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Re: pronunciation
With pleasure.
It is pronounced Tha-EEs
With the "th" pronounced as in "th-eater" and the EEs ans in "peace".
P.S. quite a rare name you got there. Know someone called Thais?
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thanks PriaposLovPriaposLov,
Thanks so much, that's the way I was hoping it was pronounced! I don't actually know anyone with that name just yet, but I have searching for the perfect name for my unborn daughter and Thais really caught my eye. My grandmother was Greek, so it works beautifully.
Thanks again,
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Umm, in my 365-day tearoff calendar of "Forgotten English Words" (like "etiquette", presumably), I saw a little sidebar today that said that Saint Thais was a patron of loose women. Nothing negative mentioned about her own virtue, tho, so I trust it won't spoil the name for you.(Actually, before his marriage, Mr. Lovs was allegedly a patron of loose women as well. Alas, they no longer take drachmas.)
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Thais' transition to sainthood is indeed embedded in anagrames!!! The sinner Thais ("a shit") lived a life of sexual deviance in Egypt. She was saved from the gutter, converted, and incarcerated in a nunnery cell by Paphnutius ("Punish Puta"). Eventually Thais turned her back to everything evil, and became Saint Thais (" I shit Satan!"). Saint Thais is represented burning her treasures and ornaments, or praying in a cell and displaying a scroll with the words: "Thou who didst create me have mercy on me" ("Achievement: Mastered touchy whoredom").
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change namechange name of building which used to be a swimming pool.
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"Punish Puta"? Dear God, the man's a warped genius! :)))))Hey Pav, where do you find all this great info on REALLY obscure saints? Or are they maybe relatives of yours?
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You're very welcome :) Visit the old country some time.
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