Top Ten
Mine, that is. For both sexes. The first two in each list are in order, but the rest aren't. Opinions?
Evening (Evey)
Valerie (sometimes Vally)
Lenore (Lennie)
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps)
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy)
Katharine (Kitty)
Scarlet Carson
Morpheus (perhaps Morph)
Edmond (perhaps Eddy)
Lazarus (Laz)
Ignatius (Iggy)
Horatio (Ray)
Jerome (maybe Jem)
Alphonse (maybe Al)
Usually, I don't have anything close to a top ten, so this is a weird feeling, lol.
I want to be be more like a river--
Less like a wall--
Not trying to hold back these feelings at all.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Evening (Evey)
Valerie (sometimes Vally)
Lenore (Lennie)
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps)
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy)
Katharine (Kitty)
Scarlet Carson
Morpheus (perhaps Morph)
Edmond (perhaps Eddy)
Lazarus (Laz)
Ignatius (Iggy)
Horatio (Ray)
Jerome (maybe Jem)
Alphonse (maybe Al)
Usually, I don't have anything close to a top ten, so this is a weird feeling, lol.
I want to be be more like a river--
Less like a wall--
Not trying to hold back these feelings at all.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I'll just do the boys since I did the girls a few days ago.
Morpheus (perhaps Morph) - Don't like it at all. It reminds me of The Matrix (which I didn't like), and then a Religion and Philosophy teacher who bullied me.
Edmond (perhaps Eddy) - Love it. Much better than Edward.
Lazarus (Laz) - could grow on me but it's too Biblical at the moment.
Ignatius (Iggy) - Ignatius is okay, but I don't like Iggy. It reminds me of Iggy Pop, and I think it sounds silly.
Horatio (Ray) - At the moment it reminds me of a character on CSI who drives me up the wall, but give me a few years to get over this and it'll be a great name. It also reminds me of a talking cat.
Gregor - Better than Gregory, but I still don't like it much.
Neil - Love it. Nice to see I'm not the only one!
Walter - I know an old man with this name, so I can't picture it on anyone under 70.
Jerome (maybe Jem) - JE-ro-mee or je-ROME? Jerome is better in my opinion, and I like the nn Jem.
Alphonse (maybe Al) - Vaguely snobbish-sounding, but I don't hate it.
Morpheus (perhaps Morph) - Don't like it at all. It reminds me of The Matrix (which I didn't like), and then a Religion and Philosophy teacher who bullied me.
Edmond (perhaps Eddy) - Love it. Much better than Edward.
Lazarus (Laz) - could grow on me but it's too Biblical at the moment.
Ignatius (Iggy) - Ignatius is okay, but I don't like Iggy. It reminds me of Iggy Pop, and I think it sounds silly.
Horatio (Ray) - At the moment it reminds me of a character on CSI who drives me up the wall, but give me a few years to get over this and it'll be a great name. It also reminds me of a talking cat.
Gregor - Better than Gregory, but I still don't like it much.
Neil - Love it. Nice to see I'm not the only one!
Walter - I know an old man with this name, so I can't picture it on anyone under 70.
Jerome (maybe Jem) - JE-ro-mee or je-ROME? Jerome is better in my opinion, and I like the nn Jem.
Alphonse (maybe Al) - Vaguely snobbish-sounding, but I don't hate it.
I would add Conrad. It has good ratings-reviews
Evening, nn Evie -- Very cute. Original, without being obvious about it. A real winner.
Valerie -- For almost nine months this was to be my name. Then, on the way to the hospital, My father decides, "There's nothing French about us. If it's a girl, we'll name her after you." Grand timing, my dear old Dad has. I've often wondered what it would be like to have been named Valerie. I can't picture it. I do like it for someone else's child. I met one once and it warmed my heart. It always reminds me of "jewelery." I'm not sure if it is the "-erie" ending, or the fact that sapphires, emeralds and rubies just should all be named Valerie, you know? This is a sentimental favorite for me. Do it for my Mom, OK?
Maude -- How surprising to find this on a top ten list. Very "mod" of you. Just because I love seeing old fashioned names brought back to life, I have to give this one the special mention award. Love it.
Lenore -- Another great name. Wow. It's going to be hard to pick just one to use at a time. Nn Lenny is cute.
Thursday -- This one seems too obviously quirky. Too-everone-else-picks-Wednesday-after-The-Addams-Family-when-they-want-to-be-unique-so-I'll-pick-Thursday. After getting to know you (sort of) here at BtN I know you're much more creative and original than this. You may have other reasons for choosing this name. I'm just being honest in how I would react to it if I were introduced to a little Thursday. Sorry.
Hanorah -- Reminds me of Hannukah and a menorah.
Pandora -- Have you seen the Louise Brooks silent movie of same name? Very avant-garde. Very chic name. Love it.
Katharine, nn Kitty -- Yes, yes, yes. Yes.
Valerie -- For almost nine months this was to be my name. Then, on the way to the hospital, My father decides, "There's nothing French about us. If it's a girl, we'll name her after you." Grand timing, my dear old Dad has. I've often wondered what it would be like to have been named Valerie. I can't picture it. I do like it for someone else's child. I met one once and it warmed my heart. It always reminds me of "jewelery." I'm not sure if it is the "-erie" ending, or the fact that sapphires, emeralds and rubies just should all be named Valerie, you know? This is a sentimental favorite for me. Do it for my Mom, OK?
Maude -- How surprising to find this on a top ten list. Very "mod" of you. Just because I love seeing old fashioned names brought back to life, I have to give this one the special mention award. Love it.
Lenore -- Another great name. Wow. It's going to be hard to pick just one to use at a time. Nn Lenny is cute.
Thursday -- This one seems too obviously quirky. Too-everone-else-picks-Wednesday-after-The-Addams-Family-when-they-want-to-be-unique-so-I'll-pick-Thursday. After getting to know you (sort of) here at BtN I know you're much more creative and original than this. You may have other reasons for choosing this name. I'm just being honest in how I would react to it if I were introduced to a little Thursday. Sorry.
Hanorah -- Reminds me of Hannukah and a menorah.
Pandora -- Have you seen the Louise Brooks silent movie of same name? Very avant-garde. Very chic name. Love it.
Katharine, nn Kitty -- Yes, yes, yes. Yes.
This message was edited 12/11/2006, 7:11 PM
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It is STRICTLY AGAINST THE RULES to post under more than one name. This means that you must use the same name in the 'Name' box every time you post.
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Evening (Evey) - Lovely as always!
Valerie (sometimes Vally) - Nms, not sure if I mind it or not.
Maude - Nmsaa.
Lenore (Lennie) - Wonderful!
Thursday - Very pretty!
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps) - Nms.
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy) - Very pretty!
Katharine (Kitty) - Very nice. Btw, I recently saw the nickname Ketty for Katharine and thought you might like it : )
Scarlet Carson - Nmsaa, I really dislike both names.
Alas, Clea is no more ; )
Morpheus (perhaps Morph) - Wonderful! Still a GP of mine.
Edmond (perhaps Eddy) - Great!
Lazarus (Laz) - Very nice.
Ignatius (Iggy) - Love it!
Horatio (Ray) - Very nice.
Gregor - Nice.
Neil - Nice.
Walter - Nice.
Jerome (maybe Jem) - Nms. Jem is nice as a nn. Have you ever seen Shooting Fish? Stuart Townsend's character is named Jeremiah but he goes by Jez.
Alphonse (maybe Al) - Very nice, though I dislike Al.

Valerie (sometimes Vally) - Nms, not sure if I mind it or not.
Maude - Nmsaa.
Lenore (Lennie) - Wonderful!
Thursday - Very pretty!
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps) - Nms.
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy) - Very pretty!
Katharine (Kitty) - Very nice. Btw, I recently saw the nickname Ketty for Katharine and thought you might like it : )
Scarlet Carson - Nmsaa, I really dislike both names.
Alas, Clea is no more ; )
Morpheus (perhaps Morph) - Wonderful! Still a GP of mine.
Edmond (perhaps Eddy) - Great!
Lazarus (Laz) - Very nice.
Ignatius (Iggy) - Love it!
Horatio (Ray) - Very nice.
Gregor - Nice.
Neil - Nice.
Walter - Nice.
Jerome (maybe Jem) - Nms. Jem is nice as a nn. Have you ever seen Shooting Fish? Stuart Townsend's character is named Jeremiah but he goes by Jez.
Alphonse (maybe Al) - Very nice, though I dislike Al.

This message was edited 12/11/2006, 4:20 PM
Congratulations on having a top ten. :) Your list is an eclectic bunch which, surprisingly, includes a few 'mainstream' names as well as your usual colourful taste. It's thrilling to see Evening and Thursday alongside Maude, Katharine and Lenore and Morpheus with Walter (my fave!).
I 'discovered' a new name today at the office I'd like your opinion on. It's a 'V' name, so I thought you'd be interested: Valandria.
Very distinguished list, as usual. :)
Visit Mashka's MySpace at
Names of the Day:
Dashiell Spencer & Alice Annie
I 'discovered' a new name today at the office I'd like your opinion on. It's a 'V' name, so I thought you'd be interested: Valandria.
Very distinguished list, as usual. :)
Visit Mashka's MySpace at
Names of the Day:
Dashiell Spencer & Alice Annie
This message was edited 12/11/2006, 3:53 PM
Okay, let's see here. A lot of the names are not my style, but I do find them very interesting, unique, and creative. I particularly like Scarlet Carson, Valerie, and Hanorah for girls. These are all very nice. I really dislike Thursday and Evening, although Evey is a cute nn. I don't like Pandora either. The rest of your girl's names are okay, just not my style.
For boys I like Edmond, and Horatio with the nn Ray. I don't think I would use it myself but I do like Lazarus also. The only one I really really don't like is Morpheus because it reminds me of the Matrix.
For boys I like Edmond, and Horatio with the nn Ray. I don't think I would use it myself but I do like Lazarus also. The only one I really really don't like is Morpheus because it reminds me of the Matrix.
Evening (Evey)- I really love this name. So tranquil.
Valerie (sometimes Vally)- nms but it works
Maude- I'm sorry, I've never liked this one much
Lenore (Lennie)- Not bad, nms
Thursday- this one reminds me of Wednesday on the addams family
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps)- I love this one!
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy)- don't care for this one
Katharine (Kitty)- prefer it with a C
Scarlet Carson- I LOVE the name Scarlet
Morpheus (perhaps Morph)- no
Edmond (perhaps Eddy)- Nms
Lazarus (Laz)- I love this one! Gonna have to add it to my list!
Ignatius (Iggy)- On the nickeloden movie "Naco Libre" Igantius was a wrestler wanna-be that fell in love with a Nun
Horatio (Ray)- no
Gregor- not bad, I prefer Gregoreo
Neil- not bad
Walter- there is a children's book and the main character's name is Walter, he is a dog that um, passes gas alot
Jerome (maybe Jem)- I like this one
Alphonse (maybe Al)
Valerie (sometimes Vally)- nms but it works
Maude- I'm sorry, I've never liked this one much
Lenore (Lennie)- Not bad, nms
Thursday- this one reminds me of Wednesday on the addams family
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps)- I love this one!
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy)- don't care for this one
Katharine (Kitty)- prefer it with a C
Scarlet Carson- I LOVE the name Scarlet
Morpheus (perhaps Morph)- no
Edmond (perhaps Eddy)- Nms
Lazarus (Laz)- I love this one! Gonna have to add it to my list!
Ignatius (Iggy)- On the nickeloden movie "Naco Libre" Igantius was a wrestler wanna-be that fell in love with a Nun
Horatio (Ray)- no
Gregor- not bad, I prefer Gregoreo
Neil- not bad
Walter- there is a children's book and the main character's name is Walter, he is a dog that um, passes gas alot
Jerome (maybe Jem)- I like this one
Alphonse (maybe Al)
Evening (Evey)-- Like this a lot
Valerie (sometimes Vally)-- Like
Maude-- NMS, not feminine enough for my taste.
Lenore (Lennie)-- love this
Thursday-- NMS
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps)-- love
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy)-- Cool, like Dory best
Katharine (Kitty)-- love this,asp. this spelling
Scarlet Carson-- NMSAA
Morpheus (perhaps Morph)-- Too cool! Absolutely love it.
Edmond (perhaps Eddy)-- Like this, love Edmund.
Lazarus (Laz)-- Like this a lot.
Ignatius (Iggy)-- Love this. Like Iggy, also like Nate.
Horatio (Ray)-- Love this.
Gregor-- Love all forms of this name; slightly prefer Gregory and Gregorios.
Neil-- this is OK
Walter-- love this
Jerome (maybe Jem)-- not a favorite, but OK
Alphonse (maybe Al)-- OK, prefer Alonzo.
I really love most of your boys names.
Valerie (sometimes Vally)-- Like
Maude-- NMS, not feminine enough for my taste.
Lenore (Lennie)-- love this
Thursday-- NMS
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps)-- love
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy)-- Cool, like Dory best
Katharine (Kitty)-- love this,asp. this spelling
Scarlet Carson-- NMSAA
Morpheus (perhaps Morph)-- Too cool! Absolutely love it.
Edmond (perhaps Eddy)-- Like this, love Edmund.
Lazarus (Laz)-- Like this a lot.
Ignatius (Iggy)-- Love this. Like Iggy, also like Nate.
Horatio (Ray)-- Love this.
Gregor-- Love all forms of this name; slightly prefer Gregory and Gregorios.
Neil-- this is OK
Walter-- love this
Jerome (maybe Jem)-- not a favorite, but OK
Alphonse (maybe Al)-- OK, prefer Alonzo.
I really love most of your boys names.
Evening (Evey) - I'm not keen on Evening as a name, but I think the down-to-earth nickname potential makes it usable.
Valerie (sometimes Vally) - I like this, and the nickname Vally.
Maude - I can't disassociate it from Bea Arthur.
Lenore (Lennie) - Nice. I like Lennie as a nickname.
Thursday - I prefer Tuesday.
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps) - Nice. I prefer Hannie to Nora.
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy) - Eh, I'm back and forth on this one. Some days I like it, some days I don't. Panda is a cute nickname.
Katharine (Kitty) - Can't really go wrong with this.
Scarlet Carson - I'm neutral on Scarlet; not so sure about Carson. I also don't know if the two names really mesh. If I didn't know what a Scarlet Carson was I don't think I'd see the appeal of this combo.
Morpheus (perhaps Morph) - I'm trying to like this name, but it's just not working for me. It's just one of those larger-than-life names that I can't see working on a human being.
Edmond (perhaps Eddy) - I love this. We need more kids named Eddy.
Lazarus (Laz) - Not a big fan, but I could see it working.
Ignatius (Iggy) - I like Iggy as a nickname; not quite sure about Ignatius.
Horatio (Ray) - Nice. It's quirky without being unheard of.
Gregor - Nice.
Neil - Eh, I'm neutral. Doesn't do much for me but I don't dislike it.
Walter - Nice sturdy name. I like it.
Jerome (maybe Jem) - Not a big fan of Jerome, but I love Jem as a nickname.
Alphonse (maybe Al) - It could grow on me.
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
Valerie (sometimes Vally) - I like this, and the nickname Vally.
Maude - I can't disassociate it from Bea Arthur.
Lenore (Lennie) - Nice. I like Lennie as a nickname.
Thursday - I prefer Tuesday.
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps) - Nice. I prefer Hannie to Nora.
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy) - Eh, I'm back and forth on this one. Some days I like it, some days I don't. Panda is a cute nickname.
Katharine (Kitty) - Can't really go wrong with this.
Scarlet Carson - I'm neutral on Scarlet; not so sure about Carson. I also don't know if the two names really mesh. If I didn't know what a Scarlet Carson was I don't think I'd see the appeal of this combo.
Morpheus (perhaps Morph) - I'm trying to like this name, but it's just not working for me. It's just one of those larger-than-life names that I can't see working on a human being.
Edmond (perhaps Eddy) - I love this. We need more kids named Eddy.
Lazarus (Laz) - Not a big fan, but I could see it working.
Ignatius (Iggy) - I like Iggy as a nickname; not quite sure about Ignatius.
Horatio (Ray) - Nice. It's quirky without being unheard of.
Gregor - Nice.
Neil - Eh, I'm neutral. Doesn't do much for me but I don't dislike it.
Walter - Nice sturdy name. I like it.
Jerome (maybe Jem) - Not a big fan of Jerome, but I love Jem as a nickname.
Alphonse (maybe Al) - It could grow on me.
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
Evening (Evey)- I like it, although it isn't something I'd use.
Valerie (sometimes Vally)- I'd like to see this used.
Maude- Nice, I prefer the spelling Maud after Tennyson's poem. The windmill in my hometown is affectionatley known as Maud.
Lenore (Lennie)- Nice. Shame I think of the washing powder.
Thursday- Ok. I don't really see the appeal because I actually don't like the day Thursday, I prefer Tuesday. Does this have a meaning beyond the day of the week?
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps)- Quite nice. Makes me think the names of my sisters and I squashed together (I'm Hannah and my sister is Laura, but the ending "rah" could easily be from my other sister's mn Sarah).
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy)- I love this. I do think of Pandora in Adrian Mole a little as well as the mythological Pandora. I don't think that is a huge problem though.
Katharine (Kitty)- Nice. I'm more of a fan of Kateryna/ Katerina because it is a family name. I have good associations with Kitty.
Scarlet Carson- I strongly dislike this. I understand the meaning though from reading your other posts and I like them. I just can't warm to it.
Morpheus (perhaps Morph)- Ok. I think of an animated character that was popular when I was young.
Edmond (perhaps Eddy)- I have recently met the most vile person with this name and this spelling. I very much dislike it now.
Valerie (sometimes Vally)- I'd like to see this used.
Maude- Nice, I prefer the spelling Maud after Tennyson's poem. The windmill in my hometown is affectionatley known as Maud.
Lenore (Lennie)- Nice. Shame I think of the washing powder.
Thursday- Ok. I don't really see the appeal because I actually don't like the day Thursday, I prefer Tuesday. Does this have a meaning beyond the day of the week?
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps)- Quite nice. Makes me think the names of my sisters and I squashed together (I'm Hannah and my sister is Laura, but the ending "rah" could easily be from my other sister's mn Sarah).
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy)- I love this. I do think of Pandora in Adrian Mole a little as well as the mythological Pandora. I don't think that is a huge problem though.
Katharine (Kitty)- Nice. I'm more of a fan of Kateryna/ Katerina because it is a family name. I have good associations with Kitty.
Scarlet Carson- I strongly dislike this. I understand the meaning though from reading your other posts and I like them. I just can't warm to it.
Morpheus (perhaps Morph)- Ok. I think of an animated character that was popular when I was young.
Edmond (perhaps Eddy)- I have recently met the most vile person with this name and this spelling. I very much dislike it now.
No worries on use of "ok." I much prefer that to "OH MY GAWD WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!" ;)
Does this have a meaning beyond the day of the week?
Yes. :) Thursday Next is the central character in a series of books by Jasper Fforde. They're clever, and if you like literature, they're very, very fun.
Edmond (perhaps Eddy)- I have recently met the most vile person with this name and this spelling. I very much dislike it now.
Ugh--I hate it when that happens! It's why it'll be a long time before I can ever think of Bridget without cringing. :(
I like Walter best without any nns, but if it comes down to it, I'd rather have a Walt than a Wally. :-/
I want to be be more like a river--
Less like a wall--
Not trying to hold back these feelings at all.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Does this have a meaning beyond the day of the week?
Yes. :) Thursday Next is the central character in a series of books by Jasper Fforde. They're clever, and if you like literature, they're very, very fun.
Edmond (perhaps Eddy)- I have recently met the most vile person with this name and this spelling. I very much dislike it now.
Ugh--I hate it when that happens! It's why it'll be a long time before I can ever think of Bridget without cringing. :(
I like Walter best without any nns, but if it comes down to it, I'd rather have a Walt than a Wally. :-/
I want to be be more like a river--
Less like a wall--
Not trying to hold back these feelings at all.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Oh, those books sound interesting. I hope I'd be widely read enough to understand the allusions. I'm sure they make the name Thursday more appealing.
I'm sorry about Bridget being ruined, it is a pretty name when horrid people aren't attached to it. I didn't expect to find a monster attached to Edmond, such a shame.
Definitely agree with you regarding Walt over Wally.
I'm sorry about Bridget being ruined, it is a pretty name when horrid people aren't attached to it. I didn't expect to find a monster attached to Edmond, such a shame.
Definitely agree with you regarding Walt over Wally.
I really like Katharine, I really like your NN too. However that is the only one from either list I like. Valerie and Scarlet are not mad but not my style. On your boys list Neil, Gregor and Walter, in that order, are not bad , however not my style either.
All the rest I have never even heard of and honestly are a little too unusual for my taste.
All the rest I have never even heard of and honestly are a little too unusual for my taste.
That's fine, no worries. :) I've go unusual tastes and I know it--and I don't expect everyone else to love them.
I want to be be more like a river--
Less like a wall--
Not trying to hold back these feelings at all.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I want to be be more like a river--
Less like a wall--
Not trying to hold back these feelings at all.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Evening (Evey)- has a nice sound to it but I can not get the picture out of my mind of someone saying "Good morning Evening"
Valerie (sometimes Vally) - lovely name, the youngest Valerie I know is my age 44, so it would be quite refreshing to see it on a child, Vally is better than Val
Maude - I have always had a soft spot for this name. Lovely. I knew a child called Maudie she would be about three or four now I think.
Lenore (Lennie)Okay but it always seems unfinished to me, prebably because I like Elenore
Thursday - a day ofthe week to menot my style of name at all
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps)- nice
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy)Unsure what I think of this , its not unattract
Katharine (Kitty)- lovely
Scarlet Carson - The Scar in Scarlett puts me off and Carson just seems like another trendy surname
Morpheus (perhaps Morph)- dont like the sound of it
Edmond (perhaps Eddy) - great name thgough I slightly prefer the spelling Edmund
Lazarus (Laz) - okay on someone elses child
Ignatius (Iggy)- I like the sound of this but wouldnever use it
Horatio (Ray)- great name but only as a middle name
Gregor - nice but I prefer Gregory
Neil - my Das middle name nice
Walter - Okay but middle name only
Valerie (sometimes Vally) - lovely name, the youngest Valerie I know is my age 44, so it would be quite refreshing to see it on a child, Vally is better than Val
Maude - I have always had a soft spot for this name. Lovely. I knew a child called Maudie she would be about three or four now I think.
Lenore (Lennie)Okay but it always seems unfinished to me, prebably because I like Elenore
Thursday - a day ofthe week to menot my style of name at all
Hanorah (Hannie or Nora, perhaps)- nice
Pandora (possibly Pan, Dory, or Panda / Pandy)Unsure what I think of this , its not unattract
Katharine (Kitty)- lovely
Scarlet Carson - The Scar in Scarlett puts me off and Carson just seems like another trendy surname
Morpheus (perhaps Morph)- dont like the sound of it
Edmond (perhaps Eddy) - great name thgough I slightly prefer the spelling Edmund
Lazarus (Laz) - okay on someone elses child
Ignatius (Iggy)- I like the sound of this but wouldnever use it
Horatio (Ray)- great name but only as a middle name
Gregor - nice but I prefer Gregory
Neil - my Das middle name nice
Walter - Okay but middle name only
This message was edited 12/11/2006, 2:28 PM