Only suits the god, or a big dog. Actually, I think it would work on a little dog too, a chihuahua called Zeus would be so cute. I think Zeus is a good name, but on a person it's a little too much and the god, Zeus, isn't really the type of person you would want your kid named after.
A good name for a hyper dog, also is a common hammer tag- and a handful of popular YouTubers. For those reasons, it sounds a bit gimmicky to me.
I love the name Zeus, and think it is a powerful strong name for a boy. Without thinking about the Greek god, it sounds like a perfectly reasonable name for a boy. I think it’s got a positive meaning, and, although the mythology figure may have a bad reputation, I still think this name is a good one. I am most definitely naming my first son Zeus. Because it is a nice name, and it is not super common in the US.
Okay, the Greek mythology figure has me turned off (he was a cheater and a rapist), but the name is really cool.
Even though Zeus in mythology was a very... not good guy, (there’s even a story of him chaining his wife to the sky because she was reasonably annoyed at him constantly cheating on her). I love the name despite not being a very honorable one.
Name of a Youtuber who used to do couple vlogs.
Handsome and masculine, this ages great, and is a great name for a male.
I love it! It is a handsome, Greek name! I would choose this over Apollo. Great name overall!
It’s not bad. Kinda cool honestly. I love it.
Damn, anyone who gives their kid this name is hella ambitious. Zeus was kinda a rapist, though, so I wouldn't call it an honorable name...
The name of a Greek god, related to the old Indo-European god *Dyeus, from a root meaning "sky" or "shine". In Greek mythology he was the highest of the gods. After he and his siblings defeated the Titans, Zeus ruled over the earth and humankind from atop Mount Olympus. He had control over the weather and his weapon was a thunderbolt.
I personally think Ancient Greek names are the coolest names. My favorites are Zeus, Apollo, Athena, or Hermès.
It’s way too realistic in Greek Mythology, but could work on a pet. I prefer Apollo for a person, if I had to choose.
The name Zeus means "shining". The ancient Germanic element "beraht", which is in names like Robert, Albert, Herbert, etc, and from which comes the modern name Bert and modern English word "bright" also means "bright, shining". I just find it super cool that these names (Robert, Albert, Herbert, etc) actually have something in common with and also basically share the meaning with the name of the mighty god of the gods, Zeus.
I am sorry, but this should NOT be used as a name for any person, much less a pet! It's honestly disrespectful to Greek culture and history. Thank you for loving them enough to consider a Greek name, but may I suggest an actual human name? And as for pets, there are plenty of great Greek pet names!
I love the Greeks so if I have a son it will be a name like Apollo or Zeus.
You all criticizing the name Zeus are not serious. Those saying he was a womanizer have forgotten that in the bible, Solomon had affairs with women more than any other follower of Christ yet we name our kids Solomon and they are not womanizers. Zeus is a name that you either see a positive meaning of it or you decide to just give it a negative thought. I sure will name my first son Zeus.
It does perhaps sound a bit odd in North American usage, but the name is pretty common in certain European, and Asian countries; especially, duh, Greece.
You can really name your kid this? What a great name. Nobody messes with someone named Zeus. Rock on Zeus!
The name Zeus was given to 116 boys born in the US in 2015.
My name's Zeus and I'm currently in freshman year of a California state college so contrary to the comments above I didn't really get name called and everyone got along well with me, lol.
This is a fantastic name for a dog!
It's a very strong and sexy name. He's the badass of all the Greek Gods
All you people who say it's a lot to live up to are idiots.
Most people don't live up to their names, Leonard (lion-hearted) is probably a twat, David (the king of Jerusalem) probably doesn't own a house let alone a kingdom.
I like this name for a child, without thinking about the Greek god it sounds like a completely normal and cool name!
In the video game Prototype, the main character Alex is given the codename Zeus.
●Zieus is Belarusian
●Zevs is Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, and Ukrainian
●Zeuso is Esperanto
●Zéfs is Modern Greek
●Zeusz is Hungarian
●Dzeusas is Lithuanian.
Whatever you do, don't name your child this.
Zeus is the name of the supreme god of the ancient Grecoroman world, if u believe in something different, that doesn't mean that Zeus is another God! God is God no matter what one believes. So a little extra respect to that particular name plz.. To give a dog that name.. call him zuus it's ok BUT if you call him ZEFS like Jeff's to Zeff's is the REAL ONE...
I know the original Zeus has a bad rep but that doesn't mean the name isn't a good one. Names and their associations change over time. Plus look at the name Willy, a few years ago a perfectly good name, now no one (certainly in England) would use that for their child lol. I love the sound of the name Zeus, its short and simple but strong. I would love to use it and use Zee as a nickname for it.
It is thought that the word "deus" -god- comes from Zeus.
Also pronounced ZEE-oos.
Bad name for a person, being pretentious and that's not great for applying for jobs. But, it'll be cool to name a pet this- though maybe that's just because I have a dog named Juno and it would fit.
This name sounds snobbish, pretentious, pompous, and especially over-the-top. Since it's the name of the king of the Greek gods, I find that it means you're setting up your son for a superiority complex. And let's not forget how many women Zeus had affairs with, angering his wife. It also sounds like a lot to live up to. Can you imagine this name on an official document of plaque? I thought so.
I do, in fact, know a cockapoo named Zeus. He belongs to some friends of my parents, and their son named him because at the time he was intrested in Greek mythology. The name suits Zeus very much, but a CHILD? Just imagine for a minute your darling Zeus graduating from university. 'Zeus! please come up and collect your diploma!'. Um, sorry, it doesn't work.
Why wouldn't you give your child a particular name just because it's from a different religion? That makes no sense.
That said, I don't see that it's a particularly good name for a child. It's odd sounding, easy to make fun of, and a lot to live up to.
Zeus is a perfect name for a dog. Just look at the name! If you never knew about mythology and you'd happened to come along this name, you'd think Zeus was the name of a dog! I don't know but that's what I think.
Zeus, a dog?! Agreeing with the first replier to this, I think it just wrong that people name their children this - it's a name from another religion! Sure maybe what Zeus DID was equal to Casanova and a philander but that does not mean he was like that or the name and deity implies those qualities as being everything. Remember he was the king of the gods and whatever he did was looked in reverence just as many people today look upon the Christian Deity.
I love this name, I named my dog this. I think it's a better name for an animal than a human because of who the Greek God Zeus was. That would be a lot to live up to for a boy.
Sounds like zoos.
Zeus was the name of the dog in a film called "Zeus and Roxanne."
Zeus overthrew his Father Cronus. He then drew lots with his brothers Poseidon and Hades. Zeus won the draw and became the supreme ruler of the gods. He is lord of the sky, the rain god. His weapon is a thunderbolt which he hurls at those who displease him. He is married to Hera, but is famous for his many affairs. He is also known to punish those that lie or break oaths.
Given Zeus' infamous doings I'd say this would be the equivalent of naming your baby boy Cassanova.
I had friends who were going to name their baby Zeus if it were a boy. That's a lot of name to live up to, if you ask me.
I don't know why people name their sons this anymore, it is from a different religion.

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