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Meghan correction
For months I have been seeing my name bashed around and an arguement brewing over it. The FACT is that Meghan was the original shortening of the name MARGARET. It has been used since the early 1400's in Ireland. So it is the original, and it is in fact Irish. SO bash the name all you want, but this name has been passed down for 17 generations of my family. This story has been told and retold to me. So whether or not there is anything to back it up or not, it is how it started. And it started in Ireland. Now whether or not it was documented to say this is another story. IF people want to believe what they want about their own name let them. Geez
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Sorry, plenty of people have family legends that are incorrect. My grandfather was told that Francis Scott Key was one of his ancestors, and a bit of genealogical research showed that just can't be correct. A site that wants to give accurate origins of names just can't take some Internet poster's family story as proof.
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I live in Ireland and have never come the name in an historical context. Nor have I come across any in my family tree. Neither do I know an Irish Megan/Meghan/Meaghan older than 10.Is is not enough that is it a tradition in your family?
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I think that Megan/Meghan/Meaghan/Morgan is more in USA but it's not a commun name.
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Morgan and Meghan are not related. And in the USA, at least where I live, it is a common name. (I happen to know at least 5)Sincerely,
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yes that what I was saying that morgan / meghan are commun names in the USA but they are very Few in Europe.Sincerly Javi HERNANDEZ
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But Morgan and Meghan aren't related, so why did you put it there? I'm just a little confused. Are you just using it as another example? Also, maybe next time you should be a little more specific about where things are common/not as common.Sincerely,
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it was just an example llana
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In the European English speaking countries, Megan is also very common and popular (it was #17 in 2007 in England and Wales, for example) and the same goes for Morgan (#106 the same year for girls, which is very high because in Wales it is completely male; #93 for boys).
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