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What's the correct or best kanji for the Japanese name Akane?
What's the correct or best kanji (symbol) for the Japanese name Akane?I was about to use this one for my crime novels character: 茜 but I seen people talking about different forms. I don't know if it changes it's meaning or pronounciation as well but I like too keep the one that means deep red and "madder" which is plant that makes red paint. I like to pronounciation "Ah-ka-ne", no "Ay"-s.
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Actually, Japanese name can have different kanji for the same name so Akane can be written with various kanji depending on what kind of meaning the parents want it to have. The kanji you have does mean Akane and it does mean "red" and "madder" so don't worry about it. As for the pronounciation I'm almost positive that is how it's pronounced in Japanese.
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That's the simplest, but you could also use 赤韮 for example, which is literally "aka" (red) + "nira/negi" (leek, onion, shallot), but apparently is also read as Akane, and probably taken as the same meaning. Or you could use Hiragana or Katakana instead, and I've also seen people use combinations of the different writing systems, apparently just to be distinctive.
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茜 does seem to be the most common spelling, at least in kanji. It's the spelling that appears on the most recent list of the Japanese Top 100 names, for instance here:
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