Re: re:what does savion mean?
in reply to a message by gina
There appear to be quite a few different ideas as to the meaning of "Savion" when one does a 'net search (I found one site which even claims that "Savion" is a masculine form of "Savannah", which I somewhat doubt). My name-book reference resources were of little help, as well.Seeing as how you've named your son after Savion Glover, perhaps it would be best for you to accept the meaning ascribed to the name by Savion Glover's own mother, which you can find here: Glover's mom is quoted as saying that she gave him the name as her own version of "saviour", because he was destined for greatness.-- Nanaea
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re:what does savion mean?  ·  gina  ·  2/2/2001, 8:35 PM
Re: re:what does savion mean?  ·  Nanaea  ·  2/3/2001, 3:45 AM