Dude this is so crazy I have never heard of my name before anywhere else and I didn't even know that other people spelled it that way. This is really cool imo and I had no idea it was anywhere else. Having a name like Rylie is really weird and I just learned that I'm not the only one with it so that is super cool. Btw I'm a guy named Rylie and my whole life I have always thought why do I have to have a girl name but I just learned that apparently it's masculine and feminine so that makes me feel a bit better about it. And also what is a lot of your guys' problems with the name Rylie? Like why do you have to say you hate it so much I mean, so what if it isn't your name nobody cares stop saying how much it sucks, like come on please.
I think this spelling of Riley is good and pays a good homage to the name "Kylie" if your one of those people!Even though this name is Feminine in the USA, it actually once used to be a Masculine name in England and Wales where I live.
Second best spelling next to Riley.
My given name is Rylie and I am honestly ashamed about the amount of hate on this name. Yes, everyone has their own opinion on the name but dang. And for the amount of people on here who are named Rylie and are hating on it you should be ashamed. Your parents named you Rylie for a reason. They didn't do it to "Punish you" they thought that you were beautiful and deserved a beautiful name. Be PROUD of your name! Yes it may be hard to spell but other people's names are spelled wrong EVERY SINGLE DAY! You don't get to hate on your name and other people's name because you don't like it and/or you don't appreciate your parents. Teachers like mine recommend this site to KIDS every day so that they can do research. I came on here to write an essay and I'm so disappointed. Thank you for the people who are sticking up for this name.
Ryleigh And Rylee, and Riley are better! But it's an okay spelling!
I prefer the Riley spelling, personally.
Please don't ruin the spelling of this beautiful name. Riley is good as it is.
Kylie with letter R?
I love it WAY better then Ryleigh and Rylee. It looks really pretty however I do like the name Riley better.
It looks better for a girl then a boy and I think Riley is good for a boy.
Very juvenile and tryndeigh. It doesn't really look visually pleasant either. Also, it reminds me of rye bread.
You people have the audacity to hate on such a pretty name?! HOW DARE YOU.
At first glance, this looked like a variant of Kylie or a name similar to it. This name doesn't seem very appealing at all. Why not at least just use "Riley"? I don't understand the need for all these 'youneek' spellings.
The name Rylie was given to 31 boys in the US in 2018.
It's a unisex name deal with it. My name is RYLIE and I'm a female I love my name and never once have gotten a bad comment about it. I usually get "It's beautiful" or "That sounds pretty". I LOVE MY NAME so stop hating on it. And sure I get the occasional "How do you spell that?" but so what?
Rylie is a horrible name I have always hated, and it reminds me of rye bread which is really disgusting.
I love my name being Rylie but I honestly think it is a girl's name not a boy's name.
My name is spelt Rylea instead of Riley, so seeing another variant makes me quite happy.
People thinking that if they change the spelling of this masculine name it will make it more feminine cracks me up.
All of you guys need to chill about hating on the Rylies out there, okay?! It is just a name, you don't need to get so triggered at this name! And for all of the younger readers I think this name is fun people! So don't let people get you down!
As someone with the name Rylie, I'm honestly hurt that it is so hated.I've always thought 'Rylie' was a creative spelling, since I've met one 'Riley', who's a guy. The name itself is NOT childish, it's the people who are given that name who may cause the impression of immaturity. It is NOT a horrible name. On the contrary, it's quite likable to me.
Those who have negatively commented upon their own names should be ashamed (like one person had said earlier) Sure, people are going to spell Rylie wrong a lot, but other peoples' names are spelled wrong every day too! I know because Rylie is my given name. I'm not ashamed that it is, I never was, and never will be. You should take pride in your own name; not pity it. How would you feel to go onto a website like this and see people bringing hatred to your name? I think that this name is pretty and elegant. So be grateful that your parents gave you a nice name.
I think this is an adorable spelling, but I wouldn't use Raleigh/Riley/Rylie. Makes me sad to see these comments of people hating their name!
Rylie is my given name. It sounds very childish and is very cliché. I hate it! Please, do your kids a solid and don't name them this! Not to mention, it's hard for people to spell!
Everyone who made a negative comment about the name Rylie should be ashamed. Granted, that is my 7yr old daughter's name, so of course I am biased, but only truly good people accept someone for who they are, not what they're named. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but keep in mind that this is one of the first sites I came across while researching the meaning of my daughter's name.If any of you are parents of a young girl or not, let me give you a brief scenario. Imagine your young daughter is doing some research online to figure out the meaning of her name, then she runs across these comments? How would you feel if your own daughter read comments like this about their name?
I love this way of spelling Rylie instead of Riley. It's much more feminine to me. I think it's pretty and classy.
The name Rylie was given to 54 baby BOYS born in the US in 2012. That's just cruel if you ask me.
Oh dear god. I have to say, this is pretty bad. When Riley is spelled this way, it means nothing. It lacks history, class, and dignity. Riley is from a surname, and back when there was a separation between male names and female names, surnames were solely given to males as first names (with a few exceptions). Riley, when spelled correctly, is a nice name for a boy. On females, spelling it Rylie, Rylee, Ryli, or however way you think is the 'cutest' or 'most creative', is horrible. A perfect example of the nightmarish naming trends of the 2000's: surnames gone male names gone trendy female names, with all kinds of interesting spellings in a failed attempt to make a traditionally masculine name looks cute and girly. I hope the parents of these little Rylies regret what they've done when their kute lyttle pryncezz is a forty year old woman.
I like Rylie. It's a more feminine spelling of Riley, which is more of a masculine spelling. Rylie is sweet and classy.
I am ashamed to say that this is my given name. It is absolutely hideous and it sounds ever so childish! Plus everywhere I go where people ask me my name, I have to spell it out for them EVERY SINGLE TIME! My parents thought they were being profoundly original but they weren't because I know at least 5 other Rylie's (but not all spelled the same). I wish my parents could have given me more of a elegant, beautiful, classy sounding name such as Madeline or Adrienne, but NO, they had to go with boring and ugly Rylie :( Also, I agree with the poster who said Rylie sounds like a dog's name, because it does. Please take my advice, expecting parents, and DON'T name your child this name! They will hate it their whole lives! Sincerely, A Rylie with experience.
Let me tell all you "Rylie" lovers something: it's been nearly 6 years since I made my last comment, and I still feel the same way about it. I don't care what you say, Rylie is a god awful name. Personally, if I came across another website with negative comments about my name, I would 100% agree with them. I don't want to someday be an elderly lady with such a childish name. I want something more dignified. I plan to legally change my name when I get the chance. But if you like it, that's your personal opinion, I guess...
Call me crazy, but honestly, I think the name Rylie is better for a dog, not a person.

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