Since Imran is the father of Mary, Aaron and Moses, as well as the maternal grandfather of Jesus, I would name my firstborn son "Imran Sebastian" so I can always feel Mary, Aaron, Moses and Jesus' presence in my daily life!
Disgusting name. But unique... I only ever met one person with this name.
Imran Khan the current prime minister of Pakistan.
Imran is also Uyghur and Bosnian. In fact, it's currently within the top 10 for Bosnia and Herzegovina.Scripts: ئىمران (Uyghur)Bosnian Pronunciation: EEM-ran.
Looks like "I'm ran".
The real pronunciation is "Amran". عمران, starts with letter ayn (ع), not with إ nor ي either.
Imran is also used in Chechnya (a traditionally Islamic country) as a first name for men. Since Chechnya is forced to follow the Russian naming system, it is also found as a middle name in the form of a patronymic, namely Imranovich.
Imran Zakhaev is the main antagonist in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
Imran Khan is a famous cricketer.

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