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Re: Correct pronunication of Asha
You should always specify culture/gender when asking questions like this: there are multiple names which are spelt Asha. The Indian female name, from Sanskrit A (till,from,totally) + shaMs (praise, tell, ask, declare, hurt, etc; etymologically related to Latin carmen) meaning hope or excite, is pronounced bisyllabic with a long A (like in English car) with a sibilant sh (like in English sure) in the middle: A sh A. The original stress on the last syllable is not heard in modern speech, and the length of A (though not its open character) has reduced in some places. In some rare dialects, the sh can alternate with s.
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Correct pronunication of Asha  ·  Eliora  ·  4/2/2007, 3:20 PM
Re: Correct pronunication of Asha  ·  alexia.james  ·  4/6/2007, 2:33 PM
Re: Correct pronunication of Asha  ·  তন্ময় ভট  ·  4/7/2007, 4:54 PM
Re: Correct pronunication of Asha  ·  তন্ময় ভট  ·  4/2/2007, 5:46 PM