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name improvement
I'm curious what you all think - I have never been exactly happy with my birth name Leah Elizabeth I find both my names VERY common and especially my first name I don't think it's a name I can grow into and i'm not overly wild about it so since I was a little girl i have always wanted to change my name so I knew I would do it when I would get a legal age so I decided to add Anastasia as I think it flow beautifully and it's not very common. Now I am Leah Anastasia Elizabeth....Now that the process is done, What do you think about going by Anastasia is it relatively hard to start going by a middle name? what do you think about Anastasia?
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Anastasia is nice, and you have lots of nickname options, too. If you feel strongly about your name, then changing it was the right thing to do. It's your name, after all. However, going by a middle name can be tough - I know firsthand. I always hated my name (I am easy to Google and I don't want people following me here, but it's pronounced exactly like Carrie-Ann). I never had a middle name. About a year ago I realized what the perfect name for me was, and I was confident in my decision to change my name save for the fact that my family would never accept it. So instead of changing my first name I became Carrie-Ann Fiammetta Lastname. Family refuses to call me Fiammetta, and all my accounts/records/license etc. have to be in my FN, of course. So anyone I deal with in terms of business, documents, etc. will call me by my FN.Basically, my husband is the only one who calls me Fiammetta (Fia for short). It's a bit depressing, because I feel that it IS my name - I was never able to see myself as Carrie-Ann. People make me feel like I'm a kid playing games with strangers by using a fake name. Originally my husband and I were going to move, which would have been good because I'd have to introduce myself to new people, but circumstances changed.I would have and still would like to just change the order of my names, but my FN actually begins with a K, and FKN is a questionable set of initials. ;) Sorry for the long post, but I can completely empathize with you right now, so I had a lot to say.
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oy vey... yeah... that would be an unfortunate set of initials... would be nice if other people would learn to recognize you name change choice... after all, you DID make it legal, so it technically IS your name now... I have people in my life who address me by my fn, people who address me by my mn and people who address me as the 2 togeher... depending on what part of my life they know me from and such.
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I say it Anna-STAY-zha and it reminds me of anesthesia so I don't like it. The Spanish pronunciation is alright (approximated Ah-na-STAH-sha by me). I think it is too long to switch to easily, especially from Leah. I would ask if I could address you as Ana or Stacy (both of which I think are nice). I voted for Elizabeth in your poll.Have you considered respelling your name Lia? That'd suit you too IMO.
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Thanks for the great comments. I understand it is going to be difficult to start going by Anastasia (ah-na-stays-uh) but I am moving out of province within the next year so I decided I will do it then. I decided to keep Leah Elizabeth and just add Anastasia as I couldn't give up two names that were given to me as a gift by parents unless they were really bad and they aren't. I think Elizabeth flows perfectly with Anastasia although there are alot other names i like such as (Arabella, Scarlett, Serena, Esmerlada, Gabriella, Isabella, Alessandra etc.) I just find what I picked out was the best and the other names didn't seem to flow and I also decided to put Anastasia as a mn just because of the way it flowed and sounded perfect next to Elizabeth. :)
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Now that it's a done deal, there's no reason why you can't go by your mn. The real problem you're going to face is getting everyone to call you by a new name (forget what order it is in your name). Still, it can be done. I changed my name as an adult (the complete name) and I've found if people love you and respect your choices, they'll comply. Yes, it will be challenging and it will require time, but it CAN be done. BTW, I love Anastasia and briefly considered that for my youngest dd. How are you pronouncing it? I prefer all five syllables -- ahn-ah-STAH-see-ah, LOL, and that's one reason I never used it. I just felt it was too long for regular use for me personally and I didn't like many of the nns other than Ana which is what we named her anyway (Anna). I suppose you aren't planning to use a nn? ETA that several members of my dh's family go by their mns (including our middle dd) and it has been no big deal -- particularly for my MIL who has totally eliminated her fn completely.

This message was edited 9/21/2011, 6:35 AM

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I personally think Anastasia is a beautiful name. If you've recently moved, it's easy to switch what name you go by... a bit more challenging for people who've always known you as one thing... Can just tell them that your legal name is no longer Leah and they're just going to have to live w/ addressing you as something else... that being Anastasia. I quite like it. The meaning is better than Leah's also.
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Yes, it is hard to start going by your middle name. Been there, done that 2.5 years ago, and it is a pain in the butt. I was (and still am) 100% committed, which I think really helped- I've wanted to switch since I was a little girl, and I don't regret doing it for a second. But it's definitely not easy. You have to be ready to explain over and over why you switched. You have to be consistent and keep reminding people...I let it slide with a couple of family members and now they just can't call me that. You have to let people know you are serious and won't change your mind in a couple of months. You have to realise it'll be hardest for people who have known you longest, and to not get mad at them if they slip up. You have to be prepared for people to just flat out refuse to even try, and decide before hand how you want to deal with that. My step father and step siblings just flat out refuse. So I ignore them when they call me by my old name. I don't mind when people slip up, but them doing it intentionally just bugs me. And I haven't changed legally, so for everything official I still have to use my first name.So yeah, it can be done. It's not easy. You have to be 100% sure thats what you want to do. Have you changed your name legally yet? If not, I would go with Anastasia Leah Elizabeth if I was you. Going by your middle name is a lot of hassel and requires constant explanation...if you can avoid it, I would. I plan to switch mine legally when I move back to Aus.Good luck.
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I think Leah Elizabeth is a lovely name. I know that it is common and and I can see how you would dislike that. There have often been times I have not liked my own name, but at the end of the day it is my name.Now you have a new name though. I don't think Anastasia is a difficult name, I suppose there is some difficulty in figuring out how to pronounce it. I think it can be difficult to transition. Your family has likely always known you as Leah, so getting them to call you Anastasia might be the most difficult part. However, if you start introducing yourself as Anastasia at work and school, etc. that might be easier to transition. However, I have met several women who go by their chosen name or their middle name and their first name, and it gets very very confusing for everyone.Best wishes.
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I think Leah Elizabeth is a fine name. I don't see the point in changing it.
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