Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Very attractive.
Angelina has been a long favorite of mine; I used to really like the show Angelina Ballerina, too (I wanted to grow up to be a dancer when I was 5). I love to say this melodic name in full, without any nicknames; it’s too pretty for a nickname (though, all of the options are just as beautiful!). Anyone considering Angelina, go for it!
This name is so slay oml 😍😍
I think Angelina is a beautiful name, it reminds me of Angelina ballerina and that's a good thing because that show was part of my childhood, my sister's name is Angelina and she has a ton of nicknames, Angie, Lina, Ina ballerina, etc. I've never met any other Angelina's, also Angelina Jolie doesn't ruin the name for me.
I LOVE this name. It’s so regal and elegant sounding!
It's so lovely and gorgeous. I prefer Angeline too.
This name feels elegant, soft, proper and poised but also studious. I'm a big fan, but I rarely hear this name. I'm also not familiar with the pop culture references at all, so I wouldn't bother taking those into account.
A very pretty and elegant name, I consider it perhaps a tier above Angeline and Angelica. I don't think it is too associated with Angelina Jolie to be unusable, personally it reminds me more of Angelina Ballerina the cartoon mouse which is a cute association. Lovely choice to anyone that was considering it.
Better than Angela or Angeline but much prefer Angelica/Anjelica.
Way better than Angelica.
Pretty name but wouldn't use it because it's too associated with the actress Angelina Jolie.
I like Angelica better, but this is OKAY.
Yes, I agree MythicalCreature. I prefer Angelica but this is okay, but I must say, I like Angela and Angelica a lot more.
I think of Angelina Ballerina when I hear this name. Therefore, I get cozy vibes from it. It's certainly not as severe as Angelica sounds.
I love the meaning and spelling of this name. Very pretty.
Very dated!
I. love. It! It is so gorgeous! But I do not like at all the nickname Angie.
(✿◠‿◠) How beautiful! (✿◠‿◠)
Sounds nice, but it seems sort of tired. Also, I dislike the celebrity association.
I think the name Angelina is pretty cute. But it’s hard to nowadays, because the first link I make when I hear that name is a certain person called Angelina, who pretty much spoils it all for me. When I was around eight to when I was around twelve, I suffered from bullying. I hated school so bad those years. And guess what, the queen of the bullies was called Angelina. God, I hated her so much. All the cruel things she said to me and did to me only made me hate her more and more everyday. And so her name went along with my hate for her. In the end, my parents finally pleaded to the principal about Angelina, and she got suspended for a few days or so. I am now fourteen, and only see her around the halls, occasionally. We ignore each other completely, and my hate for her has faded away for good and I believe she’s stopped being mean to others and has fairly improved (I suppose). Anyway, I’ve met other Angelina’s besides her. One of them is my ten-year-old neighbor, who goes by Angie. She’s a sweet and lovely girl. But still, the thought of mean ol’ Angelina triumphs whenever the name is spoken. Regardless, I do NOT hate the name Angelina. I just can’t appreciate it as much as some may, since it’s associated to bad memories for me. But I wouldn’t see any issue in calling your child Angelina. It’s fairly pretty and to me, expresses something gracious and angelic, from where it’s derived. Nobody will stop you from calling your kid Angelina. Some nicknames to it: Angie, Lina, Lynn, Gigi, Ann(e), Annie, Anna, etc...
My second daughter’s middle name is Angelina. I simply love the name and think its gentle meaning makes up for my daughter’s tough name, which is Eloise Pansy Angelina.
I love all those angelic names to pieces. And I love long and frilly names as well, and Angelina definitely is one. I think it has a lot of charm and sweetness to it, and I think it suits a conscientious, kindhearted and thoughtful, altruistic person, but also someone pretty. At the same time though, Angelina is a bit of a guilty pleasure name for me, and one of those names I love but would never use, even assuming I would have kids. I wouldn't use it here in Poland, because in Polish language, even to me it sounds quite overdone and a bit pretentious. In an English-speaking country I most likely wouldn't use it on a child either, because of the Angelina Jolie association. I don't have anything against her but am not her fan at all either so I think that would bother me. But it's a lovely name anyway, and especially for a fictional character. It's so melodic and slightly magical. Perhaps because it is so angelic it makes me think of Christmas. When I think of this name, I imagine a teenage girl, with waste-length, thick hair, either jet black or golden. If jet black then she has blue eyes, if golden, then her eyes are hazel-ish. Her eyes are big and very expressive, and she has long, dreamy eyelashes. She has fair skin by nature but I imagine her with a bit of tan. She is tall and slim, slender and generally quite attractive. She is agile and may be into sports. This is just how I imagine an Angelina when I think of this name, and not how I think all Angelinas are or should be like and I don't even know anyone with this name, it's just my imagining of a person with this name.
Overused and boring.
Easily the best person I know. The name strikes a sense of admiration, strength, and unfathomable beauty. Anyone with this name should be proud, knowing that they are among the best on the planet.
My name is Angelina, I go by Lina. I love my name very much, I think it's a very beautiful and unique name. I have only met two other girls named Angelina in my life. I was named Angelina when it was most popular in 2004.
This name is really pretty, a lot of names don't work for a girl as a child and an adult, but this name is completely perfect. Some nicknames are Angel. Angie, Annie, Ann, Lin, Lina.
I love, love, love the name Angelina. I think the letters really flow together and the name just sounds like a song. But I don't enjoy how it's like 'your namesake is Angie Jolie!' because although she is a lovely actress, I want my child to be her own person and not named after a random celebrity.
I like Lina and Annie as nicknames.
I was born in 1996, so the name "Angelina" was not really popular and was very uncommon in the city where I live as it was ranked #310 in the United States. My mother's grandmother had given me the name because she had thought it was beautiful and that it would be special if I was named after my mother, Angela. I still find the name "Angelina" as one of the most unique and beautiful names in the world. However, I would hate it if it became too common of a name as it would lose its individuality and uniqueness. Also, Angelina Jolie happens to be one of my favorite actresses so I think it's awesome that we share names.
My name is Angelina, I was born in 2004. But it got the most popular in 2005. I really hope it doesn't get too popular and ruin it. I really love my name because it's unique. Even though my middle name isn't as unique.
My name is Angelina Swan. My dad is from London and my mom is from Italy. They named me Angelina because "Swan" sounds really English from England and they wanted me to have some Italian in my name. Also, Angelina means "little angel" and I am their little Angel. I really like this name because my nickname is "Angel" and it sounds gracious.
I named my daughter Angelina back in 2003. I didn't get it from Jolie. Personally, she has ruined my daughter's name. I loved the name, I actually got it from a girl I knew. Angelina isn't common from where I'm from. I only know one other person, besides my daughter and the girl I named her after. But to this day, I only know 3. People at work have asked if I named my daughter after Jolie and the answer has always been, hell no. Jolie wasn't even big when I had my daughter.
My daughter also got the name Angelina because I was a BAD teenager, on drugs and alcohol bad. When I found out I was pregnant a few months after my 17th birthday, I cried. I had plans to go to college and become something. I don't think I would have made it though, I was so messed up on drugs it was ridiculous! My daughter is my Angel who saved me from a downward spiral in life. She is the one I straightened up for and the reason I became the woman I am now. I have been clean since the day I found out I was pregnant and have never relapsed. She is my Angel and her and her 2 brothers are my life.
She will forever be my Angel, sent from God, to straighten me out. I am forever grateful for her! She knows how she got her name and she knows she saved me! My personal Angel!
My sister just had a baby and she named her daughter Angelina Victoria - both beautiful family names! The baby girl is now 5 months old and gorgeous. People often tell us how pretty she is and say that the name matches the baby.
Angelina is the most beautiful name EVER, which is why it's what I named my daughter. And YES, I did name her after Angelina Jolie, an amazing woman who deserves complete respect.
Take your jealous hate somewhere else.
Pretty name! Love names that begin and end with an A.
Angelina is such a gorgeous, girly, beautiful, classy name. It's a good name to grow up with from childhood to adulthood. I love how it's meaning derives from angel. Angelina is a truly special name. I also like the other angel related names Angela, Angie & Angelo. C:
My 3rd great grandmother was given this name and on old church documents written as Angelina. Angelique on (baptism record) and Angela, on her grave stone. She was born in Olingen, (ouijen French spelling) Luxembourg in 1823 and was of catholic faith married into a German catholic family and came to America in 1851. This name seems to have never really lost its popularity and I guess its Latin origins lends it out to many nationalities that practice Catholicism, in fact I would claim this as a catholic name at least years ago, but now anyone uses it.
This is one of the worst names in the world. Angelina Jolie runined any redeeming quality the name may have had.
This name is alright, but personally I would never use it because I have a feeling it will skyrocket within the next few years, plus that Jersey Shore twit ruined it for me :/
No offence to any Angelina's out there, but I find this name painfully pretentious. I'd think the same of any name with the word "Angel" in it.
I have a cousin named Angelina.I love the sound but the name is too popular and makes me think of a girl that is full of herself. I know people with variants of the name and most of them had a horrible personality. Doesn't mean that all Angelinas are bad but it just reminds me of bad things.
I love this name because I love the nicknames Angel, Angie, and Lina.
I love this name, but I think it has kind of become associated with Angelina Jolie. I do adore her, but the constant tabloid stories about her have made me like the name less. Still, at least using it is nowhere near as corny as naming your daughter Jolie.
A beautiful name, but I prefer Angeline.
Angelina is such a nice name, so angelic and sweet.
It's a very cute name, but it sounds better on little girls and teens than it does on adults. The name has that youthful, cutesy feel to it that makes it difficult to imagine this name on mature, intelligent women. I can only associate the name with Angelina Jolie, and I've begun to find her a bit irritating, although I must admit that she's pretty hot.
I have a friend by this name and find the name quite beautiful. I don't really care for Angelina Jolie. To me she ruins this pretty name. On the other hand, Angelina is a nice all around name. But be careful with it, it is becoming popular.
This is my name, I used to hate it cause it wasn't popular. Then I started to think it was beautiful. Now I wish there wasn't a Ms Jolie and it wasn't so popular. At least with her there I don't get called Angela too much anymore. Some of you people hold a lot of hate towards this name, you guys need some help.
I don't mind the name Angela, but I hate this name. I think it's because I don't like the name Lina, and the Lina at the end of this name turns me off. I also hate the name Angie, and would never use this nickname. It sounds like a dog’s name, not a person’s name. I also hate Angelina Jolie, and every time I hear this name, I think of her. I am sure she's the reason why this name has become so popular, since I've never heard this name before she becasue famous. And to the person who thinks Angelina Jolie is arguably the most beautiful women in the world, I can think of thousands of women more beautiful than her. Personally, I found her to be a very unattractive person.
I like this name, but I would want to go by Angie, Lina, or Angel.
Angelina is one of the most beautiful names I have heard of. But if too many people use it, it becomes kind of old and common-place. Angelina Jolie is a well-known name-sake, and she makes her name legendary. If I had a daughter, I would probably give her an uncommon name so people wouldn't tie her to another person. The name Angelina is also of Italian origin. Italian, Indian, Irish, and many Eastern language origins, have names that mean "pretty" such as the names: Eirian, Jia, Isolde, and Kalyan. These names are simple yet elegant. Anyway, Angelina is a wonderful name but it's a lot to live for. It does mean "pretty" and "angel".
I think that despite its growing popularity, I still am somewhat fond of the name. The only reason why I began to hate this name because in Fourth Grade, I met the most elitist Korean girl in my school! She would pick on me, calling me "saucebox" and "Smarties" over and over again. What made even more vexatious was her accent *shudders*. Sorry, but it has ruined this name for me!
I am usually not fond of very popular names, but I really like Angelina. It's just pretty to say and to hear. Not to mention, one can't beat having Angelina Jolie as a namesake.
Angelina is a beautiful name, it sounds so pretty. For a nickname I would probably use Lina.
I think this is a very pretty name. Personally I like Angelina Grace. This seems to be a name that isn't overly used but has withstood the test of time.
I (18) fell pregnant 8 months ago and my boyfriend and I have been thinking of names to call our beautiful girl. We have decided to call her Angelina and you will pronounce it ang-u-lina. This is going to be the most perfect name because she is my "little angel".

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