Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is good, I do prefer Anna or Anne. It gives me an 1800s vibe.
My name is Anna and I go by the nickname Annie to some of my friends. Annie is a cute nickname but in my opinion it doesn’t stand well as a name on its own.
I have grown into this name so well. I see a lot of people calling it cutesy. Perhaps, you may think it's cutesy before you meet me, I am a force to be reckoned with. The beauty of this name is that it is so universal. No one has trouble understanding it, yet it is not very common. It is strong in its simplicity. I am an Anne by birth, but I would never choose to go by that name over Annie. Even seeing it written looks more beautiful and appealing. Annie, I love the way it looks when it is typed out. Much love to all of the other Annies!
I, too, have always loved this as a full name. Annie is a name that you could wear with a brave face! Overall, awesome name.
I've always loved this name, especially as a full name. It's so timelessly beautiful.
My name is Annie. Not short for anything - I do like it a lot. The comments I've read are generally positive, besides the person who thinks it reminds them of photocopiers.
Cute name! I like it as a nickname better, but it's nice.It reminds me of Little Einsteins and Orphan Annie which are good associations, imo.
The name Annie is sweet and childish, yet also mature. It's a very nice name.
Very boring, I hear this name everywhere. Even more boring than my name and I’m pretty sure my name is very boring (which is why I am called Amy) Annie is just too long in my opinion, Ann is much better though I dislike Anne.
Looks sweet, soft, feminine, better than boring looking Ann or even Anne, so Annie is still good, but feels little bit too boring. Not of my favorites, but still alright.
There isn't a need for a diminutive for Anne, Anne is already short enough. I guess that this is a cute child's nickname, but otherwise it would be too childish.
I'm an Annie (Annelise for long) and you can pry me using this in my adult life from my cold dead hands. I like the name, I think it's cute and spunky!
I’m a young adult named Annie and I love how classic and cute it is. I’ve never met anybody else that was just “Annie” and I often get asked if it’s short for something. I’ve seen other comments saying it’s not a suitable name for an adult but I have to disagree. I’ve never felt like it was too childish and I’ve never had anyone in real life express that either. The only downside to the name is people constantly asking you “Annie are you okay?” and they think it’s the funniest thing ever.
I think this name is absolutely beautiful! I love it. I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t.
Very dated!
I HATE this name, it sounds like an old lady's name! And it reminds me of photocopiers.
My daughter's name is this but it’s spelt differently because of her grandma Amy. We spelt her name in a unique way “Any” but as she got older that spelling caused her to be picked on. She told me that she didn’t want to change her spelling to Annie or Anny. She chose to go by Amy for a bit and it was okay. Then one day her friend thought of the perfect spelling for Any, Annie. She didn’t really like that spelling but it suited her well.
I prefer Anna, however if I had to use this, then I would spell it as Anni instead.
Annie and Allie are twins in my family (Their full first names are Annie and Allie), I think they have the most wonderful names. Annie is good as a standalone in my opinion. I also like Allie as a standalone. You should name your daughter Annie.
I don't like it very much. It sounds childish to me. I prefer Anna.
I like my name, it's universal.
My name is Annie yeahhhhhhhh. Please don't call me Ann, it's not my name.
I just like Anna on its own. Or Anne.
I do like the name Annie, because it's my name! It's a simple, and universal name, that most recognize. It's not too common either. I really don't like when people shorten it to Ann, because that's fundamentally not my name.
Even though it's a bit old-fashioned sounding, it's so cute, youthful, and pretty all the way!
Another way around on the name "Hannah". Pretty cute for a young child but not really a good idea for an older woman.
This is my sister's name, so I may be biased. However, I quite like this name. It's not one that I would say I loved, but it does grow on you.It's happy, cheery, and lovely. Cute on a child. However, I don't feel that it won't go on an older woman either; personally, the name Annie has a vibe of strength and confidence.
A pretty, classic name. I like it a lot!
I LOVVVVVVVVE the name. It's such a beautiful and graceful name.
Upon reading all this feedback I just can’t help but to add to it and let all of you know that my name is Annie not short for anything, and my last name is Mohr so going through my entire life with “is there anymore Annie Mohr?” now tell me what could be worse than that? I do like Annie now as an adult more so than as a young girl. For some reason I always wanted to change it to Amy.
This is my sister's name! (Short for Annalise) she is a tomboy, and prefers Annie over Annalise. We know one other Annie. It is a great name, and if she ever wants to in adult life, she can go by Anna or Annalise.
Reminds me of Annie Banks from Father of the Bride. Sweet.
Cute but rather weak sounding.
My name is Annie. I am 24 as of May, 31, 2017. The name of 'Annie' has been a complicated one for me. During the beginning of my conscious life (keeping in mind that I grew up in late 90's, 911 happened during my 5th grade year), my name was unusual and difficult in comparison with the seemingly more classy, trendy and far more regular names such as: Lydia, Martha, Carlisle, Deanna, Holly, Sarah (in all her disparate forms), Samantha, Alex, etc, etc. And I wish I could give you more names, but honestly, I don't remember or care enough to try.
As I have confessed, 'Annie' is a name both consequently strong and diminutive in equal measure. It is a kind, sweet, gentle-hearted name, and very cute (like all the online derivatives claim); however, an 'Annie' has the potential to be resilient, defiant and self-asserting. After-all the near constant reminders of Annie Oakley, the Orphan, of Michael Jackson fame, Lennox and all other persons not subservient to the status quo and despite any notion of self-fulfilling prophecy, 'Annie' will forge their own route.
The name Annie is really lovely for a child. It's an intelligent, cute, and kind-sounding name. It sounds like the name of someone you'd want to be friends with. But as an adult I don't think Annie would be taken seriously as a name.
I love Angelina and Annelise as long names.
My name is Morgan and sometimes I go by Annie (only online, never in real life). I was looking up some nicknames for Morgan, and Annie was one of them, much to my surprise. I guess it comes from the "an" at the end of "Morgan". :P.
This name is fabulous as it's easy to say, common but unique, modern but old-fashioned. It's the best name ever.
My name is Anastasia and many people call me Annie for short. I personally like this name very much. It's short, soft sounding, and easy to pronounce. I wouldn't mind having it for my first name if that was the case. I love its sound.
My husband loved the name Annie and wanted to name our daughter this name. I am not at all opposed to the name Annie, I think it is a very sweet girls name. But I wanted to be sure that my daughter had a name that she could grow into and wasn't so dated and stereotyped by previous people and characters. So I made the the compromise with my husband that we would name her Annisten, with her middle name Jo, and shorten it to Anni. She is such a petite, spunky little thing and she makes Anni Jo, the perfect name.
Annie is such a sweet, beautiful, classy name. It can be a great nickname for the beautiful names Annabel and Anne or it can be a great standalone name on the birth certificate. Either choice is a win-win. :D I think anyone called Annie is lucky to be called by this pretty, vintage name! :)
Oh and I just want to add this works great as a nickname for the name Annette too. =D.
My friend's full name is Alexandra, but we all know her as Annie. Personally, I love the name!
I have a friend with this name as well as a cousin, but they are the only 2 I know. I think it's very cute without being childish, and deserves a revival. It can also be used for a lot of longer names if you're unsure of its credibility.
I know one person named Annie, it's her full name. But this could be a nickname for a lot of names, like Danielle, Hannah, or Janet.
My name is Annie (it's not a nickname for anything it's literally Annie) and I used to dislike it preferring my middle name Rose although no one called me that. Now I like it a bit more I think it's alright. When I was about 12 I went through a phase and started spelling it 'Anni' to be edgy or something. Anyway it stuck so now I spell it Anni all the time except on official stuff and so do most of my friends. I haven't been scarred for life or anything. Annie is fine as a name goes and obviously my parents love the name!
I really like the name Annie. But only as a nickname. I think it's cute for a child, but once she's an adult I think she needs a more professional name. I like it as a nickname for pretty much any name containing "anne" and others as well. Names like Anne, Anneliese, Julianne or Julianna, Anneke, Anastasia and Johanna.
I hate this name. And think it is overly juvenile and cutesy in a very childish way. My original name was Anne (which I also dislike) and people always called me Annie, which I hated. I went by Anna for most of my teen years, and legally changed my name to Ilana Anne, as it used to be Anne Ilana, as soon as I was old enough. Before you name your child this, please consider the fact that this name is REALLY hard to have if you are over the age of 6, or ever want to be taken seriously. Conversely, Anne/Ann are just too prim, boring, and plain unattractive.
I completely disagree with that. My name is Anneliese, and I have been called Annie by everyone since before I can remember;however, never once do I recall being seriously teased about it. I am currently twelve years old, and I am very well respected by my peers and taken very seriously by adults. I don't think that a name can really affect how one views a person; the personality affects how the person is viewed. To parents maybe contemplating this name- I love my nick-name, and won't ever change it. I've only met one girl in my life who shared it, so it's not one of those extremely common and boring names, and the worst your child could be called is Orphan Annie or Annie Bananie. What's more, I've only gotten positive remarks about my name- Ilana021251's post is the first negative remark about Annie I've ever heard in my life. All in all, I think Annie is a cute name that livens up Anne or other names starting with Anne; this is, of course, a personal bias, however, so is Ilana's post- this is just from a more positive perspective.
Ani is also cute.
This name is old fashioned but pretty and also the gun girl Annie Oakly has this name.
This is a good name (it's my name!) but be warned there is some bad stuff that rhymes with it. I'm sure you can work it out...

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