Rachel Shay's Family Tree Congrats Round 2
ROUND ONE: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3079695&board=game
Welcome to Round 2.
The year is now 1910. Another 5 years have gone by, and once again, you can add as many or as few members to your family. You can even take some away, if you’re feeling particularly mean :o. (example below)
DS: (10)
DD: (8)
DD/DD: (7)
DS: (5, [deceased at age 2, tuberculosis])
AS: (4, Orphan Train)
DD: (2)
DS/DS/DD: (nb)
Names are from the link, or the name banks, or a mixture of both. Genders are up to you again, or you can flip a coin (tails for girls, heads for boys). You may also pick names off OUR top names, but they should be in the namebanks anyway.
Girls: Ástríðr, Abagail, Abbigail, Abigail, Adaline, Addie, Adela, Adelaide, Adele, Adeline, Agatha, Ai, Albertine, Alessia, Alexandra, Alice, Alma, Almeda, Althea, Alyssa, Amalia, Amaryllis, Amelia, Ami, Ana, Angela, Angeline, Anjelica, Ann, Anna, Annabell, Annabella, Annabelle, Anne, Annetta, Annie, Annika, Antoinette, Antonia, Aria, Ashli, Ashly, Ashlyn, Ashton, Audrey, Audry, Aurelia, Aurora, Ava, Avis, Aya, Beatrice, Beatrix, Bella, Bernadette, Bernadine, Bess, Bessie, Bethany, Bettie, Bettina, Betty, Beverlee, Beverley, Billy, Björk, Blanche, Brenna, Caitlin, Caitlyn, Camilla, Camille, Carmen, Carole, Caroline, Catharine, Catherine, Cathryn, Cecile, Cecily, Celia, Charity, Charlotte, Christiane, Christina, Cicely, Clara, Clare, Clarissa, Claudette, Claudia, Clementine, Cody, Constance, Consuelo, Cora, Coralie, Cordelia, Corinne, Cornelia, Cristina, Daisy, Dale, Daniela, Danielle, Daphne, Deirdre, Delia, Delilah, Della, Diana, Domenica, Dorathy, Doris, Dorothea, Dorothy, Dulcie, Eddie, Edith, Effie, Eileen, Elda, Eleanor, Elinor, Elisa, Elisabeth, Elise, Elizabeth, Ellen, Elmira, Elodie, Elsa, Else, Elsie, Emerald, Emilia, Emily, Emlyn, Emma, Enola, Erin, Esther, Etta, Eugenie, Evangelina, Evangeline, Eve, Eydís, Fae, Fallon, Fay, Faye, Flora, Florence, Frances, Francesca, Francine, Gabriella, Gemma, Genevieve, Georgette, Georgiana, Georgianna, Glenna, Goldie, Grace, Halldóra, Hallie, Harriet, Hattie, Hazel, Helena, Helene, Henrietta, Henriette, Herminia, Hermione, Hester, Hope, Hortencia, Ida, Iesha, Ilaria, Irene, Iris, Isabel, Isabella, Isabelle, Ivy, Jacqueline, Jean, Jeanette, Jemima, Jennie, Jenny, Jerrica, Jewel, Joan, Joann, Joanna, Johanna, Josefina, Josepha, Juanita, Juliet, June, Juniper, Justine, Kaede, Kala, Kanon, Kasey, Kate, Katharina, Katharine, Katherine, Kathryn, Katie, Katlynn, Kiera, Kimberley, Kinnia, Kirstin, Kristjana, Laura, Lea, Leah, Leandra, Leatrice, Leonora, Leonore, Leontine, Leslie, Liadan, Libby, Lilja, Lillian, Lilly, Lily, Lisandra, Lisette, Loretta, Louisa, Louise, Lucia, Lucienne, Lucille, Lucinda, Luetta, Lula, Lulu, Lupe, Lydia, Madeleine, Mae, Maeve, Magdalen, Magdalene, Mai, Mamie, Marcella, Margaret, Margery, Margot, Mari, Marian, Marianne, Marie, Marilyn, Marina, Marion, Marjorie, Martha, Martina, Mary, Maryann, Masami, Mathilde, Matilda, Matilde, Maud, Maude, May, Meagan, Megan, Melba, Melisande, Michaela, Michelle, Millicent, Minerva, Mirabelle, Miriam, Mollie, Molly, Muriel, Myra, Nadina, Nadine, Nan, Nanami, Nancy, Naomi, Nettie, Nina, Nola, Nora, Olga, Olive, Olivia, Patience, Pauline, Penelope, Petra, Philomena, Phyllis, Portia, Priscila, Priscilla, Rachael, Racheal, Rachel, Rebecca, Reilly, Rhea, Rhianna, Riko, Roberta, Roisin, Rosa, Rosalie, Rosaline, Rose, Rosemary, Rowena, Ruby, Ruth, Ryan, Sabine, Sadie, Sakura, Sally, Salome, Sara, Sarah, Shaina, Sigrid, Socorro, Sora, Stella, Sue, Susana, Susanna, Susannah, Svana, Sybil, Sylvia, Tabitha, Tamsin, Terese, Thea, Theresa, Thora, Tilda, Trixie, Tsubasa, Valdís, Vera, Verity, Veronica, Victoria, Vilma, Virginia, Vivian, Whitley, Wilhelmina, Willa, Winifred, Yoshiko, Yuri, Zelda, Zetta,
Boys: Abraham, Ace, Adrian, Akira, Alan, Alban, Albert, Albin, Alden, Alex, Alexander, Alexzander, Alfred, Alistair, Allan, Alvin, Ambrose, Anatole, Anderson, Andrew, Andy, Angelo, Angus, Ansel, Anthony, Arch, Archibald, Arlis, Arlo, Armand, Armin, Arnold, Arthur, Artur, Arturo, August, Augustus, Aurelio, Austin, Ayo, Barnabas, Barnaby, Barnard, Bayard, Benedict, Benjamin, Bernard, Bert, Bertram, Bevan, Bill, Björn, Blaise, Brendan, Britton, Broderick, Brooks, Bud, Buddy, Buster, Caleb, Calvin, Camillo, Carl, Carlton, Carrol, Carson, Cecil, Charles, Charlie, Clarance, Clarence, Clark, Claude, Claudie, Claudio, Clay, Clement, Clifford, Clifton, Clinton, Clovis, Conan, Conrad, Cornelius, Crispin, Curtis, Dale, Dallas, Daniel, David, Davis, Dennison, Derrell, Devyn, Dick, Domenick, Domingo, Dominic, Dominick, Don, Donato, Doran, Dorian, Dorman, Dudley, Duncan, Dwight, Eamon, Earnest, Eddie, Edgar, Edmond, Edmund, Edward, Edwin, Eldon, Elgin, Elijah, Eliot, Ellis, Emerson, Emil, Emmett, Emory, Ernest, Eugene, Eusebio, Evan, Evander, Everett, Eysteinn, Ezekiel, Ezra, Felix, Ferdinand, Flint, Florian, Forrest, Frank, Franklin, Fred, Frederic, Frederick, Friðrik, Frost, Gabriel, Garnet, Garrett, Garrison, Gene, George, Gerard, Gilbert, Giovanni, Glen, Glendon, Glenn, Gottlieb, Graham, Grant, Gustave, Guy, Harold, Harris, Harry, Harvey, Haskell, Heath, Henry, Herbert, Herman, Hibiki, Hideki, Hinrik, Hiram, Hoover, Horace, Howard, Hubert, Huey, Hugh, Hugo, Isaac, Issac, Ivan, Jóhann, Jack, Jacob, James, Jarvis, Jasper, Jay, Jean, Jefferson, Jeffrey, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Joe, Joel, John, Jonas, Jonathan, Jose, Joseph, Joshua, Juan, Jules, Julian, Julius, Justin, Justine, Kaede, Kane, Karl, Katsu, Kazuo, Keegan, Kelvin, Kendal, Kenji, Kerwin, Kian, Kieran, Kyou, Landen, Lawrence, Lee, Leo, Leonard, Leonardo, Leopold, Leslie, Levi, Lewis, Lincoln, Linwood, Lorcan, Louis, Lucien, Lucio, Luigi, Lupe, Lyle, Lynn, Mack, Marcel, Marion, Mark, Markel, Marshal, Marshall, Mathew, Matthew, Matthias, Maxie, Maximilian, Maximo, Mercer, Meyer, Michael, Micheal, Miles, Milo, Minoru, Mitchel, Mitchell, Morris, Moses, Moss, Nathan, Nathanael, Nathanial, Nathaniel, Neal, Ned, Neil, Nelson, Nicholas, Nicholson, Nick, Nico, Nikolas, Noel, Nolan, Norman, Oliver, Oswald, Otto, Pat, Patrick, Patrizia, Paul, Percival, Percy, Peter, Philip, Philo, Pierce, Quentin, Ralph, Randolph, Ray, Raymond, Red, Reginald, Reid, Reuben, Rex, Reyes, Reynold, Richard, Ridge, Robert, Rocky, Roland, Ronan, Ross, Roy, Rudolf, Rudy, Rupert, Russell, Ryuu, Samuel, Saul, Shin, Sidney, Silas, Simon, Snorri, Sol, Solomon, Stanley, Stanton, Stefano, Stephan, Stephen, Sterling, Stone, Stuart, Sylvester, Takahiro, Takuma, Ted, Teddy, Theadore, Theodore, Theseus, Thomas, Tiberius, Tomas, Tommy, Tsubasa, Vance, Vaughn, Vernon, Vincent, Wade, Walker, Wallace, Walter, Warren, Westley, Will, William, Willie, Wilson, Winford, Yori, Zachary,
1. John (14)
2. James (11)
3. Arthur (8)
4. Charles, Theodore (7)
5. David, Henry, Matthew, Thomas, William (6)
1. Ruby (7)
2. Grace, Marie (6)
3. Elizabeth, Lillian, Mary, Rose (5)
4. Alice, Anna, Catherine, Charlotte, Clara, Florence, Hazel, Josephine, Nicole, Victoria (4)
User Name: Ashley
LN: Bolewski
DH: Kevin Joseph (32)
DW: Joanna Lee (32)
User Name: Darkest
LN: Greywood
DH: Daniel Matthew (34)
DW: Catherine Blanche "Cat" (30)
DS: Nathaniel David "Nathan" (10)
DS: Daniel Matthew II (9)
DD/DS: Charlotte Rowena "Lottie" / Alexander Thomas "Xander" (8)
DS/DS: Nicholas Oliver "Cole" / Benjamin John "Ben" (5)
User Name: HeidiAnn
LN: O'Leary
DH: Henry Edward (29)
DW: Elizabeth Mildred "Bess" (28)
DS: Paul Henry (9)
DD: Helen Frances (7)
DD: Ruth Louise (6)
User Name: Rachel Shay
LN: Trueblood
DH: Alexander Charles "Alex" (30)
DW: Rachel Eleanor (28)
DD: Helena Ruby (10)
DS/DD: Edgar William / Christiane Victoria (8)
DS: Percy Nathaniel (6)
User Name: Rowena
LN: Akiyama
DH: Minoru Takahiro (30)
DW: Lilja Eydís (28)
DS: Moses George (9 - February 18, 1901)
DS: Nathanael Clarence (7 - July 6, 1903)
DD: Priscilla Harriet (5 - June 30, 1905)
User Name: estel
LN: Bartlett
DH: John Michael "Jack" (35)
DW: Mary Nicole (32)
DS: John Michael Jr. "Jonny" (10)
DS: Matthew Benjamin "Matt" (9)
DD: Delilah Rose "Lily" (7)
DS: Reuben Moses "Rube" (6)
DD: Elisabeth Hope "Lizzy" (5)
User Name: Wintertale
LN: Lawrence
DH: Theodore Henry (32)
DW: Anna Margaret (31)
DS/DD: William John "Will" / Isabella Mary "Bella"(9)
DD: Josephine Clara "Jo" (7)
User Name: avalon
LN: Rush
DH: William John "Will" (29)
DW: Elizabeth Marie (29)
DS: Jonathan David "Jack" (10)
DS: Charles William "Charlie" (9)
DD: Lillian May "Lily" (7)
User Name: Emilie
LN: Hunter
DH: Charles Simon "Charlie" (30)
DW: Leah Katherine (29)
DD: Anna Faye "Annie" (9)
DD: Clara Eleanor (7)
DD/DD: Lucy Victoria / Ruby Virginia (5)
User Name: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward (31)
DW: Dorothy Caroline Ruby (30)
DD/DD: Claudia Juliet Portia / Naomi Sylvia June (10)
DS: Jasper Mitchell (9)
DD: Rosemary Lillian Josefina (7)
User Name: jeziana
LN: Kay
DH: Robert Daniel (35)
DW: Elsa Florence (34)
DD: Dorathea Florence (10)
DD/DD: Betty Georgette / Nora Patience (8)
DS: Walter Robert (7)
DD: Marianne Lisette (6)
DS/DD: Simon Oswald / Joan Louise (5)
User Name: slgn4
LN: Anderson
DH: Albert James (31)
DW: Mary Alice(30)
DS: Isaac Nathaniel (10)
DD: Naomi Susannah (9)
DS: Caleb Matthew (8)
DD: Delilah Eve (7)
DD: Miriam Esther (6)
DS: Joel Benjamin (5)
User Name: X Mar
LN: Helm
DH: Arthur Russell (35)
DW: Sadie Josefina (33)
DS: Reuben Arthur (10)
DS: Jules Russell (9)
DD: Susannah Lucia (7)
DS: Duncan Joshua (5)
User Name: Nikki
LN: Jensen
DH: James Arthur (29)
DW: Leora Hazel (28)
DD: Rowena Danielle (10)
DD/DS/DS/DS: Esther Antonia / Thomas Theodore / Edward Alexander / Joseph Nathanael (9)
DD: Edith Elise (7)
DS: Henry Leonard (5)
User Name: Avalon_Dreams
LN: Collins
DH: Joseph Arthur "Joe"(32)
DW: Lillian Marie "Lily"(30)
DS: Matthew James “Matt” (10)
DD: Katharine Adelaide “Katie” (9)
DS: William Charles “Will” (8)
DD/DD: Rebecca Faye / Margaret Elizabeth “Becky/Maggie” (7)
DS: Jacob David “Jake” (6)
DD: Genevieve Sarah “Genny” (5)
User Name: sarah lee
Last Name: Joossens
DH: George Thomas (33)
DW: Anna Margaret (28)
DS: Harry Matthew (10)
DD: Eve Rosemary "Evie" (8)
DS: Simon Theodore (7)
DS: Arthur Nicholas (6)
DD/DD: Gemma Katherine / Rosalie Helena (5)
User Name: Anna Kate
LN: Summers
DH: John Everett (31)
DW: Rosa Katherine (29)
DS: Oliver Benjamin (10)
DD: Isabel Cordelia (8)
DD: Lucy Georgiana (7)
User Name: Kelsie
LN: Stevenson
DH: John Harry (38)
DW: Lillian Ruth (32)
DD/DD: Charlotte Lillian / Emma Genevieve (10)
DS/DD/DD: Benjamin John / Ruby Jacqueline / Ivy Victoria (8)
DS: Paul Simon (6)
User Name: Dot
LN: Robert
DH: Ernest Frederick "Ernie" (30)
DW: Henrietta Alice "Hettie" (29)
DS: Peter Lawrence (10)
DD: Elizabeth Milded "Bess" (9)
DD/DD: Catherine Gertrude "Kitty" / Virginia Pauline "Ginny" (7)
User Name: Salsa
LN: Rylands
DH: James Roy (33)
DW: Claribel Elsie (31)
DS: Leo James (9), born 4th April 1901
DD: Hazel Evelyn (6), born 1st February 1904
User Name: Spartz
LN: Sander
DH: Evan Francis (36)
DW: Marie Nicole (34)
DS: Evan Francis Jr. (8)
DD: Grace Amelia "Gracie" (6)
User Name: Tai Angel
LN: Shmit
DH: Edward George (40) - 31/12/1865
DW: Louise Helen (35) - 23/4/1870
DS: Alistair Dudley (10) - 16/3/1900
DS/DS/DS: Howard Theodore, Leonard Herbert and Walter Bernard (9) - 27/7/1901
DD: Winifred Dorothea (7) - 12/8/1903
DD: Virginia Florence (5) - 3/7/1905
*Your DH and DW’s birth years don’t match up with their age. Could you please either change their ages to 45 and 40, or the years to 1870 and 1875? Thank you :]
UN: lemmingade
LN: Smith
DH: David Samuel (30)
DW: Opal June (30)
DD: Ruby Iris (10)
DD: Hazel Grace (8)
DD: Ivy Pearl (6)
User Name: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (32)
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen" (10)
DS: John Spencer, Jr. (10)
DS: Grant Joseph (9)
DD/DD: Elisabeth Maria / Olivia Rachel "Livvy" (8)
DD: Kathryn Ava "Kate" (6)
DD: Sara Faith (5)
User Name: LeeElizaBnt
LN: Weinstat
DH: Jonathan David (34)
DW: Evelyn Marie (30)
DS: Thomas Charles (10)
DD/DS/DS: Mary Beth/ Peter Michael/ Zachary Isaac "Zach" (8)
DD: Jennie Catherine (5)
User Name: Gloria Rose
Last Name: Beckham
DH: James Calvin (29)
DW: Grace Violet (28)
DS: Jack Arthur (9)
DD/DS: Annie Rose / Charlie Simon (6)
User Name: earthnut (Caitlin)
LN: Pace
DH: Ashley Jude (32)
DW: Cicely Clara (31)
DS: Nicholas Glenn (10)
DD/DD: Cornelia May / Amalia Rose (7)
User Name: Flute
LN: Milton
DH: Cecil Frederick (34)
DW: Anna Marjorie "Annie" (28)
DS: Frederick James "Fred" (10)
DD: Alice Clementine (8)
DD/DS: Josephine Cecile "Josie" / Hector Cornelius (7)
DD: Maxine Annabelle (5)
User Name: miss_smiley
LN: Barlow
DH: Thomas Harry (33)
DW: Annie Grace (31)
DD: Eva Beatrice (9)
DD: Ruby Grace (8)
DS: Harvey Theodore (5)
User Name: Sugar
LN: Patch
DH: Paul Michael (30)
DW: Florence Mary Jane "Flo" (29)
DD: Daisy Camille (9)
DD: Rose Leonore (7)
DD: Lily Charlotte (5)
User Name: Eleanor
LN: Bailey
DH: Alexander Everett (35)
DW: Marie Celeste (31)
DD: Annie Frances (11)
DS: John Walter (9)
DD: Mabel Catherine (9)
DS: Henry Lee (7)
DS: Fred James (5)
User Name: Sara Drake
LN: Walker
DH: Jonathan Russell “John” (32)
DW: Elizabeth Rose “Ellie” (28)
DS: Jonathan Russell Jr. "Jack" (9)
DD/DD: Delilah Margaret/ Sarah Bethany (7)
DS: Thomas Brooks (5)
User Name: Loz
LN: Orchard
DH: John Arthur Orchard (30)
DW: Grace Margaretta Orchard (30)
DS: John Arthur Orchard Jr (10)
DS/DS: Harry Stephan Orchard / James Patrick Orchard (8)
DD: Anna Daisy Orchard (7)
DS: David Lewis Orchard (5)
User Name: Mithos
LN: Carpenter
DH: Cecil Clayton (25)
DW: Jennie Edith (25)
DS : Sidney Graham (10)
DD: Jacqueline Della "Jackie" (9)
DS/DS: Alex Hubert / Joel Russell (8)
DD: Elinor Alice "Nora" (7)
DD/DD: Ivy Cornelia / Priscilla Eve (6)
DS: Edward Rex (5)
User Name: CN
LN: Miller
DH: Theodore James (33)
DW: Charlotte Victoria (32)
DS: Alexander Lucas (10)
DS: August James (9)
DS: Graham Thomas (7)
DS: Henry Charles (6)
User Name: Starshelle
LN: Howard
DH: Elliot Charles (32)
DW: Minerva (28)
DD: Esther Matilda (8)
DD: Clara Beatrix (6)
User Name: LMS
LN: Woodlarke
DH: Avery Bertram (32)
DW: Josephine Lenore "Joey" (30)
DS: Oscar Theodore (10)
DD: Hazel Josephine (8)
DD: Stella Violet (7)
DD: Ruby Eleanor (6)
User Name: enlatiah
LN: Cole
DH: Jack Phillip (29)
DW: Martha Violet (27)
DS: Jasper Forrest (10)
DS: Jesse Lee (8)
DD/DD: Iris Lisette / Adelaide Beatrix (6)
Welcome to Round 2.
The year is now 1910. Another 5 years have gone by, and once again, you can add as many or as few members to your family. You can even take some away, if you’re feeling particularly mean :o. (example below)
DS: (10)
DD: (8)
DD/DD: (7)
DS: (5, [deceased at age 2, tuberculosis])
AS: (4, Orphan Train)
DD: (2)
DS/DS/DD: (nb)
Names are from the link, or the name banks, or a mixture of both. Genders are up to you again, or you can flip a coin (tails for girls, heads for boys). You may also pick names off OUR top names, but they should be in the namebanks anyway.
Girls: Ástríðr, Abagail, Abbigail, Abigail, Adaline, Addie, Adela, Adelaide, Adele, Adeline, Agatha, Ai, Albertine, Alessia, Alexandra, Alice, Alma, Almeda, Althea, Alyssa, Amalia, Amaryllis, Amelia, Ami, Ana, Angela, Angeline, Anjelica, Ann, Anna, Annabell, Annabella, Annabelle, Anne, Annetta, Annie, Annika, Antoinette, Antonia, Aria, Ashli, Ashly, Ashlyn, Ashton, Audrey, Audry, Aurelia, Aurora, Ava, Avis, Aya, Beatrice, Beatrix, Bella, Bernadette, Bernadine, Bess, Bessie, Bethany, Bettie, Bettina, Betty, Beverlee, Beverley, Billy, Björk, Blanche, Brenna, Caitlin, Caitlyn, Camilla, Camille, Carmen, Carole, Caroline, Catharine, Catherine, Cathryn, Cecile, Cecily, Celia, Charity, Charlotte, Christiane, Christina, Cicely, Clara, Clare, Clarissa, Claudette, Claudia, Clementine, Cody, Constance, Consuelo, Cora, Coralie, Cordelia, Corinne, Cornelia, Cristina, Daisy, Dale, Daniela, Danielle, Daphne, Deirdre, Delia, Delilah, Della, Diana, Domenica, Dorathy, Doris, Dorothea, Dorothy, Dulcie, Eddie, Edith, Effie, Eileen, Elda, Eleanor, Elinor, Elisa, Elisabeth, Elise, Elizabeth, Ellen, Elmira, Elodie, Elsa, Else, Elsie, Emerald, Emilia, Emily, Emlyn, Emma, Enola, Erin, Esther, Etta, Eugenie, Evangelina, Evangeline, Eve, Eydís, Fae, Fallon, Fay, Faye, Flora, Florence, Frances, Francesca, Francine, Gabriella, Gemma, Genevieve, Georgette, Georgiana, Georgianna, Glenna, Goldie, Grace, Halldóra, Hallie, Harriet, Hattie, Hazel, Helena, Helene, Henrietta, Henriette, Herminia, Hermione, Hester, Hope, Hortencia, Ida, Iesha, Ilaria, Irene, Iris, Isabel, Isabella, Isabelle, Ivy, Jacqueline, Jean, Jeanette, Jemima, Jennie, Jenny, Jerrica, Jewel, Joan, Joann, Joanna, Johanna, Josefina, Josepha, Juanita, Juliet, June, Juniper, Justine, Kaede, Kala, Kanon, Kasey, Kate, Katharina, Katharine, Katherine, Kathryn, Katie, Katlynn, Kiera, Kimberley, Kinnia, Kirstin, Kristjana, Laura, Lea, Leah, Leandra, Leatrice, Leonora, Leonore, Leontine, Leslie, Liadan, Libby, Lilja, Lillian, Lilly, Lily, Lisandra, Lisette, Loretta, Louisa, Louise, Lucia, Lucienne, Lucille, Lucinda, Luetta, Lula, Lulu, Lupe, Lydia, Madeleine, Mae, Maeve, Magdalen, Magdalene, Mai, Mamie, Marcella, Margaret, Margery, Margot, Mari, Marian, Marianne, Marie, Marilyn, Marina, Marion, Marjorie, Martha, Martina, Mary, Maryann, Masami, Mathilde, Matilda, Matilde, Maud, Maude, May, Meagan, Megan, Melba, Melisande, Michaela, Michelle, Millicent, Minerva, Mirabelle, Miriam, Mollie, Molly, Muriel, Myra, Nadina, Nadine, Nan, Nanami, Nancy, Naomi, Nettie, Nina, Nola, Nora, Olga, Olive, Olivia, Patience, Pauline, Penelope, Petra, Philomena, Phyllis, Portia, Priscila, Priscilla, Rachael, Racheal, Rachel, Rebecca, Reilly, Rhea, Rhianna, Riko, Roberta, Roisin, Rosa, Rosalie, Rosaline, Rose, Rosemary, Rowena, Ruby, Ruth, Ryan, Sabine, Sadie, Sakura, Sally, Salome, Sara, Sarah, Shaina, Sigrid, Socorro, Sora, Stella, Sue, Susana, Susanna, Susannah, Svana, Sybil, Sylvia, Tabitha, Tamsin, Terese, Thea, Theresa, Thora, Tilda, Trixie, Tsubasa, Valdís, Vera, Verity, Veronica, Victoria, Vilma, Virginia, Vivian, Whitley, Wilhelmina, Willa, Winifred, Yoshiko, Yuri, Zelda, Zetta,
Boys: Abraham, Ace, Adrian, Akira, Alan, Alban, Albert, Albin, Alden, Alex, Alexander, Alexzander, Alfred, Alistair, Allan, Alvin, Ambrose, Anatole, Anderson, Andrew, Andy, Angelo, Angus, Ansel, Anthony, Arch, Archibald, Arlis, Arlo, Armand, Armin, Arnold, Arthur, Artur, Arturo, August, Augustus, Aurelio, Austin, Ayo, Barnabas, Barnaby, Barnard, Bayard, Benedict, Benjamin, Bernard, Bert, Bertram, Bevan, Bill, Björn, Blaise, Brendan, Britton, Broderick, Brooks, Bud, Buddy, Buster, Caleb, Calvin, Camillo, Carl, Carlton, Carrol, Carson, Cecil, Charles, Charlie, Clarance, Clarence, Clark, Claude, Claudie, Claudio, Clay, Clement, Clifford, Clifton, Clinton, Clovis, Conan, Conrad, Cornelius, Crispin, Curtis, Dale, Dallas, Daniel, David, Davis, Dennison, Derrell, Devyn, Dick, Domenick, Domingo, Dominic, Dominick, Don, Donato, Doran, Dorian, Dorman, Dudley, Duncan, Dwight, Eamon, Earnest, Eddie, Edgar, Edmond, Edmund, Edward, Edwin, Eldon, Elgin, Elijah, Eliot, Ellis, Emerson, Emil, Emmett, Emory, Ernest, Eugene, Eusebio, Evan, Evander, Everett, Eysteinn, Ezekiel, Ezra, Felix, Ferdinand, Flint, Florian, Forrest, Frank, Franklin, Fred, Frederic, Frederick, Friðrik, Frost, Gabriel, Garnet, Garrett, Garrison, Gene, George, Gerard, Gilbert, Giovanni, Glen, Glendon, Glenn, Gottlieb, Graham, Grant, Gustave, Guy, Harold, Harris, Harry, Harvey, Haskell, Heath, Henry, Herbert, Herman, Hibiki, Hideki, Hinrik, Hiram, Hoover, Horace, Howard, Hubert, Huey, Hugh, Hugo, Isaac, Issac, Ivan, Jóhann, Jack, Jacob, James, Jarvis, Jasper, Jay, Jean, Jefferson, Jeffrey, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Joe, Joel, John, Jonas, Jonathan, Jose, Joseph, Joshua, Juan, Jules, Julian, Julius, Justin, Justine, Kaede, Kane, Karl, Katsu, Kazuo, Keegan, Kelvin, Kendal, Kenji, Kerwin, Kian, Kieran, Kyou, Landen, Lawrence, Lee, Leo, Leonard, Leonardo, Leopold, Leslie, Levi, Lewis, Lincoln, Linwood, Lorcan, Louis, Lucien, Lucio, Luigi, Lupe, Lyle, Lynn, Mack, Marcel, Marion, Mark, Markel, Marshal, Marshall, Mathew, Matthew, Matthias, Maxie, Maximilian, Maximo, Mercer, Meyer, Michael, Micheal, Miles, Milo, Minoru, Mitchel, Mitchell, Morris, Moses, Moss, Nathan, Nathanael, Nathanial, Nathaniel, Neal, Ned, Neil, Nelson, Nicholas, Nicholson, Nick, Nico, Nikolas, Noel, Nolan, Norman, Oliver, Oswald, Otto, Pat, Patrick, Patrizia, Paul, Percival, Percy, Peter, Philip, Philo, Pierce, Quentin, Ralph, Randolph, Ray, Raymond, Red, Reginald, Reid, Reuben, Rex, Reyes, Reynold, Richard, Ridge, Robert, Rocky, Roland, Ronan, Ross, Roy, Rudolf, Rudy, Rupert, Russell, Ryuu, Samuel, Saul, Shin, Sidney, Silas, Simon, Snorri, Sol, Solomon, Stanley, Stanton, Stefano, Stephan, Stephen, Sterling, Stone, Stuart, Sylvester, Takahiro, Takuma, Ted, Teddy, Theadore, Theodore, Theseus, Thomas, Tiberius, Tomas, Tommy, Tsubasa, Vance, Vaughn, Vernon, Vincent, Wade, Walker, Wallace, Walter, Warren, Westley, Will, William, Willie, Wilson, Winford, Yori, Zachary,
1. John (14)
2. James (11)
3. Arthur (8)
4. Charles, Theodore (7)
5. David, Henry, Matthew, Thomas, William (6)
1. Ruby (7)
2. Grace, Marie (6)
3. Elizabeth, Lillian, Mary, Rose (5)
4. Alice, Anna, Catherine, Charlotte, Clara, Florence, Hazel, Josephine, Nicole, Victoria (4)
User Name: Ashley
LN: Bolewski
DH: Kevin Joseph (32)
DW: Joanna Lee (32)
User Name: Darkest
LN: Greywood
DH: Daniel Matthew (34)
DW: Catherine Blanche "Cat" (30)
DS: Nathaniel David "Nathan" (10)
DS: Daniel Matthew II (9)
DD/DS: Charlotte Rowena "Lottie" / Alexander Thomas "Xander" (8)
DS/DS: Nicholas Oliver "Cole" / Benjamin John "Ben" (5)
User Name: HeidiAnn
LN: O'Leary
DH: Henry Edward (29)
DW: Elizabeth Mildred "Bess" (28)
DS: Paul Henry (9)
DD: Helen Frances (7)
DD: Ruth Louise (6)
User Name: Rachel Shay
LN: Trueblood
DH: Alexander Charles "Alex" (30)
DW: Rachel Eleanor (28)
DD: Helena Ruby (10)
DS/DD: Edgar William / Christiane Victoria (8)
DS: Percy Nathaniel (6)
User Name: Rowena
LN: Akiyama
DH: Minoru Takahiro (30)
DW: Lilja Eydís (28)
DS: Moses George (9 - February 18, 1901)
DS: Nathanael Clarence (7 - July 6, 1903)
DD: Priscilla Harriet (5 - June 30, 1905)
User Name: estel
LN: Bartlett
DH: John Michael "Jack" (35)
DW: Mary Nicole (32)
DS: John Michael Jr. "Jonny" (10)
DS: Matthew Benjamin "Matt" (9)
DD: Delilah Rose "Lily" (7)
DS: Reuben Moses "Rube" (6)
DD: Elisabeth Hope "Lizzy" (5)
User Name: Wintertale
LN: Lawrence
DH: Theodore Henry (32)
DW: Anna Margaret (31)
DS/DD: William John "Will" / Isabella Mary "Bella"(9)
DD: Josephine Clara "Jo" (7)
User Name: avalon
LN: Rush
DH: William John "Will" (29)
DW: Elizabeth Marie (29)
DS: Jonathan David "Jack" (10)
DS: Charles William "Charlie" (9)
DD: Lillian May "Lily" (7)
User Name: Emilie
LN: Hunter
DH: Charles Simon "Charlie" (30)
DW: Leah Katherine (29)
DD: Anna Faye "Annie" (9)
DD: Clara Eleanor (7)
DD/DD: Lucy Victoria / Ruby Virginia (5)
User Name: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward (31)
DW: Dorothy Caroline Ruby (30)
DD/DD: Claudia Juliet Portia / Naomi Sylvia June (10)
DS: Jasper Mitchell (9)
DD: Rosemary Lillian Josefina (7)
User Name: jeziana
LN: Kay
DH: Robert Daniel (35)
DW: Elsa Florence (34)
DD: Dorathea Florence (10)
DD/DD: Betty Georgette / Nora Patience (8)
DS: Walter Robert (7)
DD: Marianne Lisette (6)
DS/DD: Simon Oswald / Joan Louise (5)
User Name: slgn4
LN: Anderson
DH: Albert James (31)
DW: Mary Alice(30)
DS: Isaac Nathaniel (10)
DD: Naomi Susannah (9)
DS: Caleb Matthew (8)
DD: Delilah Eve (7)
DD: Miriam Esther (6)
DS: Joel Benjamin (5)
User Name: X Mar
LN: Helm
DH: Arthur Russell (35)
DW: Sadie Josefina (33)
DS: Reuben Arthur (10)
DS: Jules Russell (9)
DD: Susannah Lucia (7)
DS: Duncan Joshua (5)
User Name: Nikki
LN: Jensen
DH: James Arthur (29)
DW: Leora Hazel (28)
DD: Rowena Danielle (10)
DD/DS/DS/DS: Esther Antonia / Thomas Theodore / Edward Alexander / Joseph Nathanael (9)
DD: Edith Elise (7)
DS: Henry Leonard (5)
User Name: Avalon_Dreams
LN: Collins
DH: Joseph Arthur "Joe"(32)
DW: Lillian Marie "Lily"(30)
DS: Matthew James “Matt” (10)
DD: Katharine Adelaide “Katie” (9)
DS: William Charles “Will” (8)
DD/DD: Rebecca Faye / Margaret Elizabeth “Becky/Maggie” (7)
DS: Jacob David “Jake” (6)
DD: Genevieve Sarah “Genny” (5)
User Name: sarah lee
Last Name: Joossens
DH: George Thomas (33)
DW: Anna Margaret (28)
DS: Harry Matthew (10)
DD: Eve Rosemary "Evie" (8)
DS: Simon Theodore (7)
DS: Arthur Nicholas (6)
DD/DD: Gemma Katherine / Rosalie Helena (5)
User Name: Anna Kate
LN: Summers
DH: John Everett (31)
DW: Rosa Katherine (29)
DS: Oliver Benjamin (10)
DD: Isabel Cordelia (8)
DD: Lucy Georgiana (7)
User Name: Kelsie
LN: Stevenson
DH: John Harry (38)
DW: Lillian Ruth (32)
DD/DD: Charlotte Lillian / Emma Genevieve (10)
DS/DD/DD: Benjamin John / Ruby Jacqueline / Ivy Victoria (8)
DS: Paul Simon (6)
User Name: Dot
LN: Robert
DH: Ernest Frederick "Ernie" (30)
DW: Henrietta Alice "Hettie" (29)
DS: Peter Lawrence (10)
DD: Elizabeth Milded "Bess" (9)
DD/DD: Catherine Gertrude "Kitty" / Virginia Pauline "Ginny" (7)
User Name: Salsa
LN: Rylands
DH: James Roy (33)
DW: Claribel Elsie (31)
DS: Leo James (9), born 4th April 1901
DD: Hazel Evelyn (6), born 1st February 1904
User Name: Spartz
LN: Sander
DH: Evan Francis (36)
DW: Marie Nicole (34)
DS: Evan Francis Jr. (8)
DD: Grace Amelia "Gracie" (6)
User Name: Tai Angel
LN: Shmit
DH: Edward George (40) - 31/12/1865
DW: Louise Helen (35) - 23/4/1870
DS: Alistair Dudley (10) - 16/3/1900
DS/DS/DS: Howard Theodore, Leonard Herbert and Walter Bernard (9) - 27/7/1901
DD: Winifred Dorothea (7) - 12/8/1903
DD: Virginia Florence (5) - 3/7/1905
*Your DH and DW’s birth years don’t match up with their age. Could you please either change their ages to 45 and 40, or the years to 1870 and 1875? Thank you :]
UN: lemmingade
LN: Smith
DH: David Samuel (30)
DW: Opal June (30)
DD: Ruby Iris (10)
DD: Hazel Grace (8)
DD: Ivy Pearl (6)
User Name: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (32)
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen" (10)
DS: John Spencer, Jr. (10)
DS: Grant Joseph (9)
DD/DD: Elisabeth Maria / Olivia Rachel "Livvy" (8)
DD: Kathryn Ava "Kate" (6)
DD: Sara Faith (5)
User Name: LeeElizaBnt
LN: Weinstat
DH: Jonathan David (34)
DW: Evelyn Marie (30)
DS: Thomas Charles (10)
DD/DS/DS: Mary Beth/ Peter Michael/ Zachary Isaac "Zach" (8)
DD: Jennie Catherine (5)
User Name: Gloria Rose
Last Name: Beckham
DH: James Calvin (29)
DW: Grace Violet (28)
DS: Jack Arthur (9)
DD/DS: Annie Rose / Charlie Simon (6)
User Name: earthnut (Caitlin)
LN: Pace
DH: Ashley Jude (32)
DW: Cicely Clara (31)
DS: Nicholas Glenn (10)
DD/DD: Cornelia May / Amalia Rose (7)
User Name: Flute
LN: Milton
DH: Cecil Frederick (34)
DW: Anna Marjorie "Annie" (28)
DS: Frederick James "Fred" (10)
DD: Alice Clementine (8)
DD/DS: Josephine Cecile "Josie" / Hector Cornelius (7)
DD: Maxine Annabelle (5)
User Name: miss_smiley
LN: Barlow
DH: Thomas Harry (33)
DW: Annie Grace (31)
DD: Eva Beatrice (9)
DD: Ruby Grace (8)
DS: Harvey Theodore (5)
User Name: Sugar
LN: Patch
DH: Paul Michael (30)
DW: Florence Mary Jane "Flo" (29)
DD: Daisy Camille (9)
DD: Rose Leonore (7)
DD: Lily Charlotte (5)
User Name: Eleanor
LN: Bailey
DH: Alexander Everett (35)
DW: Marie Celeste (31)
DD: Annie Frances (11)
DS: John Walter (9)
DD: Mabel Catherine (9)
DS: Henry Lee (7)
DS: Fred James (5)
User Name: Sara Drake
LN: Walker
DH: Jonathan Russell “John” (32)
DW: Elizabeth Rose “Ellie” (28)
DS: Jonathan Russell Jr. "Jack" (9)
DD/DD: Delilah Margaret/ Sarah Bethany (7)
DS: Thomas Brooks (5)
User Name: Loz
LN: Orchard
DH: John Arthur Orchard (30)
DW: Grace Margaretta Orchard (30)
DS: John Arthur Orchard Jr (10)
DS/DS: Harry Stephan Orchard / James Patrick Orchard (8)
DD: Anna Daisy Orchard (7)
DS: David Lewis Orchard (5)
User Name: Mithos
LN: Carpenter
DH: Cecil Clayton (25)
DW: Jennie Edith (25)
DS : Sidney Graham (10)
DD: Jacqueline Della "Jackie" (9)
DS/DS: Alex Hubert / Joel Russell (8)
DD: Elinor Alice "Nora" (7)
DD/DD: Ivy Cornelia / Priscilla Eve (6)
DS: Edward Rex (5)
User Name: CN
LN: Miller
DH: Theodore James (33)
DW: Charlotte Victoria (32)
DS: Alexander Lucas (10)
DS: August James (9)
DS: Graham Thomas (7)
DS: Henry Charles (6)
User Name: Starshelle
LN: Howard
DH: Elliot Charles (32)
DW: Minerva (28)
DD: Esther Matilda (8)
DD: Clara Beatrix (6)
User Name: LMS
LN: Woodlarke
DH: Avery Bertram (32)
DW: Josephine Lenore "Joey" (30)
DS: Oscar Theodore (10)
DD: Hazel Josephine (8)
DD: Stella Violet (7)
DD: Ruby Eleanor (6)
User Name: enlatiah
LN: Cole
DH: Jack Phillip (29)
DW: Martha Violet (27)
DS: Jasper Forrest (10)
DS: Jesse Lee (8)
DD/DD: Iris Lisette / Adelaide Beatrix (6)
User Name: CN
LN: Miller
DH: Theodore James (33)
DW: Charlotte Victoria (32)
DS: Alexander Lucas (10)
DS: August James (9)
DS: Graham Thomas (7)
DS: Henry Charles (6)
DD: Emily Frances (4)
DS: Julian Edmund (1)
LN: Miller
DH: Theodore James (33)
DW: Charlotte Victoria (32)
DS: Alexander Lucas (10)
DS: August James (9)
DS: Graham Thomas (7)
DS: Henry Charles (6)
DD: Emily Frances (4)
DS: Julian Edmund (1)
User Name: Flute
LN: Milton
DH: Cecil Frederick (34; February 1, 1876)
DW: Anna Marjorie "Annie" (28; June 9, 1882)
DS: Frederick James "Fred" (10; July 19, 1900)
DD: Alice Clementine (8; March 21, 1902)
DD/DS: Josephine Cecile "Josie" / Hector Cornelius (7; September 6, 1904)
DD: Maxine Annabelle (5; December 31, 1905)
DD: Harriet Joan "Hattie" (died at age 3 of influenza; born June 22, 1907)
DS: Louis Miles (2; April 11, 1908)
AD: Olive Isabella (2; April 27, 1908)
DS: Stephen Roy (stillborn; November 2, 1910)
It's another girl for the Miltons! Harriet Joan joins big brothers Fred and Hector and big sisters Alice, Josie, and Maxine on June 22, 1907.
Cecil and Annie Milton welcome their third boy, Louis Miles, on April 11th, 1908. His siblings are Fred, Alice, twins Josie and Hector, Maxine, and Hattie.
Carl and Kathryn Milton were killed on November 10th when their automobile careened off of a bridge. Their seven and a half month old daughter, Olive Isabella, has been placed under the care of father's only brother, Cecil, and his wife and children.
The Miltons are deeply saddened to report the death of their daughter, three year old Hattie, on December 15, due to influenza.
Stephen Roy Milton was born stillborn on November 2, 1910. His parents and siblings grieve his passing.
LN: Milton
DH: Cecil Frederick (34; February 1, 1876)
DW: Anna Marjorie "Annie" (28; June 9, 1882)
DS: Frederick James "Fred" (10; July 19, 1900)
DD: Alice Clementine (8; March 21, 1902)
DD/DS: Josephine Cecile "Josie" / Hector Cornelius (7; September 6, 1904)
DD: Maxine Annabelle (5; December 31, 1905)
DD: Harriet Joan "Hattie" (died at age 3 of influenza; born June 22, 1907)
DS: Louis Miles (2; April 11, 1908)
AD: Olive Isabella (2; April 27, 1908)
DS: Stephen Roy (stillborn; November 2, 1910)
It's another girl for the Miltons! Harriet Joan joins big brothers Fred and Hector and big sisters Alice, Josie, and Maxine on June 22, 1907.
Cecil and Annie Milton welcome their third boy, Louis Miles, on April 11th, 1908. His siblings are Fred, Alice, twins Josie and Hector, Maxine, and Hattie.
Carl and Kathryn Milton were killed on November 10th when their automobile careened off of a bridge. Their seven and a half month old daughter, Olive Isabella, has been placed under the care of father's only brother, Cecil, and his wife and children.
The Miltons are deeply saddened to report the death of their daughter, three year old Hattie, on December 15, due to influenza.
Stephen Roy Milton was born stillborn on November 2, 1910. His parents and siblings grieve his passing.
User Name: Kelsie
LN: Stevenson
DH: John Harry (38)
DW: Lillian Ruth (32)
DD/DD: Charlotte Lillian / Emma Genevieve (10)
DS/DD/DD: Benjamin John / Ruby Jacqueline / Ivy Victoria (8)
DS: Paul Simon (6)
DS/DD: Alexander George / Sarah Louise (5)
DD: Clara Rosemary (3)
DS: Isaac David (2)
DD/DS: Eleanor Anne / Matthew Arthur (nb)
John and Lillian, Charlotte, Emma, Benjamin, Ruby, Ivy, Paul, Alexander, Sarah, Clara, Isaac, Eleanor and Matthew.
LN: Stevenson
DH: John Harry (38)
DW: Lillian Ruth (32)
DD/DD: Charlotte Lillian / Emma Genevieve (10)
DS/DD/DD: Benjamin John / Ruby Jacqueline / Ivy Victoria (8)
DS: Paul Simon (6)
DS/DD: Alexander George / Sarah Louise (5)
DD: Clara Rosemary (3)
DS: Isaac David (2)
DD/DS: Eleanor Anne / Matthew Arthur (nb)
John and Lillian, Charlotte, Emma, Benjamin, Ruby, Ivy, Paul, Alexander, Sarah, Clara, Isaac, Eleanor and Matthew.
User Name: Wintertale
LN: Lawrence
DH: Theodore Henry (32)
DW: Anna Margaret (31)
DS/DD: William John "Will" / Isabella Mary "Bella"(9)
DD: Josephine Clara "Jo" (7)
DD: Elinor Hazel (6)
DS: Vincent Harry (5)
DS: August James (2)
Elinor Hazel Lawrence was born on September 16th, 1904 to Theodore Henry and Anna Margaret. She is welcomed by her older siblings William, Isabella and Josephine.
Theodore and Anna Lawrence are pleased to announce the birth of their 5th child and second son Vincent Harry. He was born on August 29th, 1905.
A 5lb baby boy named August James was born on January 3rd, 1908 to Theodore and Anna Lawrence. He is welcomed by older siblings William, Isabella, Josephine, Elinor and Vincent.
LN: Lawrence
DH: Theodore Henry (32)
DW: Anna Margaret (31)
DS/DD: William John "Will" / Isabella Mary "Bella"(9)
DD: Josephine Clara "Jo" (7)
DD: Elinor Hazel (6)
DS: Vincent Harry (5)
DS: August James (2)
Elinor Hazel Lawrence was born on September 16th, 1904 to Theodore Henry and Anna Margaret. She is welcomed by her older siblings William, Isabella and Josephine.
Theodore and Anna Lawrence are pleased to announce the birth of their 5th child and second son Vincent Harry. He was born on August 29th, 1905.
A 5lb baby boy named August James was born on January 3rd, 1908 to Theodore and Anna Lawrence. He is welcomed by older siblings William, Isabella, Josephine, Elinor and Vincent.
With all these additional names cluttering up the name list would it be possible to put the families in alphabetical order so they are more easily found?
User Name: LMS
LN: Woodlarke
DH: Avery Bertram (32)
DW: Josephine Lenore "Joey" (30)
DS: Oscar Theodore (10)
DD: Hazel Josephine (8)
DD: Stella Violet (7)
DD: Ruby Eleanor (6)
DS: Samuel Gilbert "Sam"(5)
DS: Jack Henry and Ezra Heath (3)
DD: Amelia Beatrix "Molly" (2)
DD: Louisa Hermione (1)
User Name: LMS
LN: Woodlarke
DH: Avery Bertram (32)
DW: Josephine Lenore "Joey" (30)
DS: Oscar Theodore (10)
DD: Hazel Josephine (8)
DD: Stella Violet (7)
DD: Ruby Eleanor (6)
DS: Samuel Gilbert "Sam"(5)
DS: Jack Henry and Ezra Heath (3)
DD: Amelia Beatrix "Molly" (2)
DD: Louisa Hermione (1)
Yes, I'll be doing that next round.
User Name: jeziana
LN: Kay
DH: Robert Daniel (35)
DW: Elsa Florence (34)
DD: Dorathea Florence (10)
DD/DD: Betty Georgette / Nora Patience (8) (Nora deceased from pneumonia, aged 7)
DS: Walter Robert (7)
DD: Marianne Lisette (6)
DS/DD: Simon Oswald / Joan Louise (5)
AS: Vincent Marcel (2)
AD: Justine Loretta (1)
DD: Charity Priscilla (newborn)
Five more years pass, and sadly, Nora died from pneumonia aged seven. Betty her twin, and the rest of the family, were distraught. They decided to adopt two orphans, a two year old boy Vincent and a new born baby Justine, who is now one years old.
And just when they thought they're family was big enough, Elsa welcomed a little girl, Charity.
LN: Kay
DH: Robert Daniel (35)
DW: Elsa Florence (34)
DD: Dorathea Florence (10)
DD/DD: Betty Georgette / Nora Patience (8) (Nora deceased from pneumonia, aged 7)
DS: Walter Robert (7)
DD: Marianne Lisette (6)
DS/DD: Simon Oswald / Joan Louise (5)
AS: Vincent Marcel (2)
AD: Justine Loretta (1)
DD: Charity Priscilla (newborn)
Five more years pass, and sadly, Nora died from pneumonia aged seven. Betty her twin, and the rest of the family, were distraught. They decided to adopt two orphans, a two year old boy Vincent and a new born baby Justine, who is now one years old.
And just when they thought they're family was big enough, Elsa welcomed a little girl, Charity.
User Name: Sugar
LN: Patch
DH: Paul Michael (30)
DW: Florence Mary Jane "Flo" (29)
DD: Daisy Camille (9)
DD: Rose Leonore (7)
DD: Lily Charlotte (5)
DD: Iris Audrey (2)
DS: Paul Michael Jr. "Paulie" (1)
LN: Patch
DH: Paul Michael (30)
DW: Florence Mary Jane "Flo" (29)
DD: Daisy Camille (9)
DD: Rose Leonore (7)
DD: Lily Charlotte (5)
DD: Iris Audrey (2)
DS: Paul Michael Jr. "Paulie" (1)
DD:Marianne Lucinda(9)
DS/DD:Henry William/ Mathilda Alice(8)
DS:Thomas Philip(5)
DS:Anthony David(1)
DD:Marianne Lucinda(9)
DS/DD:Henry William/ Mathilda Alice(8)
DS:Thomas Philip(5)
DS:Anthony David(1)
I'm not here?
I joined last round, and haven't been added to the list.
I joined last round, and haven't been added to the list.
Oh, sorry! I did a search for my username and I thought nothing came up but I guess I must have just missed it.
User Name: Anna Kate
LN: Summers
DH: John Everett (31)
DW: Rosa Katherine (29)
DS: Oliver Benjamin (10)
DD: Isabel Cordelia (8)
DD: Lucy Georgiana (7)
DS/DS: William Evander / Arthur Julius (4)
DD: Effie Clementine (2)
DD: Flora Margaret (newborn)
User Name: Anna Kate
LN: Summers
DH: John Everett (31)
DW: Rosa Katherine (29)
DS: Oliver Benjamin (10)
DD: Isabel Cordelia (8)
DD: Lucy Georgiana (7)
DS/DS: William Evander / Arthur Julius (4)
DD: Effie Clementine (2)
DD: Flora Margaret (newborn)
User Name: enlatiah
LN: Cole
DH: Jack Phillip (29)
DW: Martha Violet (27)
DS: Jasper Forrest (10)
DS: Jesse Lee (8)
DD/DD: Iris Lisette / Adelaide Beatrix (6)
DS: Alden Matthew (4)
DS: Lewis Meyer (3)
DD/DD: Evangeline Juliet / Annabella Eleanor (1)
LN: Cole
DH: Jack Phillip (29)
DW: Martha Violet (27)
DS: Jasper Forrest (10)
DS: Jesse Lee (8)
DD/DD: Iris Lisette / Adelaide Beatrix (6)
DS: Alden Matthew (4)
DS: Lewis Meyer (3)
DD/DD: Evangeline Juliet / Annabella Eleanor (1)
User Name: Nikki
LN: Jensen
DH: James Arthur (29)
DW: Leora Hazel (28)
DD: Rowena Danielle (10)
DD/DS/DS/DS: Esther Antonia / Thomas Theodore / Edward Alexander / Joseph Nathanael (9)
DD: Edith Elise (7) [Deceased at age 6, died of pneumonia]
DS: Henry Leonard (5)
DD: Julia Frances (died during birth, should be at age 2 now)
DS: Daniel Benjamin (nb)
James and Leora had another daughter in February 24th but she died during the birth. They named her Julia Frances.
The first of october 1909 they lost their second child, their daughter Edith. The was really sick and died of pneumonia.
James and Leora miss their children and they didn't know how to go on. Only a few months later Leora found out that she were pregnant again. During the pregnancy she and James were really scared about how it would go but on christmas eve 1910 a healthy little boy were born. They named him Daniel Benjamin.
LN: Jensen
DH: James Arthur (29)
DW: Leora Hazel (28)
DD: Rowena Danielle (10)
DD/DS/DS/DS: Esther Antonia / Thomas Theodore / Edward Alexander / Joseph Nathanael (9)
DD: Edith Elise (7) [Deceased at age 6, died of pneumonia]
DS: Henry Leonard (5)
DD: Julia Frances (died during birth, should be at age 2 now)
DS: Daniel Benjamin (nb)
James and Leora had another daughter in February 24th but she died during the birth. They named her Julia Frances.
The first of october 1909 they lost their second child, their daughter Edith. The was really sick and died of pneumonia.
James and Leora miss their children and they didn't know how to go on. Only a few months later Leora found out that she were pregnant again. During the pregnancy she and James were really scared about how it would go but on christmas eve 1910 a healthy little boy were born. They named him Daniel Benjamin.
User Name: Eleanor
LN: Bailey
DH: Alexander Everett (35)
DW: Marie Celeste (31)
DD: Annie Frances (11)
DS: John Walter (9)
DD: Mabel Catherine (9)
DS: Henry Lee (7)
DS: Fred James (5)
DD: Beatrice Pearl (3)
DD: Clara Irene (2)
DD: Evelyn Hazel (0)
LN: Bailey
DH: Alexander Everett (35)
DW: Marie Celeste (31)
DD: Annie Frances (11)
DS: John Walter (9)
DD: Mabel Catherine (9)
DS: Henry Lee (7)
DS: Fred James (5)
DD: Beatrice Pearl (3)
DD: Clara Irene (2)
DD: Evelyn Hazel (0)
This message was edited 11/28/2007, 5:19 AM
User Name: Loz
LN: Orchard
DH: John Arthur Orchard (30)
DW: Grace Margaretta Orchard (30)
DS: John Arthur Orchard Jr *Jack* (10)
DS/DS: Harry Stephan Orchard / James Patrick Orchard (8)
DD: Anna Daisy Orchard (7)
DS: David Lewis Orchard (5)
DS/DD: Alexander Stuart Orchard *Alex* / Emma Lillian Orchard (4)
DD: Megan Johanna Orchard (3)
DS: Daniel Benedict Orchard (1)
DS/DS/DS: Peter Michael Orchard / Matthew Charles Orchard / Samuel Curtis Orchard (nb)
John, Grace, Jack, Harry, James, Anna, David, Alex, Emma, Megan, Daniel, Peter, Matthew and Samuel
LN: Orchard
DH: John Arthur Orchard (30)
DW: Grace Margaretta Orchard (30)
DS: John Arthur Orchard Jr *Jack* (10)
DS/DS: Harry Stephan Orchard / James Patrick Orchard (8)
DD: Anna Daisy Orchard (7)
DS: David Lewis Orchard (5)
DS/DD: Alexander Stuart Orchard *Alex* / Emma Lillian Orchard (4)
DD: Megan Johanna Orchard (3)
DS: Daniel Benedict Orchard (1)
DS/DS/DS: Peter Michael Orchard / Matthew Charles Orchard / Samuel Curtis Orchard (nb)
John, Grace, Jack, Harry, James, Anna, David, Alex, Emma, Megan, Daniel, Peter, Matthew and Samuel
This message was edited 11/28/2007, 2:43 AM
User Name: miss_smiley
LN: Barlow
DH: Thomas Harry (33)
DW: Annie Grace (31)
DD: Eva Beatrice (9)
DD: Ruby Grace (8)
DS: Harvey Theodore (5)
DS: Maximilian Ezekiel "Max" (1)
LN: Barlow
DH: Thomas Harry (33)
DW: Annie Grace (31)
DD: Eva Beatrice (9)
DD: Ruby Grace (8)
DS: Harvey Theodore (5)
DS: Maximilian Ezekiel "Max" (1)
User Name: Avalon_Dreams
LN: Collins
DH: Joseph Arthur "Joe"(32)
DW: Lillian Marie "Lily"(30)
DS: Matthew James “Matt” (10)
DD: Katharine Adelaide “Katie” (9)
DS: William Charles “Will” (8)
DD/DD: Rebecca Faye / Margaret Elizabeth “Becky/Maggie” (7)
DS: Jacob David “Jake” (6)
DD: Genevieve Sarah “Genny” (5)
DS/DS/DS: Zachary Lee / Alexander Robert / Nicholas Daniel “Zack/Alex/Nick”
DD/DD: Anna Beatrice / Caroline Juliet “Anna/Carrie”
DS: Joshua Thomas “Josh”
DS: Benjamin Anthony “Ben”
DD: Theresa Grace “Tessa”
LN: Collins
DH: Joseph Arthur "Joe"(32)
DW: Lillian Marie "Lily"(30)
DS: Matthew James “Matt” (10)
DD: Katharine Adelaide “Katie” (9)
DS: William Charles “Will” (8)
DD/DD: Rebecca Faye / Margaret Elizabeth “Becky/Maggie” (7)
DS: Jacob David “Jake” (6)
DD: Genevieve Sarah “Genny” (5)
DS/DS/DS: Zachary Lee / Alexander Robert / Nicholas Daniel “Zack/Alex/Nick”
DD/DD: Anna Beatrice / Caroline Juliet “Anna/Carrie”
DS: Joshua Thomas “Josh”
DS: Benjamin Anthony “Ben”
DD: Theresa Grace “Tessa”
User Name: X Mar
LN: Helm
DH: Arthur Russell (35)
DW: Sadie Josefina (33)
DS: Reuben Arthur (10)
DS: Jules Russell (9)
DD: Susannah Lucia (7)
DS: Duncan Joshua (5)
DS: Hugo Theseus (3)
DS/DD: Augustus Gustave / Audrey Juliet (2)
DS: Guy Quentin (0)
LN: Helm
DH: Arthur Russell (35)
DW: Sadie Josefina (33)
DS: Reuben Arthur (10)
DS: Jules Russell (9)
DD: Susannah Lucia (7)
DS: Duncan Joshua (5)
DS: Hugo Theseus (3)
DS/DD: Augustus Gustave / Audrey Juliet (2)
DS: Guy Quentin (0)
LN: Rylands
DH: James Roy (33)
DW: Claribel Elsie (31)
DS: Leo James (9), born 4th April 1901
DD: Hazel Evelyn (6), born 1st February 1904
DS: Samuel Oscar, born 5th July 1907
DS: Chester Lawrence, born 29th September 1908
DD/DD: Rosaline Tamsin / Kate Lucienne "Kitty", born 7th December 1910
DH: James Roy (33)
DW: Claribel Elsie (31)
DS: Leo James (9), born 4th April 1901
DD: Hazel Evelyn (6), born 1st February 1904
DS: Samuel Oscar, born 5th July 1907
DS: Chester Lawrence, born 29th September 1908
DD/DD: Rosaline Tamsin / Kate Lucienne "Kitty", born 7th December 1910
User Name: Gloria Rose
Last Name: Beckham
DH: James Calvin (29)
DW: Grace Violet (28)
DS: Jack Arthur (9)
DD/DS: Annie Rose / Charlie Simon (6)
DD: Lily Marie (4)
DS: Oliver Henry (2)
DD: Stella Kate (nb)
Last Name: Beckham
DH: James Calvin (29)
DW: Grace Violet (28)
DS: Jack Arthur (9)
DD/DS: Annie Rose / Charlie Simon (6)
DD: Lily Marie (4)
DS: Oliver Henry (2)
DD: Stella Kate (nb)
User Name: estel
LN: Bartlett
DH: John Michael "Jack" (35)
DW: Mary Nicole (32)
DS: John Michael Jr. "Jonny" (10)
DS: Matthew Benjamin "Matt" (9)
DD: Delilah Rose "Lily" (7)
DS: Reuben Moses "Rube" (6)
DD: Elisabeth Hope "Lizzy" (5)
DD: Verity Hazel "Rita" (3)
DS: Elijah Silas "Lijah" (1)
DS: Ezekiel Stephen "Zeke" (newborn)
The Bartlett family has grown by three in the past five years. Verity Hazel, or Rita, was born on January 8, 1907. Elijah Silas, or Lijah, was born April 18, 1909. Ezekiel Stephen, or Zeke, is the baby. He was born on September 12, 1910.
---Jack's medical practice is thriving. The Bartlett family has now moved to a larger town about forty-five miles away from their previous home. Jack sees many patients each day and is well respected in town. He has recently hired on a medical assistant named Jacob, who is 15 and wishes to become a physician.
---Mary enjoys taking care of her family, as always. She is working on cultivating a garden in the backyard, and it is doing well. She has started a quilting circle with some of the other women around town; however, their activities range from baking pies to canning to just going out for picnics with their families.
---Jonny, who is now 10, loves to play with his friends. He hangs out with a group of four other boys in town who are his age. They love to go fishing and riding and adventuring. Jonny still does well in school and is quite smart. He is above most of his peers in nearly every area. He still wishes to become a doctor.
---Matt, 9, is still the sweet shy one. He doesn't talk too much, but is friends with the two children next door (who are 8 and 9). Matt sometimes tags along with Jonny and his friends, but he would rather be down in the barn with the animals or out taking a walk. He also enjoys woodworking and reading. He has recently become interested in sailing.
---Lily, 7, is a rambunctious little girl who can be either quite charming or quite annoying. She is still a bit of a tomboy, but has found a best friend in Emma, one of the girls who lives in town. Lily doesn't like school and would rather be outside playing. She likes cooking, however, and is skilled in the culinary arts, for a seven year old.
LN: Bartlett
DH: John Michael "Jack" (35)
DW: Mary Nicole (32)
DS: John Michael Jr. "Jonny" (10)
DS: Matthew Benjamin "Matt" (9)
DD: Delilah Rose "Lily" (7)
DS: Reuben Moses "Rube" (6)
DD: Elisabeth Hope "Lizzy" (5)
DD: Verity Hazel "Rita" (3)
DS: Elijah Silas "Lijah" (1)
DS: Ezekiel Stephen "Zeke" (newborn)
The Bartlett family has grown by three in the past five years. Verity Hazel, or Rita, was born on January 8, 1907. Elijah Silas, or Lijah, was born April 18, 1909. Ezekiel Stephen, or Zeke, is the baby. He was born on September 12, 1910.
---Jack's medical practice is thriving. The Bartlett family has now moved to a larger town about forty-five miles away from their previous home. Jack sees many patients each day and is well respected in town. He has recently hired on a medical assistant named Jacob, who is 15 and wishes to become a physician.
---Mary enjoys taking care of her family, as always. She is working on cultivating a garden in the backyard, and it is doing well. She has started a quilting circle with some of the other women around town; however, their activities range from baking pies to canning to just going out for picnics with their families.
---Jonny, who is now 10, loves to play with his friends. He hangs out with a group of four other boys in town who are his age. They love to go fishing and riding and adventuring. Jonny still does well in school and is quite smart. He is above most of his peers in nearly every area. He still wishes to become a doctor.
---Matt, 9, is still the sweet shy one. He doesn't talk too much, but is friends with the two children next door (who are 8 and 9). Matt sometimes tags along with Jonny and his friends, but he would rather be down in the barn with the animals or out taking a walk. He also enjoys woodworking and reading. He has recently become interested in sailing.
---Lily, 7, is a rambunctious little girl who can be either quite charming or quite annoying. She is still a bit of a tomboy, but has found a best friend in Emma, one of the girls who lives in town. Lily doesn't like school and would rather be outside playing. She likes cooking, however, and is skilled in the culinary arts, for a seven year old.
User Name: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (32)
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen" (10)
DS: John Spencer, Jr. (10)
DS: Grant Joseph (9)
DD/DD: Elisabeth Maria / Olivia Rachel "Livvy" (8)
DD: Kathryn Ava "Kate" (6)
DD: Sara Faith (5)
DS: Jacob William (3)
DD: Audrey Lillian (nb)
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (32)
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen" (10)
DS: John Spencer, Jr. (10)
DS: Grant Joseph (9)
DD/DD: Elisabeth Maria / Olivia Rachel "Livvy" (8)
DD: Kathryn Ava "Kate" (6)
DD: Sara Faith (5)
DS: Jacob William (3)
DD: Audrey Lillian (nb)
User Name: avalon
LN: Rush
DH: William John "Will" (29)
DW: Elizabeth Marie (29)
DS: Jonathan David "Jack" (10) [July 23, 1900]
DS: Charles William "Charlie" (9) [September 10, 1901]
DD: Lillian May "Lily" (7) [March 31, 1903]
DD: Susannah Katherine (deceased at age 3) [April 4, 1905 - August 12, 1908]
DS: Stephen Nathaniel (4) [June 10, 1906]
DD: Emily Caroline (3) [October 7, 1907]
DS: Michael Benjamin (1) [January 13, 1909]
...Announcing the birth of Susannah Katherine, fourth child and second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rush, born on the 4th of April, 1905...
...A healthy son, Stephen Nathaniel, born to Mr. and Mrs. William Rush, on the 10th of June, 1906...
...Mr. and Mrs. William Rush welcome a a daughter, Emily Caroline, on the 7th of October, 1907...
...It is with great sadness that the Rush family announces the passing of young Susannah, aged 3 years. Our prayers are with her parents and siblings...
...We announce the birth of Michael Benjamin, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rush, on the 13th of January, 1909...
LN: Rush
DH: William John "Will" (29)
DW: Elizabeth Marie (29)
DS: Jonathan David "Jack" (10) [July 23, 1900]
DS: Charles William "Charlie" (9) [September 10, 1901]
DD: Lillian May "Lily" (7) [March 31, 1903]
DD: Susannah Katherine (deceased at age 3) [April 4, 1905 - August 12, 1908]
DS: Stephen Nathaniel (4) [June 10, 1906]
DD: Emily Caroline (3) [October 7, 1907]
DS: Michael Benjamin (1) [January 13, 1909]
...Announcing the birth of Susannah Katherine, fourth child and second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rush, born on the 4th of April, 1905...
...A healthy son, Stephen Nathaniel, born to Mr. and Mrs. William Rush, on the 10th of June, 1906...
...Mr. and Mrs. William Rush welcome a a daughter, Emily Caroline, on the 7th of October, 1907...
...It is with great sadness that the Rush family announces the passing of young Susannah, aged 3 years. Our prayers are with her parents and siblings...
...We announce the birth of Michael Benjamin, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rush, on the 13th of January, 1909...
User Name: Dot
LN: Robert
DH: Ernest Frederick "Ernie" (30)
DW: Henrietta Alice "Hettie" (29)
DS: Peter Lawrence (10)
DD: Elizabeth Milded "Bess" (9)
DD/DD: Catherine Gertrude "Kitty" / Virginia Pauline "Ginny" (7)
DD: Josephine Martha "Josie" (6)
DS/DD: Harry Eugene / Margery Blanche (5)
DD: Clara Myrtle (3)
DD: Dorothy Alma "Dottie" (nb)
LN: Robert
DH: Ernest Frederick "Ernie" (30)
DW: Henrietta Alice "Hettie" (29)
DS: Peter Lawrence (10)
DD: Elizabeth Milded "Bess" (9)
DD/DD: Catherine Gertrude "Kitty" / Virginia Pauline "Ginny" (7)
DD: Josephine Martha "Josie" (6)
DS/DD: Harry Eugene / Margery Blanche (5)
DD: Clara Myrtle (3)
DD: Dorothy Alma "Dottie" (nb)
User Name: Spartz
LN: Sander
DH: Evan Francis (36)
DW: Marie Nicole (34)
DS: Evan Francis Jr. (8)
DD: Grace Amelia "Gracie" (6)
DD: Anna Juliet "Annie" (3)
DS: Samuel David "Sam" (1)
LN: Sander
DH: Evan Francis (36)
DW: Marie Nicole (34)
DS: Evan Francis Jr. (8)
DD: Grace Amelia "Gracie" (6)
DD: Anna Juliet "Annie" (3)
DS: Samuel David "Sam" (1)
User Name: LeeElizaBnt
LN: Weinstat
DH: Jonathan David (34)
DW: Evelyn Marie (30) [Deceased at 29; Childbirth]
AD: Ellen Martha (16)
DS: Thomas Charles (10)
DD/DS/DS: Mary Beth/ Peter Michael/ Zachary Isaac "Zach" (8)
DD: Jennie Catherine "Rin" (5)
DS: James Marcel (4)
DS: Theodore Marcus "Teddy" (1)
LN: Weinstat
DH: Jonathan David (34)
DW: Evelyn Marie (30) [Deceased at 29; Childbirth]
AD: Ellen Martha (16)
DS: Thomas Charles (10)
DD/DS/DS: Mary Beth/ Peter Michael/ Zachary Isaac "Zach" (8)
DD: Jennie Catherine "Rin" (5)
DS: James Marcel (4)
DS: Theodore Marcus "Teddy" (1)
User Name: Sara Drake
LN: Walker
DH: Jonathan Russell “John” (32)
DW: Elizabeth Rose “Ellie” (28)
DS: Jonathan Russell Jr. "Jack" (9)
DD/DD: Delilah Margaret/ Sarah Bethany (7)
DS: Thomas Brooks (5)
DD: Loretta June (4)
LN: Walker
DH: Jonathan Russell “John” (32)
DW: Elizabeth Rose “Ellie” (28)
DS: Jonathan Russell Jr. "Jack" (9)
DD/DD: Delilah Margaret/ Sarah Bethany (7)
DS: Thomas Brooks (5)
DD: Loretta June (4)
User Name: Ashley
LN: Bolewski
DH: Kevin Joseph (32)
DW: Joanna Lee (32)
DD: Ellen Hope (10)
DS: Matthew Thomas 'Matt' (8)
DD: Nora Rose (7)
DS: Ezra Broderick (4)
DD/DD/DD: Margaret Angeline 'Maggie' / Sarah Terese / Audrey Katherine (2)
LN: Bolewski
DH: Kevin Joseph (32)
DW: Joanna Lee (32)
DD: Ellen Hope (10)
DS: Matthew Thomas 'Matt' (8)
DD: Nora Rose (7)
DS: Ezra Broderick (4)
DD/DD/DD: Margaret Angeline 'Maggie' / Sarah Terese / Audrey Katherine (2)
User Name: Rowena
LN: Akiyama
DH: Minoru Takahiro (30)
DW: Lilja Eydís (28)
DS: Moses George (9 - February 18, 1901)
DS: Nathanael Clarence (7 - July 6, 1903)
DD: Priscilla Harriet (5 - June 30, 1905)
DS: Samuel Frederic (3 - September 11, 1907)
AD/AD: Millicent Daphne "Millie" / Constance Dorothy "Connie" (3 - December 24, 1907)
AS: Nicholas Dwight (2 - November 1, 1908)
DD: Lydia Marjorie (1 - February 9, 1909)
When Samuel was 1 1/2 years old, Minoru and Lilja took in three orphan children. Their mother was raising them alone after their father died in a logging accident. Their mother got very sick and died when Nicholas was just a few months old. The children had no one else to go to, so Minoru and Lilja took them in. They are both enjoying their large family of 8 children.
LN: Akiyama
DH: Minoru Takahiro (30)
DW: Lilja Eydís (28)
DS: Moses George (9 - February 18, 1901)
DS: Nathanael Clarence (7 - July 6, 1903)
DD: Priscilla Harriet (5 - June 30, 1905)
DS: Samuel Frederic (3 - September 11, 1907)
AD/AD: Millicent Daphne "Millie" / Constance Dorothy "Connie" (3 - December 24, 1907)
AS: Nicholas Dwight (2 - November 1, 1908)
DD: Lydia Marjorie (1 - February 9, 1909)
When Samuel was 1 1/2 years old, Minoru and Lilja took in three orphan children. Their mother was raising them alone after their father died in a logging accident. Their mother got very sick and died when Nicholas was just a few months old. The children had no one else to go to, so Minoru and Lilja took them in. They are both enjoying their large family of 8 children.
User Name: Starshelle
LN: Howard
DH: Elliot Charles (32)
DW: Minerva (28)
DD: Esther Matilda (8)
DD: Clara Beatrix (6)
DS: Harold Patrick (3)
DD: Louise Doris ([deceased at 2 months due to influenza])
LN: Howard
DH: Elliot Charles (32)
DW: Minerva (28)
DD: Esther Matilda (8)
DD: Clara Beatrix (6)
DS: Harold Patrick (3)
DD: Louise Doris ([deceased at 2 months due to influenza])
User Name: Emilie
LN: Hunter
DH: Charles Simon "Charlie" (30)
DW: Leah Katherine (29)
DD: Anna Faye "Annie" (9)
DD: Clara Eleanor (7)
DD/DD: Lucy Victoria / Ruby Virginia (5)
DD: Rosalie Pauline "Rosie" (4)
DS: Charles Simon Jr. "Chuck"(2)
DD: Lillian Camilla "Lily" (nb)
Rosalie Pauline was born to parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Hunter of Lincoln County, on April 4th 1906, Rosalie joins big sisters; Annie, Clara, Lucy and Ruby.
A first son for the Hunters! Charles Simon Jr. was born October 23rd 1908, Charles joins big sisters, Annie, Clara, Lucy, Ruby and Rosie.
Charlie and Leah welcomed another daughter August 12th 1910, Lillian Camilla joins siblings; Annie, Clara, Lucy, Ruby, Rosie and Chuck.
Another 5 years, wow. Charlie and I have had 3 children; Rosalie, Charles(finally a boy!) and Lillian. Annie loves having little kids in the house. But I'm afraid our house is getting a little crowded. Charlie's brother, Mark, moved in with us a year ago. He brought along his wife, 2 older sons; James and Henry and newborn twin girls; Nicole and Julie. Mark, Charlie, James and Henry really got the horse business going. I'm hoping they start building the house for Mark's family.
During the day our house seems very empty while Annie, Clara, Lucy and Ruby are at school. Charlie seems very happy that Chuck is the little boy he's always wanted - Chuck is very masculine, there seems to be nothing feminine about him. Chuck follows Charlie around everywhere, it's very cute. Annie and Clara have started riding horses and training some of them.
LN: Hunter
DH: Charles Simon "Charlie" (30)
DW: Leah Katherine (29)
DD: Anna Faye "Annie" (9)
DD: Clara Eleanor (7)
DD/DD: Lucy Victoria / Ruby Virginia (5)
DD: Rosalie Pauline "Rosie" (4)
DS: Charles Simon Jr. "Chuck"(2)
DD: Lillian Camilla "Lily" (nb)
Rosalie Pauline was born to parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Hunter of Lincoln County, on April 4th 1906, Rosalie joins big sisters; Annie, Clara, Lucy and Ruby.
A first son for the Hunters! Charles Simon Jr. was born October 23rd 1908, Charles joins big sisters, Annie, Clara, Lucy, Ruby and Rosie.
Charlie and Leah welcomed another daughter August 12th 1910, Lillian Camilla joins siblings; Annie, Clara, Lucy, Ruby, Rosie and Chuck.
Another 5 years, wow. Charlie and I have had 3 children; Rosalie, Charles(finally a boy!) and Lillian. Annie loves having little kids in the house. But I'm afraid our house is getting a little crowded. Charlie's brother, Mark, moved in with us a year ago. He brought along his wife, 2 older sons; James and Henry and newborn twin girls; Nicole and Julie. Mark, Charlie, James and Henry really got the horse business going. I'm hoping they start building the house for Mark's family.
During the day our house seems very empty while Annie, Clara, Lucy and Ruby are at school. Charlie seems very happy that Chuck is the little boy he's always wanted - Chuck is very masculine, there seems to be nothing feminine about him. Chuck follows Charlie around everywhere, it's very cute. Annie and Clara have started riding horses and training some of them.
This message was edited 12/1/2007, 10:25 AM
User Name: Tai Angel
LN: Shmit
DH: Edward George (40) - 31/12/1870
DW: Louise Helen (35) - 23/4/1875
DS: Alistair Dudley (10) - 16/3/1900
DS/DS/DS: Howard Theodore, Leonard Herbert and Walter Bernard (9) - 27/7/1901
DD: Winifred Dorothea (7) - 12/8/1903
DD: Virginia Florence (5) - 3/7/1905
DS: Norman Vincent (3) - 16/5/1907
AD: Genevieve Margaret (1) - 28/3/1909
DS/DS: Kenneth Homer and Donald Vernon (deacesed aged 4 days - Born too soon) - 11/8/1910-15/8/1910
*Your DH and DW’s birth years don’t match up with their age. Could you please either change their ages to 45 and 40, or the years to 1870 and 1875? Thank you :] - Sorry I had kids screaming at me when I did that lol. I have fixed it up now
LN: Shmit
DH: Edward George (40) - 31/12/1870
DW: Louise Helen (35) - 23/4/1875
DS: Alistair Dudley (10) - 16/3/1900
DS/DS/DS: Howard Theodore, Leonard Herbert and Walter Bernard (9) - 27/7/1901
DD: Winifred Dorothea (7) - 12/8/1903
DD: Virginia Florence (5) - 3/7/1905
DS: Norman Vincent (3) - 16/5/1907
AD: Genevieve Margaret (1) - 28/3/1909
DS/DS: Kenneth Homer and Donald Vernon (deacesed aged 4 days - Born too soon) - 11/8/1910-15/8/1910
*Your DH and DW’s birth years don’t match up with their age. Could you please either change their ages to 45 and 40, or the years to 1870 and 1875? Thank you :] - Sorry I had kids screaming at me when I did that lol. I have fixed it up now
User Name: Darkest
LN: Greywood
DH: Daniel Matthew (34)
DW: Catherine Blanche "Cat" (30)
DS: Nathaniel David "Nathan" (10)
DS: Daniel Matthew II (9)
DD/DS: Charlotte Rowena "Lottie" / Alexander Thomas "Xander" (8)
DS/DS: Nicholas Oliver "Cole" / Benjamin John "Ben" (5)
DD: Lillian Kiera (4)
DS: Elijah Frederick (2)
DD: Kathryn Leonora (1)
LN: Greywood
DH: Daniel Matthew (34)
DW: Catherine Blanche "Cat" (30)
DS: Nathaniel David "Nathan" (10)
DS: Daniel Matthew II (9)
DD/DS: Charlotte Rowena "Lottie" / Alexander Thomas "Xander" (8)
DS/DS: Nicholas Oliver "Cole" / Benjamin John "Ben" (5)
DD: Lillian Kiera (4)
DS: Elijah Frederick (2)
DD: Kathryn Leonora (1)
User Name: HeidiAnn
LN: O'Leary
DH: Henry Edward (29)
DW: Elizabeth Mildred "Bess" (28)
DS: Paul Henry (9)
DD: Helen Frances (7)
DD: Ruth Louise (6)
DS: Leo Arthur (4)
DS: Ray Thomas (3)
DD: Mary Alice (1)
Henry & Bess O'Leary welcomed a son, Leo Arthur, on May 3, 1906. Leo was welcomed by his siblings Paul, Helen and Ruth
Henry & Bess O'Leary welcomed a son, Ray Thomas, on June 5, 1907. Ray joins siblings Paul, Helen, Ruth and Leo.
Henry & Bess O'Leary welcomed a daughter, Mary Alice, on September 28, 1909. Mary joins siblings Paul, Helen, Ruth, Leo and Ray.
LN: O'Leary
DH: Henry Edward (29)
DW: Elizabeth Mildred "Bess" (28)
DS: Paul Henry (9)
DD: Helen Frances (7)
DD: Ruth Louise (6)
DS: Leo Arthur (4)
DS: Ray Thomas (3)
DD: Mary Alice (1)
Henry & Bess O'Leary welcomed a son, Leo Arthur, on May 3, 1906. Leo was welcomed by his siblings Paul, Helen and Ruth
Henry & Bess O'Leary welcomed a son, Ray Thomas, on June 5, 1907. Ray joins siblings Paul, Helen, Ruth and Leo.
Henry & Bess O'Leary welcomed a daughter, Mary Alice, on September 28, 1909. Mary joins siblings Paul, Helen, Ruth, Leo and Ray.
User Name: slgn4
LN: Anderson
DH: Albert James (31)
DW: Mary Alice(30)
DS: Isaac Nathaniel (10)
DD: Naomi Susannah (9)
DS: Caleb Matthew (8)
DD: Delilah Eve (7)
DD: Miriam Esther (6)
DS: Joel Benjamin (5)
DD: Lydia Magdalene (4)
DD: Ruth Joanna (3)
DS: Levi Solomon (2)
DS: Ezra Daniel & Elijah Abraham (1)
DS: Gabriel Hiram (nb)
LN: Anderson
DH: Albert James (31)
DW: Mary Alice(30)
DS: Isaac Nathaniel (10)
DD: Naomi Susannah (9)
DS: Caleb Matthew (8)
DD: Delilah Eve (7)
DD: Miriam Esther (6)
DS: Joel Benjamin (5)
DD: Lydia Magdalene (4)
DD: Ruth Joanna (3)
DS: Levi Solomon (2)
DS: Ezra Daniel & Elijah Abraham (1)
DS: Gabriel Hiram (nb)
DH:David Samuel(30)
DW:Opal June(30)
DD:Ruby Iris(10)
DD:Hazel Grace(8)
DD:Ivy Pearl(6)
DD:Daisy Patience(4)
DD:Olive Mae(3)
DD:Lilly Jewel(1)
Since 1905, David and Opal have been blessed with three more daughters; their only summer baby was born on June 21st, 1906 and christened Daisy Patience. She was followed by Olive Mae on December 21st, 1907, and Lilly Jewel on January 1st, 1909.
David loves his daughters and Opal is delighted be raising a family of close sisters like her own, but they both want a son. This desire has grown especially strong since David inherited the farm he was working on and wants a boy of his own to leave it to someday.
DH:David Samuel(30)
DW:Opal June(30)
DD:Ruby Iris(10)
DD:Hazel Grace(8)
DD:Ivy Pearl(6)
DD:Daisy Patience(4)
DD:Olive Mae(3)
DD:Lilly Jewel(1)
Since 1905, David and Opal have been blessed with three more daughters; their only summer baby was born on June 21st, 1906 and christened Daisy Patience. She was followed by Olive Mae on December 21st, 1907, and Lilly Jewel on January 1st, 1909.
David loves his daughters and Opal is delighted be raising a family of close sisters like her own, but they both want a son. This desire has grown especially strong since David inherited the farm he was working on and wants a boy of his own to leave it to someday.
This message was edited 11/28/2007, 7:33 AM
Could you please add the new members to your family, and leave the ages in? :\
It's sort of a hassle that I have to do it for you. I have a lot of other things to do with this congrats.
It's sort of a hassle that I have to do it for you. I have a lot of other things to do with this congrats.
This message was edited 11/27/2007, 5:22 PM
Edited to add:)
User Name: Rachel Shay
LN: Trueblood
DH: Alexander Charles "Alex" (30)
DW: Rachel Eleanor (28)
DD: Helena Ruby (10)
DS/DD: Edgar William / Christiane Victoria (8)
DS: Percy Nathaniel (6)
DD: Tabitha Naomi(4)
DD: Emily Clara (3)
DS: Gabriel Felix (2)
DD/DS: Anna Miriam / Leonard Julian (nb, Leonard died at birth)
This August 9, 1906, Alex and Rachel Trueblood welcomed Tabitha Naomi Trueblood, 6 pound 2 ounces. She is also welcomed by older siblings Helena, Edgar, Christiane, and Percy.
The Trueblood family welcomes another little girl, their fourth daughter and sixth child, Emily Clara Trueblood, 7 pounds, born April 22, 1907.
Rachel and Alexander Trueblood would like to welcome their third son, and seventh child, Gabriel Felix. He joined siblings Helena, Edgar, Christiane, Percy, Tabitha, and Emily on February 28, 1908.
User Name: Rachel Shay
LN: Trueblood
DH: Alexander Charles "Alex" (30)
DW: Rachel Eleanor (28)
DD: Helena Ruby (10)
DS/DD: Edgar William / Christiane Victoria (8)
DS: Percy Nathaniel (6)
DD: Tabitha Naomi(4)
DD: Emily Clara (3)
DS: Gabriel Felix (2)
DD/DS: Anna Miriam / Leonard Julian (nb, Leonard died at birth)
This August 9, 1906, Alex and Rachel Trueblood welcomed Tabitha Naomi Trueblood, 6 pound 2 ounces. She is also welcomed by older siblings Helena, Edgar, Christiane, and Percy.
The Trueblood family welcomes another little girl, their fourth daughter and sixth child, Emily Clara Trueblood, 7 pounds, born April 22, 1907.
Rachel and Alexander Trueblood would like to welcome their third son, and seventh child, Gabriel Felix. He joined siblings Helena, Edgar, Christiane, Percy, Tabitha, and Emily on February 28, 1908.
This message was edited 11/28/2007, 1:20 PM
User Name: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward (31)
DW: Dorothy Caroline Ruby (30)
DD/DD: Claudia Juliet Portia / Naomi Sylvia June (10)
DS: Jasper Mitchell (9)
DD: Rosemary Lillian Josefina (7)
DS/DS: Anthony William / Benjamin Arthur (5)
DD: Marie Cora Violet (3)
DD: Rose Genevieve Beulah (2)
DD: Eva Hazel Beatrice (1)
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward (31)
DW: Dorothy Caroline Ruby (30)
DD/DD: Claudia Juliet Portia / Naomi Sylvia June (10)
DS: Jasper Mitchell (9)
DD: Rosemary Lillian Josefina (7)
DS/DS: Anthony William / Benjamin Arthur (5)
DD: Marie Cora Violet (3)
DD: Rose Genevieve Beulah (2)
DD: Eva Hazel Beatrice (1)
User Name: sarah lee
Last Name: Joossens
DH: George Thomas (33)
DW: Anna Margaret (28)
DS: Harry Matthew (10)
DD: Eve Rosemary "Evie" (8)
DS: Simon Theodore (7)
DS: Arthur Nicholas (6)
DD/DD: Gemma Katherine / Rosalie Helena "Rosie" (5)
DS: Elijah Nicholas "Eli" (4)
DS: Joshua Theodore (3)
DD: Georgiana Louise "Georgie" (1)
DD: Rowena Penelope (nb)
George and Anna Joossens
--Harry, Evie, Simon, Arthur, Gemma, Rosie, Eli, Joshua, Georgie and Rowena
Last Name: Joossens
DH: George Thomas (33)
DW: Anna Margaret (28)
DS: Harry Matthew (10)
DD: Eve Rosemary "Evie" (8)
DS: Simon Theodore (7)
DS: Arthur Nicholas (6)
DD/DD: Gemma Katherine / Rosalie Helena "Rosie" (5)
DS: Elijah Nicholas "Eli" (4)
DS: Joshua Theodore (3)
DD: Georgiana Louise "Georgie" (1)
DD: Rowena Penelope (nb)
George and Anna Joossens
--Harry, Evie, Simon, Arthur, Gemma, Rosie, Eli, Joshua, Georgie and Rowena