
Among whispers, Tenskwatawa is a fine little thread of a dream, leaving an open door in existence. This name evokes a hidden sanctuary where stories, like ethereal embers alight, bright the dawn for seekers of adventure. Yet, it is wrapped in the shadows of bitter ignorance and strident words. But, let's not forget that names do more than simply identify a person: they begin to sculpt a path for fragmented souls. May we, like pilgrims of old, come to see Tenskwatawa as something reverential, a relic of the land where lambent tales lie.
He was said to have his first vision in May of 1805. Also his birth name was Lalawethika meaning "He who makes noise".
I think this is a beautiful, interesting name. I admire the history and meaning of it as well.
I actually like this name. It's such a shame many names like this have been lost to time :(.To all those criticizing the name for being "too native", you clearly have been brainwashed to the point only European names are "modern" enough to you. There are way more cultures out there than Europe, not everything is Eurocentric. That goes for the 2007 comment saying it's too girly because of the "-a" ending. Europe =/= the entire world.
Name of the day 5-5-22.
Name of the day 5/5/2021. Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!
There are some shockingly ethnocentric comments here, probably from Republicans who did not get very far in school.
This screams "Native American" too much for it to be a name today, in my opinion. And it's kinda hard to pronounce at first glance.
Are Native American names just not supposed to exist anymore, in your opinion?
They didn't teach us his name when we learned about it. We just learned "Tecumseh and the Prophet." Guess they don't think very highly of seventh-graders anymore.It's too complicated for my taste.
I do like it, for a girl anyway. Pronounced ten-SKOO-woh-too-wah. Tennie would be a good nickname for it.

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