Notable Writers

This list is comprised of some of the most recognizable names from the literary world. Included are novelists, poets, playwrights and essayists. However, those who are primarily considered to be philosophers or academic writers can be found on the lists of thinkers.
Abdulrazak1 author1
Abraham1 playwright/poet1
Achmat1 author1
Adam1 playwright/poet1
Adélia1 author/poet1
Adolf1 author, 2 poets, 1 author/playwright, 1 author/poet5
Adolfo1 poet1
Adolph1 author, 1 playwright2
Aeschylus1 playwright1
Aesop1 fabulist1
Agatha1 author1
Ágota1 author1
Aharon1 author1
Ahdaf1 author1
Ahmad1 author1
Ain1 poet1
Aksel1 author1
Alain1 author1
Alan2 authors2
Albert2 authors2
Alberto1 author1
Alcaeus1 poet1
Aldous1 author1
Aleksandr1 author, 2 poets3
Aleksandre1 author1
Alex1 author1
Alexander1 poet1
Alexandre2 authors2
Alfred1 playwright, 1 poet2
Algernon1 author, 1 poet2
al-Hasan1 poet1
Ali1 author1
Alice2 authors, 2 author/poets4
Ali-Shir1 poet1
Alison1 author1
Allan1 author1
Allen1 poet1
Almudena1 author1
Alona1 author1
Alphonse2 authors2
Alvin1 author1
Ambrose1 author1
Amélie1 author1
Amir1 poet1
Amos1 author1
Amy1 poet1
Anacreon1 poet1
Anaïs1 author1
Anatole1 poet1
André6 authors6
Andrzej1 author1
Andy1 poet1
Ángel1 author1
Angela1 author1
Anita2 authors2
Ann1 author1
Anna2 authors, 1 poet, 1 editor4
Anne7 authors, 2 poets9
Annie3 authors3
Ante2 authors2
Anthony3 authors3
Antoine1 author1
Anton2 authors2
Antonin1 author1
Antun1 author1
Apollonius1 poet1
Apuleius1 author1
Archilochus1 poet1
Aristophanes1 playwright1
Arna1 author/poet1
Arnon1 author1
Arsen1 poet1
Arthur2 authors, 2 playwrights, 1 poet5
Arundhati1 author1
Astrid1 author1
Audre1 author/poet1
August1 author, 2 playwrights3
Axel1 poet1
Ayn1 author1
Babilina1 poet1
Bai1 poet1
Baptiste1 playwright1
Barbara3 authors3
Barry1 author1
Bashevis1 author1
Bashō1 poet1
Beatrice1 author/poet1
Beatrix1 author1
Beecher1 author1
Ben1 author, 1 playwright2
Benito1 author1
Benjamin1 author/playwright/poet1
Beppe1 author1
Bernard2 authors, 1 playwright3
Bernardine1 author1
Bernice1 author1
Bertolt1 poet1
Bertrice1 author1
Beryl1 author1
Bettina1 author1
Beverly1 author1
Bjørnstjerne1 poet1
Blaga1 poet1
Bob1 author1
Bohumil1 author1
Booth1 author1
Boris3 authors3
Botho1 author/playwright1
Boy1 author1
Božena1 author1
Bram1 author1
Brand1 author1
Brandon1 author1
Breyten1 author1
Bruce2 authors2
Buckminster1 author1
Burkhard1 author1
Butler1 poet1
Bysshe1 poet1
Callimachus1 poet1
Camilla1 author1
Camille1 author1
Camilo1 author1
Candace1 author1
Carl1 author, 1 poet, 1 author/poet3
Carlo1 author, 1 playwright2
Carlos2 authors, 1 author/poet3
Carol2 authors2
Caroline1 author1
Caryl1 author1
Cassandra1 author1
Catherine1 author1
Cato1 author1
Celine1 playwright1
Chabua1 author1
Charlaine1 author1
Charles4 authors, 2 poets6
Charlotte1 author1
Cheng'en1 author1
Chimamanda1 author1
Chinghiz1 author1
Chinua1 author1
Chrétien1 poet1
Christa1 author1
Christian1 author1
Christine1 poet1
Christopher2 authors, 1 playwright3
Chuck1 author1
Claribel1 author1
Claude1 author, 1 author/poet2
Clive1 author1
Codrin1 author1
Colette1 author1
Colin1 author1
Colleen1 author1
Colm1 author1
Colson1 author1
Conan1 author1
Connie1 author1
Conrad1 author/poet1
Constantijn1 poet1
Corín1 author1
Cormac1 author1
Cornelius1 author1
Countee1 author/poet1
Cremilda1 author1
Cvetka1 poet1
Cvijeta1 poet1
Cynthia1 author1
Czesław1 poet1
Dale1 author1
Dalton1 author/playwright1
Damon1 author1
Dan1 author, 1 poet2
Danai1 playwright1
Daniel2 authors2
Danielle1 author1
Dante2 poets2
Daphne1 author1
Dario1 playwright1
Daša1 author1
Dashiell1 author1
David6 authors, 1 playwright7
Dean1 author1
Denis2 authors2
Derek1 author, 1 poet2
Derviş2 authors2
Dhanpat1 author1
Diana1 author1
Diane1 author1
Dick1 author1
Diogenes1 author1
Dixie1 author1
Djuna1 author/poet1
Dodie1 author/playwright1
Dolf1 author1
Domien1 author1
Don1 author1
Donald2 authors2
Donna1 author1
Doris1 author1
Dorothy1 author, 1 author/playwright/poet2
Douglas1 author1
Drew1 author/playwright1
Dubravka1 author1
Dudley1 poet1
Dylan1 poet1
Ebru1 columnist1
Eckhart1 author1
Eddy1 author1
Edgar3 authors3
Edith1 author1
Edmondo1 author1
Edmund1 poet1
Edna1 author, 1 poet2
Eduard2 authors2
Edvin1 author1
Edward1 author, 2 poets3
Eemil1 author1
Ela1 author1
Eleanor1 author1
Elena1 author1
Elfriede1 playwright1
Elias1 author1
Elie1 author1
Elif1 author1
Elinor1 author/poet1
Elise1 poet1
Elizabeth7 authors, 1 poet8
Ellen2 authors2
Elsa1 author1
Emil1 essayist1
Émile1 author1
Emily1 author, 1 poet2
Emyr1 author1
Endre1 poet1
Enheduanna1 author1
Enid2 authors2
Enis1 author1
Enn1 author1
Ennius1 poet1
Ephraim1 playwright1
Eric1 author1
Erich1 author1
Erik1 poet1
Ernest1 author1
Ernst1 author1
Etgar1 author1
Etheridge1 poet1
Etienne1 author1
Eudora1 author1
Eugen1 author1
Eugene2 playwrights2
Eugenio1 poet1
Euripides1 playwright1
Eyvind1 author1
Ezra1 poet1
Faik1 author1
Fan1 author1
Farley1 author1
Fay1 author1
Federico1 playwright1
Felix1 author/poet1
Fenimore1 author1
Ferdinand1 author1
Ferdowsi1 poet1
Fernando1 poet1
Filippo1 poet1
Flora1 author1
Florjan1 author1
Foster1 author1
Frances2 authors2
Francine2 authors2
Francisco1 poet1
François5 authors, 1 poet6
Françoise1 author1
Frank5 authors5
Frans1 author1
Franz1 author1
Frédéric1 poet1
Frederick1 author1
Frederik1 author1
Friedrich2 playwrights, 4 poets6
Fu1 poet1
Fyodor1 author1
Gabriel1 author, 1 poet2
Gabriela1 poet1
Gabriele1 poet1
Gaius1 poet1
Galaktion1 poet1
Garth1 author1
Gaspara1 poet1
Gaston1 author1
Geoffrey2 authors2
Georg1 poet1
George6 authors, 1 playwright, 1 author/columnist, 1 author/poet9
Georges2 authors2
Georgia1 playwright/poet1
Gerald1 author1
Geraldine1 author1
Gerard1 author/poet1
Gerbrand1 playwright/poet1
Gerhart1 playwright1
Germaine2 authors2
Gerrit1 author/poet1
Gertrude1 author1
Giacomo1 author, 1 poet2
Gillian1 author1
Giorgio1 author1
Giorgos1 poet1
Giosuè1 poet1
Giovanni1 author1
Giuseppe1 author1
Goderdzi1 author1
Godfried1 author1
Goran1 author1
Gotthold1 playwright1
Grace1 author1
Graham3 authors3
Grazia1 author1
Guillaume2 poets2
Guillermo1 author1
Gülten1 poet1
Günter1 author1
Gustave1 author1
Gustavo1 poet1
Guus1 author1
Guy1 author1
Guzel1 author1
Gwendolyn2 author/poets2
Ha1 author1
Hafez1 poet1
Halide2 authors2
Halldór1 author1
Hanoch1 playwright1
Hans1 author, 1 author/poet2
Harold1 author, 1 playwright, 1 author/playwright/poet3
Harper1 author1
Harriet1 author1
Harry1 author, 1 poet2
Haruki1 author1
Hayden1 author/playwright1
Hector1 author1
Hedd1 poet1
Heinrich2 authors, 1 poet3
Heleen1 author1
Helene1 poet1
Hella1 author1
Hendrik1 author1
Henning1 author1
Henri1 author1
Henrik1 author, 1 playwright2
Henry3 authors, 1 poet4
Henryk1 author1
Herman2 authors2
Hermann1 author1
Herta1 author1
Hesiod1 poet1
Hikmet1 author1
Hilary1 author1
Hisham1 author1
Hodgson1 author1
Hoimar1 author1
Homer1 poet1
Honoré1 author1
Horace1 poet1
Hovik1 author1
Hrvoje1 author1
Hugo1 author/poet1
Hunter1 author1
Hüseyin1 author1
Ian3 authors3
Ida2 authors2
Ilya1 author1
Imme1 author1
Imre1 author1
Inés1 poet1
Ingeborg1 poet1
Ingrid1 poet1
Irena1 author1
Irène1 author1
Iris1 author1
Isaac2 authors2
Isabel1 author1
Isabelle1 author1
Ishmael1 author/poet1
Isidore1 poet1
Ismail1 author1
Italo1 author1
Iulia1 poet1
Ivan7 authors, 1 poet8
Ivana2 authors2
Ivica1 author1
Ivo1 author, 1 author/playwright2
Jacinto1 playwright1
Jack4 authors4
Jackie1 author1
Jacob1 author, 2 poets3
Jacqueline2 authors2
Jacques1 poet1
Jagoda1 author1
Jalal ad-Din1 poet1
James9 authors, 2 author/poets11
Jamiluddin1 playwright/poet1
Jan1 author, 1 author/poet, 1 playwright/poet3
Jancis1 author1
Jane4 authors4
Janet1 author1
Janko2 authors2
Janusz1 author1
Jappe1 author1
Jaroslav1 author, 1 poet2
Jason1 playwright1
Jay1 author1
Jean4 authors, 2 playwrights, 1 fabulist, 1 author/poet8
Jeaniene1 author1
Jef1 author1
Jeffery1 author1
Jeffrey1 author1
Jennifer2 authors2
Jessica1 author1
Jessie1 author/poet1
Jhumpa1 author1
Jill2 authors2
Jilly1 author1
Jin1 author1
Jo1 author1
Joan1 author1
Jodi1 author1
Johann1 author1
Johanna1 author1
Johannes1 author1
John17 authors, 1 playwright, 4 poets, 1 essayist23
Jon1 author1
Jonathan4 authors4
Joost1 author/poet, 1 playwright/poet2
Jordan1 author1
Jorge2 authors2
Joris1 author1
José2 authors, 1 playwright3
Joseph4 authors, 1 poet5
Josephine1 author1
Josh1 author1
Josip1 author1
Jostein1 author1
Jovica1 poet1
Joy1 author/poet1
Joyce1 author1
Juan1 poet1
Juana1 poet1
Jude1 author1
Judith1 author1
Judy1 author1
Jules1 author, 1 author/poet2
Julia1 author1
Julian1 author1
Julijana1 author1
Julio1 author1
Juliusz1 poet1
Junot1 author1
Jurica1 author1
Juš1 author1
Justin1 author1
Juvenal1 poet1
Kalidasa1 poet1
Karel1 author1
Karen1 author1
Karl3 authors3
Kate3 authors3
Katharine1 author1
Katherine4 authors4
Kathleen1 author1
Kathy1 author1
Kazuo1 author1
Kees1 author1
Ken1 author1
Kennedy1 author1
Kenneth1 author, 1 poet2
Kenzaburō1 author1
Keri1 author1
Kevin1 author1
Khaled1 author1
Khalil1 poet1
Kingsley1 author1
Kiran1 author1
Kjartan1 author1
Knut1 author1
Kolau1 poet1
Konstantine1 author1
Konstantinos1 poet1
Korney1 author/poet1
Kristina1 poet1
Kurt1 author1
Lada1 author1
Lado1 poet1
Laertius1 author1
Langston1 author/playwright/poet1
Larry1 author1
Laura2 authors2
Laurence1 author/poet1
Lavrenti1 author1
LaVyrle1 author1
Lawrence1 author1
Lee1 author/poet1
Leigh1 author1
Leitich1 author1
Leo1 author1
Leon2 authors2
Leonida1 poet1
Leonie1 author1
Leonora1 author1
Leopold1 author1
Leslie1 author1
Lesya1 playwright/poet1
Lewis1 author1
Lilith1 author1
Lin1 playwright1
Linda1 poet1
Liza1 author1
Lloyd1 author1
Lois1 author1
Lola1 poet1
Lope1 author1
Lorenzo1 author1
Lorraine1 playwright1
Lou1 author1
Louis3 authors, 1 poet, 1 author/poet5
Louisa1 author1
Louise2 poets, 1 author/poet3
Lucan1 poet1
Lucebert1 poet1
Lucian1 author1
Lucien1 poet1
Lucille1 author, 1 author/poet2
Lucinda1 author1
Lucius1 playwright1
Lucy1 author1
Ludovic1 author/playwright1
Ludovico1 poet1
Luigi1 playwright, 1 poet2
Luis1 author, 1 poet2
Lydia1 author/poet1
Lytton1 author1
Maarten1 author1
Madeleine1 author1
Madelon1 author1
Magnus1 author1
Mahmut1 poet1
Máirtín1 author, 1 poet2
Makepeace1 author1
Malcolm2 authors, 1 author/poet3
Manly1 author1
Mansur1 poet1
Manuel1 playwright1
Marcel1 author1
Marcia1 author1
Marcus1 author1
Marente1 author/columnist1
Marga1 author1
Margaret3 authors, 1 author/poet4
Margery1 author1
Marguerite2 authors2
Maria1 author, 1 author/poet2
Marianne1 poet1
Marica1 author1
Marie2 authors, 1 poet3
Marija1 author1
Marilynne1 author1
Marina1 author, 1 poet2
Mario2 authors2
Marion1 author1
Marita1 author/playwright1
Màrius1 author, 1 playwright2
Marjorie1 author1
Mark1 author1
Markus1 author1
Marlon1 author1
Marten1 author1
Martial1 poet1
Martin3 authors3
Mary6 authors, 1 poet7
Mate1 author1
Matilde1 poet1
Mato1 author1
Maud1 author1
Maureen1 author1
Maurice2 authors, 1 playwright3
Max1 author1
Maxim1 author1
May1 author, 1 playwright/poet2
Maya1 poet1
Melanie1 author1
Melinda1 author1
Menander1 playwright1
Mensje1 author1
Mercedes1 author1
Meša1 author1
Michael9 authors, 1 playwright10
Michel2 authors, 1 essayist3
Michèle1 author1
Mick1 author1
Mickey1 author1
Miguel2 authors2
Mihai1 poet1
Mihály1 poet1
Mika1 author1
Mikha'il1 author1
Mikhail3 authors3
Milan1 author1
Miljenko1 author1
Milovan1 author1
Mina1 author/poet1
Mirabai1 poet1
Mirjam1 author1
Mirko1 author1
Miro1 author1
Miroslav1 author1
Moderata1 author/poet1
Molly1 author1
Monica1 author1
Mordecai1 author1
Muhammad3 poets3
Muhsin1 author1
Murasaki1 author1
Muriel1 author1
Mykola1 author1
Nadine1 author1
Naguib1 author1
Nalini1 author1
Naomi1 author1
Nasir al-Din1 author1
Natalia1 author1
Natalie1 poet1
Natasha1 author1
Nathaniel1 author1
Nazım1 author1
Neale2 authors2
Nedim1 author1
Neil1 author, 1 author/playwright2
Nélida1 author1
Nella1 author1
Nelly1 poet1
Ngaio1 author1
Ngozi1 author1
Nicasio1 poet1
Nicholas1 author1
Nicolas1 poet1
Nikki1 author/poet1
Nikolai1 author/playwright1
Nikos1 author1
Nina1 author1
Nizami1 poet1
Noël1 author, 1 playwright2
Nora1 author1
Norman1 author1
Nuri1 author1
Octave1 author1
Octavia1 author1
Octavio1 poet1
Odysseas1 poet1
Ogden1 poet1
Olen1 author1
Olga1 author1
Oliver1 author1
Olivia1 author1
Olja1 author1
Omar1 poet1
Orhan1 author1
Osamu1 author1
Oscar1 author, 1 playwright2
Otokar1 poet1
Ovid1 poet1
Pablo1 poet1
Pádraic1 author1
Paolo1 poet1
Pär1 author1
Pat1 author1
Patricia2 authors2
Patrick5 authors5
Paul6 authors, 4 poets, 1 author/poet11
Paula1 author/poet1
Pauline1 author/poet1
Paulo1 author1
Pavao1 author1
Pearl1 author1
Pedro1 playwright1
Penelope2 authors2
Penn1 author/poet1
Percy1 poet1
Peretz1 author, 1 playwright/poet2
Perez1 blogger1
Petar2 authors2
Peter5 authors5
Petrarch1 poet1
Petronius1 author1
Petrou1 poet1
Philip5 authors, 1 poet6
Philipp1 poet1
Phoebe1 author1
Pia1 author1
Pierre2 playwrights2
Pierrette1 author1
Pieter1 playwright/poet1
Pindar1 poet1
Plautus1 playwright1
Pliny1 author1
Primo1 author1
Prosper1 author1
Prudens1 author/poet1
Quintilian1 author1
Rabindranath1 poet1
Rachel1 author1
Rafael1 author1
Rahmi1 author1
Rai1 author1
Rainer1 playwright, 1 author/poet2
Ralph2 authors2
Ramón1 poet1
Ranko1 author1
Ray1 author1
Raymond4 authors4
Rebecca1 author1
Redmon1 author/poet1
Reginald1 author1
Remco1 author/poet1
Renate1 author, 1 columnist2
René2 authors2
Reşat1 author1
Reyer1 author/playwright1
Rhijnvis1 poet1
Rice1 author1
Richard9 authors, 1 poet, 1 author/poet11
Rick1 author1
Rider1 author1
Ring1 author/columnist1
Roald1 author1
Robert9 authors, 3 poets, 1 author/poet, 1 essayist/poet14
Robertson1 author1
Roddy1 author1
Roger1 author1
Rohinton1 author1
Rollin1 author1
Romain1 author, 1 playwright2
Romesh1 author1
Ron1 author1
Ronald1 author1
Rosamunde1 author1
Rose1 author1
Rosina1 author1
Rubén1 poet1
Rudolph1 author1
Rudyard1 author1
Rumer1 author1
Rupert2 authors, 1 playwright, 1 poet, 1 author/playwright5
Russell1 author1
Rutger1 author/columnist1
Ruth3 authors3
Ryūnosuke1 author1
Saadi1 poet1
Saba1 author1
Sabahattin1 author1
Şadi1 author1
Safran1 author1
Saint-John1 poet1
Sait1 author1
Saken1 author1
Şakir1 author1
Salman1 author1
Salvatore1 poet1
Sam1 playwright1
Samuel1 author, 1 playwright, 1 poet, 1 playwright/poet4
Sándor1 author1
Sappho1 poet1
Sara2 authors, 1 poet3
Sarah2 authors2
Sarojini1 poet1
Saul1 author1
Savinien1 author1
Scott2 authors, 1 author/poet3
Seamus1 author, 1 poet2
Seán1 author1
Sebastian2 authors2
Sei1 author1
Selma1 author1
Selwyn1 author1
Seneca1 author1
Sergei1 poet1
Sergiusz1 author1
Sextus1 poet1
Shams1 poet1
Sherman1 author/poet1
Sherrilyn1 author1
Sherwood1 author1
Shirley2 authors2
Shmuel1 author1
Sholem1 author/playwright1
Shota1 poet1
Sidney1 author1
Siegfried1 author1
Sigrid1 author1
Simon1 author, 2 author/poets3
Simone1 author1
Simonides1 poet1
Sinclair1 author1
Slavenka1 author1
Slobodan2 authors2
Snorri1 poet1
Soman1 author1
Somerset1 author/playwright1
Sonia1 author/poet1
Sophie1 author1
Sophocles1 playwright1
Spalding1 playwright1
Stan1 author1
Stanisław1 author, 1 playwright/poet2
Stanley1 author, 1 author/poet2
Statius1 poet1
Stefan1 author1
Stendhal1 author1
Stéphane1 poet1
Stephen2 authors2
Stephenie1 author1
Stieg1 author1
Sue2 authors2
Sulkhan1 author1
Sully1 poet1
Sunčana1 author1
Susan3 authors, 1 author/playwright4
Suzanne1 author1
Svetlana1 author1
Sybille1 author1
Sylvia1 poet1
Taliesin1 poet1
Tami1 author1
Taras1 author/poet1
Taylor1 poet1
Tennessee1 playwright1
Terence1 playwright1
Terry1 author1
Tess1 author1
Tessa1 author1
Tevfik1 poet1
Thea1 author1
Theodor2 authors2
Theodore1 poet1
Théophile1 poet1
Thomas7 authors, 1 poet8
Thornton1 author/playwright1
Tibor1 author1
Tibullus1 poet1
Tim1 author1
Timothy1 author1
Titsian1 poet1
Tom1 author1
Tomas1 poet1
Tomislav1 author1
Tommaso1 poet1
Tomson1 author/playwright1
Toni1 author1
Tonke1 author1
Tor1 author1
Torquato1 poet1
Tove1 author1
Trevor1 author1
Trezza1 author1
Tristan1 poet1
Truman1 author1
Tulsidas1 poet1
Tyler1 playwright1
Umberto1 author1
Upton1 author1
Ursula1 author1
Üzeyir1 playwright1
Vachel1 poet1
Václav1 author1
Vahagn1 author1
Valmiki1 author1
Vasyl1 poet1
Velma1 author1
Verner1 poet1
Veronica1 author1
Vesna1 author, 1 poet2
Vicente1 poet1
Victor1 author1
Viktor1 author1
Vincas1 poet, 1 author/playwright/poet2
Vincent1 poet1
Vine1 author1
Vinette1 playwright1
Virgil1 poet1
Virginia1 author1
Vítězslav1 poet1
Vittoria1 poet1
Vjekoslav1 author1
Vjenceslav1 author1
Vladimir1 author, 2 poets3
Wade1 author1
Wadsworth1 poet1
Waldo2 authors2
Wallace2 authors, 1 poet3
Walt1 poet1
Walter1 author1
Washington1 author1
Wei1 poet1
Weldon1 author/poet1
Wendy1 author/poet1
Werner1 playwright1
Wilbur1 author1
Wilhelm1 author1
Willa1 author1
Willem1 author, 1 author/poet2
William9 authors, 3 poets, 1 author/essayist, 2 author/poets, 1 playwright/poet16
Willy1 author1
Winona1 author1
Winston1 author1
Wisława1 poet1
Witi1 author1
Władysław1 author1
Wole1 playwright1
Wolfgang1 author1
Wolfram1 poet1
Wynne1 author1
Xingjian1 author1
Xueqin1 author1
Xun1 author1
Yan1 author1
Yanka1 poet1
Yann1 author1
Yaşar1 author1
Yasunari1 author1
Yehonatan1 author1
Yong1 author1
Yosef1 author1
Yuan1 poet1
Yukio1 author1
Zadie1 author1
Zalman1 author/poet1
Zane1 author1
Zdena1 author1
Željko1 author1
Zitkála-Šá1 author1
Zoë1 author, 1 playwright2
Zora1 author1
Zoran1 author1
Zygmunt1 poet1