To me, this would be like naming your child Habsburg. I'm already not a fan of surnames being used as first names, and it being a royal surname makes it even worse it in my opinion.
This is bizarre as a personal name, especially since it's the surname for the U.K. royal family. But what's even more bizarre is the listed usage as unisex - I can't even begin to imagine this name on a woman.
It is also used as a feminine name. [noted -ed]
The artist Thomas Kinkade has a daughter named Winsor.
I live in a city called Windsor. It's in Ontario, borderline to Detroit. It is best known for its pollution, unemployment among Ford/Chrysler workers and its brewing plant that makes the east side smell like yeast (Hiram Walker's). People from around here make jokes about "Windsor air" causing cancer and "Windsor water" causing mutations. Actually, these jokes aren't far from true, statistically your chances of cancer raise significantly with living here.
I love rare names, and I think this is a lovely first name for a girl. I know a girl named Windsor, and she is a really lovely girl, very friendly, not uppity or anything like the impressions that some people here seem to get from the name. She is tall, has dark hair, and is a really beautiful dancer, and is the kind of person you want to be around all the time. I could see myself naming a girl Windsor.
Gah, how pretentious! Brits would not use this name on their child, as the child would be laughed at, and so would the parents. But in America, this name would be pretentious. Elitist and snobby in America, ridiculous in Britain. Not good.
There is also a place in England called Windsor and Windsor Castle. A beautiful place in my opinon. I'm suprised with the amount of "Asia" and "China" "Ireland" and "Princess" about this name hasn't got more popular.
I think this is more feminine than masculine.
This has been the surname of the royal family of England since 1917.Rather, the royal family of the United Kingdom. Just a nitpick. :-)
[noted -ed]

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