Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Anthony is a wonderful name. Personally, I tend to think timeless names are boring, but I feel Anthony is not boring. I would recommend it for your son.
I love the name Anthony, it’s classic and manly, just like most men who bear the name! My sweet lovely boyfriend is an Anthony and he’s the most perfect thing, the name rolls off my tongue with 3 sweet steps, an-tho-ny~! Any bearer of the name should feel honored to share it with such kind warm caring men.
Love the nickname Tony. Anthony is both a rad and classy name. That's rare.
Dated, but an attractive name. I don’t hear a lot of Anthony’s anymore.
I think Anthony is a classic name that sounds good on all ages.
Beautiful, timeless name.
Now this is a name that has stood the test of time! Wonderful.
I think that Anthony is a very strong and wholesome name! It does age well and I can see it on any man with great courage and independence.
I usually think common names are very unpleasant and boring but I love this name so much because it’s very cute and I love how it sounds.
Ugly classic name but still usable.
As far as I am concerned, I see nothing that would indicate anything "evil", "unholy", etc about this forename. It is only just that, a name. A person may not like one or another particular name for whatever reason, but to say it has an "evil" connotation is just silly. On a personal note, I have met many different types of people who so happen to carry this name who were either good or not so good. As far as the name itself, I think it is pretty decent. :)
This name is evil and unholy. Sorry to anyone named Anthony, Antonius, Tony, Ant, or any variation of this name.
I didn’t like it when I was a kid, purely because I thought it sounded soft. However, I now realize it’s a strong name with roots in my religion. Also, my namesake saint was simply a legend.
A handsome classic name that never gets old. Beautiful.
Ah, Anthony. This is a handsome name that I’ve always liked. Plus, Tony is a cool nickname.
Famous bearer: Anthony Behethenus from the game "World War One Hundred Thirty".
Anthony is such a boring name.
Ugly name.
Although this name is overused it's honestly very nice sounding. It's beautifully put together. This is my boyfriend's name. If your name is Anthony you should love it because even as a common name it's still great!
It may sound unisex, but I still like it better on boys.
I like this name. I also agree with it needing more love.
This is my brother's name. When my mom named him she wanted to use the nickname Tony for him, sadly when he started school he had half a dozen other boys in his class named Anthony who all went by Tony. So he refused to go by the nickname Tony and has always been Anthony.
Anthony is a classic name, yet modern enough to hold his own in the Top 30. This name is adored all over the world in multiple languages. And, it's not ridiculously common or overused like, Jacob, John, David, and Michael, etc. Last time I checked, it was getting super popular in Brazil... even, overtaking Antonio. The name Anthony, commands respect when spoken! ;)
The meaning of Anthony being “priceless” is an absolute gem. One can really never go wrong with this tried and true name.
Anthony is a decent and elegant name that ages well beyond some other names.
Nothing much to say. Feels overused, plain, just boring. Just boring!
Great name! Deserves more love.
This is one of those names that never go out of style. In the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and it was even still kickin it in the 2000s. Nowadays, I don't know if it's as common anymore, but this name is a really handsome name and I really love it.
I love it--nicknamed Tony.
I hate my name Anthony. Children can't even pronounce it. Anthony is Latin for poofter. My parents didn't put much thought into the fact I'm not Catholic and neither are they. They were on a cloud or just didn't care. Anthony... I hate it, always have and always will.
Here in England, Anthony is one of those names that isn't extremely common like David and Christopher, but isn't rare either - it's a strong sounding name which I like but I don't like the nickname Tony.
A very strong, versatile name. I think it's a bit under-used these days and one name that has stood the test of time. Reminds me of a smart, kind young man.
Anthony is a nice name for a boy, but it's quite common where I live. Tony is an alright nickname. Anthony on girls? It wouldn't sound good at all, and there are already feminine forms.
One of the seemingly out dated names that I quite like. I only like it in its full form though, due to a dislike for the diminutive Tony. I went to a Catholic high school and it was quite popular there.
Well, I love this name! I also like the nickname Tony too! One of my reasons I love this name is it reminds of the man who sacrificed himself to save the world- Tony Stark / Iron man. Yep! I'm the biggest Marvel fan ;)
SUPER common name in the Catholic religion, I know so many! Particularly common in Chaldean families (Arab Christians) this name is very popular where I live, but it sounds nice overall.
I understand this name is used more for boys, but I’m sure it sounds good on a girl too!:)
Rather boring name.
My man's name is Anthony, he dislikes it very much but I love it in full, not shortened. I love saying it.
I really like this name, my favorite boy name.
I have a nephew named Anthony. He will be four in a couple of months and the name fits him perfectly. Anthony is a type of name that I've always liked and one I have never turned down due to personal taste. It's a classic and handsome name that will age well with the person. Not to forget that it's also very practical and decent.
I can't help but to picture an "Anthony" only with dark features and darker skin. I can't picture an Anthony with light features and really fair skin at all.
My nephew often gets called 'Tony' It's a perfectly fine name. (Same with Anthony)
Anthony is a great name to use. It's one I give a solid thumbs up to.
I'm an Anthony with pale skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. Hi there :)
I love this name. It is a saint's name and will be my future son's name.
I really like this name, but it's so common that I feel it's gotten boring. Shame, because it's so beautiful and strong-sounding.
Much better than the nickname Tony. It makes me think of a teenager who's good at dancing LOL.
A very handsome, classic name. I love the name Anthony.
My name is Anthony and I am proud to share the name of 2 great saints.
I'm not too keen on the nickname Tony. I mean, it's nice, but I like the full name Anthony better.
I love this name, I met a little boy named Anthony once. I like the nickname tony too, but I like Anthony a little better :)
I like this name... though I'm not really a big fan of the nickname Tony or Ant. I've generally always preferred just Anthony. It's so classical, timeless, and masculine in my opinion. Plus I love how it sounds when you say it. I don't feel like it's too common (although in my opinion, the nickname Tony is). Anyway, great name for a boy!
To those who may think Anthony ("Tony") is unusable because of real-life Mobsters/television-criminals bearing the name; If you feel that way, you may as well scratch off the name Al (Albert(o)), because, God forbid, that Al Capone! Now that I think about it, Raymond should never be used because of New-England crime boss, Raymond Patriarco. Same with the names Silvio, Salvatore, Giuseppe, and many others. Just so you are aware, the growing stereotype is that all Italians are part of the Mafia. Which means, all noticably Italian names may also be victim to that lie. But would that stop you from using Rudolfo? Eliseo? Ernesto? Marcello? I hope not.
I think it is a bit unreasonable that you would refrain from naming your child such a strong name because of a few associations (that many people may not even realize, mind you).
To be honest, I am not a fan of politician Bill Clinton. Would that stop me from using the name William, you ask? Negative, my loves. The same stands for Senator John Kerry. I may not support the person, but I do enjoy the name.
Worthy of Praise is the definition of Anthony, and I agree.
I really like the name Anthony. I am trying to decide which I liked better as a middle name: Alexander or Anthony. I love both of names rather equally.
I think Anthony sounds upper-class, is what is comes down to, if we disregard Tony, etc.
It's a great name for a guy, with cool nicknames and an attractive edge. It's one of my favorite names for a boy.
As an Australian of Italian origin I hated my name 'Tony' because every second Italian was called that. I also disliked 'Anthony' because it sounds too formal. The chap who said it was of Greek origin is wrong because 'Anthony' only acquired the th in English during the Renaissance to make it seem like a classical Greek name. It never acquired the th in any other language.
My brother's name is Anthony, and has always been called Anthony, and occasionally Ant. He is the only Anthony I know who goes by Anthony, not Tony or AJ. I hate how Tony is a nickname for Anthony, there is an h in Anthony, Tony should be short for Antony.
I've never really liked this name. I don't have any personal associations like this, but for some reason it's always made me think of a bratty little kid. The popularity of this name baffles me, and plus the nickname Tony inevitably seems to go to a gangster or mobster on TV or in the movies.
Sorry, but give it a rest. It's too common. I'm from New York, and every other boy here who's not Christopher is named Anthony. And don't forget that the nickname Tony is always given to the mobster on TV or in the movies.
I love this name so much! Reminds me of a love I had before I moved away. It's common & cute, but not too over-used.
I love this name, it's one of those more "classic" names that are still actually used.
I absolutely like this name! It's cool and nice.
Call me weird but I don't care for any male names beginning with the letter A and I hate the name Anthony. If I had to have an Anthony, I would call him Tony. Boy names beginning with the letter A are too soft.
I love the name Anthony. My boyfriend's name, so slightly biased. I hate the nickname Tony - which is good because his nickname has always been Ant.
I love the name Anthony. It should not be shortened, especially to Tony. It makes me think of that guy from Seinfeld (who Elaine dated). He kinda buged me.
This is my favorite name of all time. If I think of the name Anthony, I think of a strong, funny guy with brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. My eldest son is named Anthony, it suits him well! I named him after my favorite actor, Anthony LaPagilia.
I like this name but I'm not keen on the shortened form 'Tony'.
My brother's name is Anthony. I like this name much better than Tony. It is a very good name for him although he does not look the part having light skin, freckles, blue eyes, and red hair.

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