I really like this name. Sounds like something out of a mystical tale.
I am wondering how to pronounce this name. Hard or soft G, specifically? Najendra or Nagendra? If I were in charge, it would be the hard G sound, like in give. Any insight would be helpful, thanks!
So it could mean "lord of elephants" also.
It has an intriguing sound. As others have already written, the meaning is cool. But I wouldn’t use it for a child, because he would be joked -the name ends in a, so someone ignorant could call him as a girl. Also, it contains the word “agenda”.
But I would consider it for a fictional powerful and mysterious character.
Coolest meaning ever.
Sounds like a dragon.
A horrible name in my opinion. Truth be told, snakes have many negative connonations.
I have never heard of this before. Interesting, though not for a real person. A mysterious character, maybe.

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