the Romans in the New Testament. Shakespeare later used it in his play Titus Andronicus (1593).
Andronikos Ἀνδρόνικος m Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek
Greek form of Andronicus.
Anna Ἄννα f English, Italian, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Armenian, Icelandic, Faroese, Catalan, Occitan, Breton, Scottish Gaelic, Biblical, Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin, Old Church Slavic
Form of Hannah used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament. Many later Old Testament translations, including the English, use the Hannah spelling instead of Anna. The name appears briefly in the New Testament belonging to a prophetess who recognized Jesus as the Messiah. It was a popular name in the Byzantine Empire from an early date, and in the Middle Ages it became common among Western Christians due to veneration of Saint Anna (usually known as Saint Anne in English), the name traditionally assigned to the mother of the Virgin Mary.... [more]
Annas m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Contracted form of Ananias. This was the name of one of the high priests of the Jews in the New Testament.
Aod Ἀώδ m Biblical Greek
Form of Ehud used in the Greek Old Testament.
Apphia Ἀπφία f Biblical
Greek form of a Hebrew name that possibly meant "increasing". This is a name mentioned in Paul's epistle to Philemon in the New Testament.
Aquila m & f Biblical, Ancient Roman
From a Roman cognomen meaning "eagle" in Latin. In Acts in the New Testament Paul lives with Aquila and his wife Priscilla (or Prisca) for a time.
Aram 3 Ἀράμ, אֲרָם m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew
From Hebrew אַרְמוֹן (ʾarmon) meaning "fortress, elevated place". This is the name of a few characters in the Old Testament, including a son of Shem who was the ancestor of the Arameans.
Aran 2 אֲרָן m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "wild goat" in Hebrew. This is the name of a son of Dishan in the Old Testament.
Archelaos Ἀρχέλαος m Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek
Greek form of Archelaus.
Archelaus Ἀρχέλαος m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Biblical Latin, Biblical
Latinized form of the Greek name Ἀρχέλαος (Archelaos), which meant "master of the people" from ἀρχός (archos) meaning "master" and λαός (laos) meaning "people". This was the name of a son of Herod the Great. He ruled over Judea, Samaria and Idumea.
Archippos Ἄρχιππος m Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek
Means "master of horses" from the Greek elements ἀρχός (archos) meaning "master" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse". In the New Testament it is borne by a man mentioned in the epistles (spelled as Archippus, the Latinized form, in the English version).
Archippus Ἄρχιππος m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Archippos.
Areli אַרְאֵלִי m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Possibly means "lion of God, hero" in Hebrew. This is the name of a son of Gad in the Old Testament.
Aretas Ἀρέτας m Biblical
Greek form of an Aramaic name, of unknown meaning. This was the name of four Nabataean kings of Petra in Jordan, including the first king (2nd century BC). King Aretas IV is mentioned briefly in the New Testament.
Aridai אֲרִידַי m Biblical
Meaning uncertain, possibly of Persian origin. In the Old Testament this is the name of one of the ten sons of Haman killed by the Jews.
Arieh אַרְיֵה m Biblical, Hebrew
Derived from Hebrew אֲרִי (ʾari) meaning "lion", an animal particularly associated with the tribe of Judah (see Genesis 49:9). This is the name of an officer of King Pekahiah in the Old Testament.
'Ari'el אֲרִיאֵל m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Ariel.
Ariel אֲרִיאֵל, Ἀριήλ m & f Hebrew, English, French, Spanish, Polish, Biblical, Biblical Greek
Means "lion of God" in Hebrew, from אֲרִי (ʾari) meaning "lion" and אֵל (ʾel) meaning "God". In the Old Testament it is used as another name for the city of Jerusalem. Shakespeare utilized it for a spirit in his play The Tempest (1611) and Alexander Pope utilized it for a sylph in his poem The Rape of the Lock (1712), and one of the moons of Uranus bears this name in his honour. As an English name, it became more common for females in the 1980s, especially after it was used for the title character in the Disney film The Little Mermaid (1989).
Arihel m Biblical Latin
Latin form of Ariel.
Artaxerxes Ἀρταξέρξης m Old Persian (Hellenized), Biblical, History
Greek form of the Old Persian name 𐎠𐎼𐎫𐎧𐏁𐏂𐎠 (Artaxšaça) meaning "reign through truth", derived from 𐎠𐎼𐎫 (arta) meaning "truth" and 𐎧𐏁𐏂𐎶 (xšaçam) meaning "reign, kingdom". This was the name of several Achaemenid Persian rulers. It was also borne by the founder of the Sasanian Empire, usually known by the Middle Persian form Ardashir.
Arye אַרְיֵה m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Arieh.
Asa אָסָא m Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Possibly means "healer" in Hebrew. This name was borne by the third king of Judah, as told in the Old Testament.
Asaf 1 אָסָף m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Asaph.
Asaph אָסָף m Biblical
Means "collector" in Hebrew. This name belongs to several minor characters in the Old Testament.
Asenath אָסְנַת f Biblical
Means "belonging to the goddess Neith" in Ancient Egyptian. In the Old Testament this is the name of Joseph's Egyptian wife. She was the mother of Manasseh and Ephraim.
Aseneth f Biblical Latin
Form of Asenath used in the Latin Bible.
Asenneth Ἀσεννέθ f Biblical Greek
Form of Asenath used in the Greek Old Testament.
Aser Ἀσήρ m Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Form of Asher used in the Greek and Latin Bibles.
Asher אָשֵׁר m Hebrew, English, Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "happy, blessed" in Hebrew, derived from אָשַׁר (ʾashar) meaning "to be happy, to be blessed". Asher in the Old Testament is a son of Jacob by Leah's handmaid Zilpah, and the ancestor of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The meaning of his name is explained in Genesis 30:13.
'Ashtoret עַשְׁתֹרֶת f Biblical Hebrew, Semitic Mythology
Hebrew form of Ashtoreth.
Ashtoreth עַשְׁתֹרֶת f Biblical, Semitic Mythology
From עַשְׁתֹרֶת (ʿAshṯoreṯ), the Hebrew form of the name of a Phoenician goddess of love, war and fertility. Her name is cognate to that of the East Semitic goddess Ishtar.
Asmodaios Ἀσμοδαῖος m Biblical Greek
Greek form of Asmodeus found in the Book of Tobit.
Asmodeus m Biblical, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
From Greek Ἀσμοδαῖος (Asmodaios) and Hebrew אשְׁםְדּאי (ʾAshmedʾai), probably from Avestan 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬀 (aēshəma) meaning "wrath" and 𐬛𐬀𐬉𐬎𐬎𐬀 (daēuua) meaning "demon". In the apocryphal Book of Tobit this is the name of a demon who successively kills seven of Sarah's husbands on their wedding nights. He also appears in the Talmud.
Asnappar אָסְנַפַּר m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
From אָסְנַפַּר (ʾAsnappar), the Hebrew form of Ashurbanipal. This name is used in the Old Testament to refer to the Assyrian king.
'Asnat אָסְנַת f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Asenath.
'Atalya עֲתַלְיָה f & m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Athaliah.
Atara עֲטָרָה f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Atarah.
Atarah עֲטָרָה f Biblical
Means "crown" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament Atarah is a minor character, the wife of Jerahmeel.
Athaliah עֲתַלְיָה f & m Biblical
Possibly means "Yahweh is exalted" in Hebrew, from עֲתַל (ʿaṯal) possibly meaning "exalted" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. In the Old Testament this is both a feminine and masculine name. It was borne by the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, who later came to rule Judah as a queen.
'Avdi'el עֲבְדִיאֵל m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Abdiel.
Avenirŭ m Old Church Slavic
Old Church Slavic form of Abner.
Avidan אֲבִידָן m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abidan.
'Avi'el אֲבִיאֵל m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Abiel.
'Avigayil אֲבִיגַיִל f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Abigail.
Avihu אֲבִיהוּא m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abihu.
'Avima'el אֲבִימָאֵל m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abimael.
'Avimelekh אֲבִימֶלֶך m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abimelech.
Aviram אֲבִירָם m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abiram.
Avishag אֲבִישַׁג f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abishag.
'Avishay אֲבִישַׁי m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Abishai.
Avital אֲבִיטָל f & m Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abital, sometimes used as a masculine name in modern times.
'Aviya אֲבִיָה m & f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Abijah.
Avner אַבְנֵר m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abner.
Avraamŭ m Old Church Slavic
Old Church Slavic form of Abraham.
Avraham אַבְרָהָם m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abraham.
Avram אַבְרָם m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abram 1.
Avshalom אַבְשָׁלוֹם m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Absalom.
Azareel עֲזַרְאֵל m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Form of Azarel used some Latin and English translations of the Old Testament.
Azarel עֲזַרְאֵל m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "God has helped" in Hebrew, derived from עָזַר (ʿazar) meaning "to help" and אֵל (ʾel) meaning "God". This is the name of several minor Old Testament characters.
Azariah עֲזַרְיָה m Biblical
From the Hebrew name עֲזַרְיָה (ʿAzarya) meaning "Yahweh has helped", derived from עָזַר (ʿazar) meaning "help" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. This is the name of many Old Testament characters including of one of the three men the Babylonian king ordered cast into a fiery furnace. His Babylonian name was Abednego.
Azarias Ἀζαρίας m Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin
Form of Azariah used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament.
'Azarya עֲזַרְיָה m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Azariah.
Azazel עֲזָאזֵל m Biblical
Means "scapegoat" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament, this is the name of the recipient of a sacrificial goat. The identity of Azazel is not clear; it may in fact be the name of the place where the goat is to be sacrificed, or it may be the name of some sort of evil desert demon.
Azaziah עֲזַזְיָהוּ m Biblical
Means "Yahweh is strong" in Hebrew, from עָזַז (ʿazaz) meaning "to be strong" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. This is the name of three minor characters in the Old Testament.
'Azazyahu עֲזַזְיָהוּ m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Azaziah.
Azel אָצֵל m Biblical
Means "reserved" in Hebrew. This is both the name of a minor character and a place name in the Old Testament.
Aziel עֲזִיאֵל m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Possibly means "God comforts" in Hebrew, from the roots עוּז (ʿuz) meaning "to take refuge" and אֵל (ʾel) meaning "God". Otherwise it might a variant of Uzziel. This is the name of a musician (also called Jaaziel) in the Old Testament.
Azrahel m Biblical Latin
Form of Azarel found in some versions of the Vulgate.
'Azri'el עֲזְרִיאֵל m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Azriel.
Azriel עֲזְרִיאֵל m Biblical
Means "my help is God" in Hebrew, derived from עֶזְרָה (ʿezra) meaning "help" and אֵל (ʾel) meaning "God". This is the name of three minor characters in the Old Testament.
Azubah עֲזוּבָה f Biblical
Means "forsaken" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of Caleb's wife.
Ba'al בַּעַל m Semitic Mythology, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Semitic root bʿl meaning "lord, master, possessor". This was the title of various deities, often associated with storms and fertility, who were worshipped by the Canaanites, Phoenicians, and other peoples of the ancient Near East. It was particularly applied to the god Hadad.
Baal Βάαλ m Semitic Mythology, Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin, Biblical
Variant spelling of Ba'al, and the form used in most translations of the Bible.
Baal-Zebub בַּעַל זְבוּב m Biblical
Form of Beelzebub used in many English versions of the Old Testament.
Ba'al Zevuv בַּעַל זְבוּב m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Beelzebub.
Bala 2 f Biblical Latin
Latin form of Bilhah.
Balla Βαλλά f Biblical Greek
Greek form of Bilhah.
Baltasar Βαλτάσαρ m Spanish, Biblical Greek
Spanish form of Balthazar. This is also the form (of Belshazzar) used in the Greek Old Testament.
Baltassar m Biblical Latin
Form of Belshazzar used in the Latin Old Testament.
Barak 1 בָּרָק, Βαράκ m Hebrew, Biblical, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew
Means "lightning" in Hebrew. According to the Old Testament, Barak was a military commander under the guidance of the prophetess Deborah. They defeated the Canaanite army led by Sisera.
Barnabas Βαρναβᾶς m German (Rare), English (Rare), Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Greek form of an Aramaic name. In Acts in the New Testament the byname Barnabas was given to a man named Joseph, a Jew from Cyprus who was a companion of Paul on his missionary journeys. The original Aramaic form is unattested, but it may be from בּר נביא (bar navi) meaning "son of the prophet", though in Acts 4:36 it is claimed that the name means "son of encouragement".... [more]
Barouch Βαρούχ m Biblical Greek
Biblical Greek form of Baruch.
Bartholomaios Βαρθολομαῖος m Biblical Greek
New Testament Greek form of Bartholomew.
Bartholomei m Old Church Slavic
Old Church Slavic form of Bartholomew.
Bartholomeus m Dutch, Biblical Latin
Dutch and Latin form of Bartholomew.
Bartholomew m English, Biblical
English form of Βαρθολομαῖος (Bartholomaios), which was the Greek form of an Aramaic name meaning "son of Talmai". In the New Testament Bartholomew is the byname of an apostle, possibly the same person as the apostle Nathanael. According to tradition he was a missionary to India before returning westward to Armenia, where he was martyred by flaying. Due to the popularity of this saint the name became common in England during the Middle Ages.
Baruch בָּרוּך m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Hebrew
From the Hebrew name בָּרוּך (Baruḵ) meaning "blessed". In the Old Testament this is the name of a companion of the prophet Jeremiah, acting as his scribe and assistant. The deuterocanonical Book of Baruch was supposedly written by him. A famous bearer was Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), a Dutch-Jewish rationalist philosopher.
Barukh בָּרוּך m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Baruch.
Barzillai בַּרְזִלָּי m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
From the Hebrew name בַּרְזִלָּי (Barzillai), derived from בַּרְזֶל (barzel) meaning "iron". This is the name of three different characters in the Old Testament, including Barzillai the Gileadite.
Basemath בָּשְׂמַת f Biblical, Biblical Latin
Means "fragrance" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of a wife of Esau.
Basemmath Βασεμμάθ f Biblical Greek
Form of Basemath and Basmath used in the Greek Old Testament.
Bashemath בָּשְׂמַת f Biblical
Variant of Basemath.
Basmat בָּשְׂמַת f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Basemath and Basmath.
Basmath בָּשְׂמַת f Biblical, Biblical Latin
Variant of Basemath. This is the name of a daughter of Solomon in the Old Testament.
Bathsheba בַּת־שֶׁבַע f Biblical
Means "daughter of the oath" in Hebrew, derived from בַּת (baṯ) meaning "daughter" and שָׁבַע (shavaʿ) meaning "oath". According to the Old Testament, this was the name of a woman married to Uriah the Hittite. She became pregnant by King David, so he arranged to have her husband killed in battle and then married her. She was the mother of Solomon.
Bat-Sheva בַּת־שֶׁבַע f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Bathsheba.
Beelzeboul Βεελζεβούλ m Biblical Greek
Form of Hebrew בַּעַל זְבוּב (Baʿal Zevuv) used in the Greek New Testament (see Beelzebub). The Greek form may represent a misspelling or it might be a pun based on Hebrew זֶבֶל (zevel) meaning "dung".
Beelzebub בַּעַל זְבוּב m Biblical, Biblical Latin
From Hebrew בַּעַל זְבוּב (Baʿal Zevuv) meaning "lord of flies", the name of a Philistine god according to the Old Testament. It is possibly intended as a mocking alteration of בַּעַל זְבוּל (Baʿal Zevul) meaning "Ba'al of the exalted house".... [more]
Beelzebul Βεελζεβούλ m Biblical
Form of Beelzebub used in many modern translations of the New Testament.
Belial בְּלִיַעַל m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Means "worthless" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this term is used to refer to various wicked people. In the New Testament, Paul uses it as a name for Satan. In later Christian tradition Belial became an evil angel associated with lawlessness and lust.
Belshatztzar בֵּלְשַׁאצַּר m Biblical Hebrew
Form of Belshazzar found in the Hebrew Bible.
Belshazzar בֵּלְשַׁאצַּר m Babylonian (Anglicized), Biblical
From בֵּלְשַׁאצַּר (Belshatstsar), the Hebrew form of the Akkadian name Bel-sharra-usur meaning "Bel protect the king". This was the name of the son of Nabonidus, the last king of the Babylonian Empire before the Persians conquered it in the 6th century BC. In the Old Testament Book of Daniel Belshazzar is the last king of Babylon who sees the mystical handwriting on the wall, which is interpreted by Daniel to portend the end of the empire.
Benaiah בְּנָיָה m Biblical
From the Hebrew name בְּנָיָה (Benaya) meaning "Yahweh has built", derived from בָּנָה (bana) meaning "to build" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. This is the name of numerous Old Testament characters.
Benaya בְּנָיָה m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Benaiah.
Beniamin Βενιαμίν m Romanian, Polish, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Romanian and Polish form of Benjamin, as well as the form used in the Greek and Latin Bibles.
Benjamin בִּןְיָמִין m English, French, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Slovene, Croatian, Biblical
From the Hebrew name בִּןְיָמִין (Binyamin) meaning "son of the south" or "son of the right hand", from the roots בֵּן (ben) meaning "son" and יָמִין (yamin) meaning "right hand, south". Benjamin in the Old Testament was the twelfth and youngest son of Jacob and the founder of one of the southern tribes of the Hebrews. He was originally named בֶּן־אוֹנִי (Ben-ʾoni) meaning "son of my sorrow" by his mother Rachel, who died shortly after childbirth, but it was later changed by his father (see Genesis 35:18).... [more]
Bernice Βερνίκη f English, Biblical, Biblical Latin
Contracted form of Berenice. It occurs briefly in Acts in the New Testament belonging to a sister of King Herod Agrippa II.
Bernike Βερνίκη f Biblical Greek
Greek form of Bernice.
Bethsabee f Biblical Latin
Form of Bathsheba used in the Latin Bible.
Bethuel בֵּתוּאֵל m Biblical
Possibly means "destruction of God" in Hebrew, from בָּתָה (baṯa) meaning "destruction" and אֵל (ʾel) meaning "God". In the Old Testament this is the name of the father of Rebecca.
Betu'el בֵּתוּאֵל m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Bethuel.
Be'ula בְּעוּלָה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Beulah.
Beulah בְּעוּלָה f Biblical, English
Means "married" in Hebrew. The name is used in the Old Testament to refer to the land of Israel (Isaiah 62:4). As an English given name, Beulah has been used since the Protestant Reformation.
Bila f Biblical Italian
Italian form of Bilhah.
Bilha בִּלְהָה f Biblical Hebrew, Biblical German, Biblical French, Biblical Spanish, Biblical Dutch
Biblical Hebrew form of Bilhah, as well as the form in several other languages.
Bilhah בִּלְהָה f Biblical
Means "bashful" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of the handmaid given to Jacob by his wife Rachel. By him she was the mother of Dan and Naphtali.
Binyamin בִּןְיָמִין m Hebrew, Arabic, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew and Arabic form of Benjamin.
Bithiah בִּתְיָה f Biblical
Means "daughter of Yahweh" in Hebrew, from the roots בַּת (baṯ) meaning "daughter" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. In the Old Testament this is the name of a daughter of Pharaoh. She is traditionally equated with the pharaoh's daughter who drew Moses from the Nile.
Bitya בִּתְיָה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Bithiah.
Boaz בֹּעַז m Biblical, Hebrew, Dutch, Biblical Hebrew
Means "swiftness" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of the man who marries Ruth. This was also the name of one of the two pillars that stood outside Solomon's Temple (with Jachin).
Boos Βοός m Biblical Greek
Form of Boaz used in some versions of the Greek Old Testament.
Booz Βοόζ m Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin
Form of Boaz used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament.
Buz בּוּז m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "contempt" in Hebrew. This is the name of a son of Abraham's brother Nahor in the Old Testament.
Caiaphas Καϊάφας m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latinized form of Greek Καϊάφας (Kaiaphas), probably of Aramaic origin. In the New Testament this is the name of the Jewish high priest who condemns Jesus.
Cain קָיִן m Biblical, Biblical Latin
From the Hebrew name קָיִן (Qayin) possibly meaning "acquired", from the root קָנָה (qana) meaning "to acquire, to purchase". In Genesis in the Old Testament Cain is the first son of Adam and Eve. He killed his brother Abel after God accepted Abel's offering of meat instead of his offering of plant-based foods. After this Cain was banished to be a wanderer.
Cainan קֵינָן m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Variant of Kenan 1 used in some versions of the Bible.
Caleb כָּלֵב m English, Biblical
Most likely related to Hebrew כֶּלֶב (kelev) meaning "dog". An alternate theory connects it to Hebrew כֹּל (kol) meaning "whole, all of" and לֵב (lev) meaning "heart". In the Old Testament this is the name of one of the twelve spies sent by Moses into Canaan. Of the Israelites who left Egypt with Moses, Caleb and Joshua were the only ones who lived to see the Promised Land.... [more]
Canaan ךְּנַעַן m Biblical
From ךְּנַעַן (Kenaʿan), the Hebrew name of the ancient region of Canaan, which was possibly derived from a root meaning "low, humble". In the Old Testament this is the name of a son of Ham. He is said to be the ancestor and namesake of the Canaanite peoples.
Candace Κανδάκη f English, Biblical, Biblical Latin
From the hereditary title of the queens of Ethiopia, as mentioned in Acts in the New Testament. It is apparently derived from Cushitic kdke meaning "queen mother". In some versions of the Bible it is spelled Kandake, reflecting the Greek spelling Κανδάκη. It was used as a given name by the Puritans after the Protestant Reformation. It was popularized in the 20th century by a character in the 1942 movie Meet the Stewarts.
Carmi כַּרְמִי m Biblical
Means "vine" in Hebrew. This is the name of a son of Reuben in the Old Testament.
Carpus Καρπός m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latin form of the Greek name Καρπός (Karpos), which meant "fruit, profits". The name is mentioned briefly in the New Testament in the second epistle of Timothy.
Cephas Κηφᾶς m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Means "rock" in Aramaic. The apostle Simon was called Cephas by Jesus because he was to be the rock upon which the Christian church was to be built. In most versions of the New Testament Cephas is translated into Greek Πέτρος (Petros) (in English Peter).
Chaggai חַגַּי m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Haggai.
Chaggit חַגִּית f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Haggith.
Chaleb Χάλεβ m Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Form of Caleb used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament.
Cham חָם m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Ham.
Chamutal חֲמוּטָל f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Hamutal.
Chanaan Χαναάν m Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin
Greek and Latin form of Canaan.
Chanan חָנָן m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Hanan 1.
Chananya חֲנַןְיָה m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Hananiah.
Channa חַנָּה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Hannah.
Chanokh חֲנוֹך m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Enoch.
Chavaqquq חֲבַקּוּק m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Habakkuk.
Chawwa חַוָּה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Eve.
Chaza'el חֲזָאֵל m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Hazael.
Cheftzi-Vah חֶףְצִי־בָהּ f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Hephzibah.
Chenaniah ךְּנַןְיָהוּ m Biblical
Variant of Kenaniah used in several translations of the Old Testament (including the King James Version).
Chever חֶבֶר m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Heber 2.
Chiram חִירָם m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Hiram.
Chizqiyahu חִזְקִיָהוּ m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Hezekiah.
Chloe Χλόη f English, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Means "green shoot" in Greek, referring to new plant growth in the spring. This was an epithet of the Greek goddess Demeter. The name is also mentioned by Paul in one of his epistles in the New Testament.... [more]
Chodesh חֹדֶשׁ f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Hodesh.
Chulda חוּלְדָה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Huldah.
Claudia f English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Ancient Roman
Feminine form of Claudius. It is mentioned briefly in the New Testament. As a Christian name it was very rare until the 16th century.
Cleopas Κλεοπᾶς m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Shortened form of the Greek name Kleopatros (see Cleopatra). In the New Testament Cleopas is a disciple who sees Jesus after his resurrection.
Cleophas Κλοπᾶς m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Form of Clopas used in several versions of the New Testament.
Clopas Κλωπᾶς m Biblical
Meaning unknown, probably of Aramaic origin. In the New Testament Clopas is mentioned briefly as the husband of one of the women who witnessed the crucifixion, sometimes identified with Alphaeus.
Cornelius m Ancient Roman, English, Dutch, German, Biblical
Roman family name that possibly derives from the Latin element cornu meaning "horn". In Acts in the New Testament Cornelius is a centurion who is directed by an angel to seek Peter. After speaking with Peter he converts to Christianity, and he is traditionally deemed the first gentile convert. The name was also borne by a few early saints, including a 3rd-century pope. In England it came into use in the 16th century, partly due to Dutch influence.
Cozbi כָּזְבִּי f Biblical
Means "my lie, my deception" in Hebrew, a derivative of כָּזַב (kazav) meaning "to lie, to deceive". In the Old Testament this name is borne by a Midianite woman who became a lover of the Israelite Zimri, both of whom were killed by Phinehas in order to stop a plague sent by God.
Crescens m Late Roman, Biblical Latin
Latin name that was derived from crescere "to grow". This name is mentioned briefly in one of Paul's epistles in the New Testament.
Cyrus Κῦρος m English, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Old Persian (Latinized)
Latin form of Greek Κῦρος (Kyros), from the Old Persian name 𐎤𐎢𐎽𐎢𐏁 (Kuruš), possibly meaning "young" or "humiliator (of the enemy)". Alternatively it could be of Elamite origin. The name has sometimes been associated with Greek κύριος (kyrios) meaning "lord".... [more]
Dabid Δαβίδ m Biblical Greek
Form of David used in the Textus Receptus version of the Greek New Testament.
Dalida Δαλιδά f Biblical Greek
Form of Delilah used in the Greek Old Testament. A famous bearer was the Italian-Egyptian singer and actress Dalida (1933-1987), who was born as Iolanda Cristina Gigliotti.
Dalila f French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Biblical Latin
Form of Delilah used in the Latin Old Testament, as well as in French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.
Damaris Δάμαρις f Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Probably means "calf, heifer, girl" from Greek δάμαλις (damalis). In the New Testament this is the name of a woman converted to Christianity by Saint Paul.
Dan 1 דָּן m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Means "he judged" in Hebrew, a derivative of דִּין (din) meaning "to judge". In the Old Testament Dan is one of the twelve sons of Jacob by Rachel's servant Bilhah, and the founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. His name is explained in Genesis 30:6.
Daniel דָּנִיֵּאל, Δανιήλ m English, Hebrew, French, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Romanian, Slovene, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Croatian, Finnish, Estonian, Armenian, Georgian, Biblical, Biblical Greek
From the Hebrew name דָּנִיֵּאל (Daniyyel) meaning "God is my judge", from the roots דִּין (din) meaning "to judge" and אֵל (ʾel) meaning "God". Daniel was a Hebrew prophet whose story is told in the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament. He lived during the Jewish captivity in Babylon, where he served in the court of the king, rising to prominence by interpreting the king's dreams. The book also presents Daniel's four visions of the end of the world.... [more]
Danihel m Biblical Latin
Form of Daniel used in the Latin Bible.
Daniilŭ m Old Church Slavic
Old Church Slavic form of Daniel.
Daniyyel דָּנִיֵּאל m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Daniel.
Dareios Δαρεῖος m Old Persian (Hellenized), Biblical Greek
Greek form of Darius.
Darius m English, Lithuanian, Romanian, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Old Persian (Latinized)
Latin form of Greek Δαρεῖος (Dareios), from the Old Persian name 𐎭𐎠𐎼𐎹𐎢𐏁 (Darayauš), shortened from 𐎭𐎠𐎼𐎹𐎺𐎢𐏁 (Darayavauš). It means "possessing goodness", composed of 𐎭𐎠𐎼𐎹 (daraya) meaning "to possess, to hold" and 𐎺𐎢 (vau) meaning "good". Three ancient kings of Persia bore this name, including Darius the Great who expanded the Achaemenid Empire to its greatest extent. His forces invaded Greece but were defeated in the Battle of Marathon.... [more]
Daryawesh דָּרְיָוֶשׁ m Biblical Hebrew
Form of Darius used in the Hebrew Bible.
Dathan דָּתָן m Biblical
Possibly means "fountain" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of one of the conspirators against Moses.
Dauid Δαυίδ m Biblical Greek
Form of David used in the Greek Old Testament. Some versions of the Greek New Testament also use this form, while others (the Textus Receptus) use Δαβίδ (Dabid).
David דָּוִד m English, Hebrew, French, Scottish, Welsh, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Czech, Slovene, Russian, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Romanian, Biblical, Biblical Latin
From the Hebrew name דָּוִד (Dawiḏ), which was derived from דּוֹד (doḏ) meaning "beloved" or "uncle". David was the second and greatest of the kings of Israel, ruling in the 10th century BC. Several stories about him are told in the Old Testament, including his defeat of Goliath, a giant Philistine. According to the New Testament, Jesus was descended from him.... [more]
Davidŭ m Old Church Slavic
Old Church Slavic form of David.
Dawid דָּוִד m Polish, Biblical Hebrew
Polish form of David, as well as the Biblical Hebrew form.
Debbora Δεββώρα f Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Form of Deborah used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament.
Deborah דְּבוֹרָה f English, Biblical
From the Hebrew name דְּבוֹרָה (Devora) meaning "bee". In the Old Testament Book of Judges, Deborah is a heroine and prophetess who leads the Israelites when they are threatened by the Canaanites. She forms an army under the command of Barak, and together they destroy the army of the Canaanite commander Sisera. Also in the Old Testament, this is the name of the nurse of Rebecca.... [more]
Deina Δείνα f Biblical Greek
Form of Dinah used in some versions of the Greek Old Testament.
Delaiah דְּלָיָהוּ m Biblical
Means "Yahweh has drawn up" in Hebrew, from דָּלָה (dala) meaning "to draw up, to hang" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. This is the name of several Old Testament characters.
Delayahu דְּלָיָהוּ m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Delaiah.
Delila דְּלִילָה f Biblical Hebrew, Biblical German
Hebrew form of Delilah, as well as the German form.
Delilah דְּלִילָה f Biblical, English
Means "delicate, weak, languishing" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament she is the lover of Samson, whom she betrays to the Philistines by cutting his hair, which is the source of his power. Despite her character flaws, the name began to be used by the Puritans in the 17th century. It has been used occasionally in the English-speaking world since that time.
Devora דְּבוֹרָה f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Deborah.
Dikla דִּקְלָה m & f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Diklah. In modern Hebrew it is also used as a feminine name.
Diklah דִּקְלָה m Biblical
Possibly means "palm grove" in Hebrew or Aramaic. In the Old Testament this is the name of a son of Joktan.
Dina 1 דִּינָה, Δίνα f Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Latvian, Russian, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin
Form of Dinah in several languages, as well as the form in the Hebrew, Greek and Latin Old Testament.
Dinah דִּינָה f Biblical, English
Means "judged" in Hebrew, derived from דִּין (din) meaning "to judge". According to the Old Testament, Dinah was a daughter of Jacob and Leah who was abducted by Shechem. It has been used as an English given name since after the Protestant Reformation.
Dionysius Διονύσιος m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Biblical
Latin form of Dionysios. Dionysius the Areopagite, who is mentioned in the New Testament, was a judge converted to Christianity by Saint Paul. This was also the name of many other early saints, including a 3rd-century pope.
Dorcas Δορκάς f Biblical, English (African)
Derived from Greek δορκάς (dorkas) meaning "gazelle". This is the Greek translation of the name Tabitha in the New Testament (see Acts 9:36). At present it is most commonly used in English-speaking Africa.