The usage of "Biblical Latin" should also be added to this name, for Gamaliel is also the form used in the Clementine Vulgate (1592) and the Nova Vulgata ("Neo-Vulgate", 1979). These two are respectively the former and current official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.Sources used:
- (in English)
- Clementine Vulgate: (in English; note that it was the Church's official Bible for nearly 4 centuries!)
- Nova Vulgata: (in English)
- Numbers 1:10 (Old Testament):
• Clementine Vulgate: (in Latin)
• Nova Vulgata: (in Latin)
- Acts 5:34 (New Testament):
• Clementine Vulgate: (in Latin)
• Nova Vulgata: (in Latin)
You can add the usage of "Biblical Greek" to this name, for Gamaliel is also the form used in the Septuagint and the Greek New Testament.The name is written as Γαμαλιήλ in Greek.Sources used:
-Γαμαλιήλ (in English; this is about the name)
-γαμ (in English)
- Numbers 1:10 (Old Testament) (in English and Greek) (in Greek)
- Acts 5:34 (New Testament) (in English and Greek) (in Greek) [noted -ed]
Also Judeo-Anglo-Norman:
GAMALIEL: Polluted of God
YESOD is the place of the final forms that become Matter in MALKUTH
The GAMALIEL are the misshapen images that produce vile results. The outer form is the order of OGIEL, "those who flee from GOD."LILITH - Night Spectre
To GAMALIEL Lilith is the attributed and "is the grand lady of all demons." The demons are sometimes considered to be the children of LILITH who is said to be the woman who comes to men in their dreams.See ELIPHOTH - HERMETIC QABALAH.
Gamaliel looks hard to pronounce, and it sounds pretentious. It also brings to mind the aforementioned Warren G. Harding, and he wasn't exactly a great president.
I like this name. It sounds like it fits a wise teacher. Hence the reason I've named one of my characters, a centaur, Gamaliel.
Gamaliel was Warren G. Harding's middle name; he was a former President.
Gamaliel Tumpin is the name of the protagonist in Robin Jarvis' novel Thorn Ogres of Hagwood.
I love this name too it also brightens up my day when I hear it or come across it. It's a Greek form of the Hebrew name meaning "Reward of God". The name is hard to pronounce so I use GAMA for short, or like I would say in Spanish "De Cariño."
I love this name... even though it is not popular or hard to pronounce, it brigthens up my day when I hear it. I suggest you name it to your baby boy that when he grows up he will earn a lot of chances and will be loved by many.
This name is pronounced gah-mah-lee-el in Hebrew.
A variation of this name is Gamliel.

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