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Re: Hey Nan and Daividh
Thanks for your kind words, sis!
It might amuse you to know that the last time I was thrown out of anywhere was from a library aeons ago!
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PriaposLovsEt tu, Priap? I'm frequently "escorted" out of public libraries (at least once a week). Oh, it was aeons ago you were? I can't say the same for me.Phyllis
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Was it an American library or a Greek library that gave you the boot? Judging from what you've already told me about the libraries in Greece, I'm going to guess it was Greek. :)I'm working late tonight, and right now I've got the Anime Club meeting in my Community Room -- a whole bunch of enthusiastic teenagers (with their hair dyed practically every color of the rainbow) using our video projector and having a cool time. I wouldn't dream of throwing any of these kids out of my library, even if they do get a wee bit noisy at times. :)-- Nanaea
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It was a Greek library all right that gave me the boot!
I was always in good terms with US libraries and libarians :) During my wild years at school in the US, Maria -- a very cool librarian friend-- provided support to my devious conspiracies: she gave me, from her database, the date of birth of any chick that striked my fancy. This enabed me to nonchalantly walk up to them and say b.s. like "I can tell from your aura that you are a Pisces...". Worked like clockwork :P Thankfully, the statute of limitation is over...
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Ooo, Maria could've gotten in deep poop for doing that. :) This must've been a university library? Public libraries don't generally maintain date-of-birth records of their patrons.Heheh, whenever anyone asks me my "sign", I tell 'em it's "No Trespassing". :)-- Nanaea
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Yep. it was a University Library all right :)
Whenever one asks me my "sign", I tell them I intend to undergo a zodiac change operation, become a Virgo, and start afresh. MAybe thats why Daividh calls me "Preop".
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Apropos,I've always wondered --what did they do with the books after Maharishi International University shut down? Did they let you students keep any of 'em?Or where DID you go to school over here? C'mon, tell us...
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My favorite Maharishi story is when the Beatles visited him and the old fart hit on their wives. The fab four were disenchanted. The good old Yogi may have been a master meditator, but he was no wanker.
Actually I did an MA at Georgetown and fooled around with a doctoral at George Washinton U. Nothing transcendental about that.
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