It’s not a bad name, but as a sixth grader, I know way too many people with a variant of this name. For my grade, people born in 2011-2012, there is an Aiden, Braden, Gradin, and Jayden, I’m sure I’ll probably meet a Hayden/Kayden. Anyway, an okay name, just overused.
I know you guys may hate this name, but there are tons of names that are even more ridiculous than this - this one doesn't even come close to being that ridiculous, unless you spell it with, like, 16 unnecessary extra letters. I guess this name is fine - I'd take Aiden over a really long, unpronounceable name.
As an Aiden it is an ugly name. It gets boring super fast and people really don't like it.
I'm just so glad this name is losing popularity now.
By the way, in English-speaking countries, the spelling of Aiden is more popular than the spelling of Aidan. So the description should say this: "Variant of Aidan. This is currently the more popular spelling of this name."In the USA it overtook the popularity of Aidan in 2006 and peaked over Aidan in 2009 according to the USA Social Security Administration. take a look at Brayden, Brianna and Lacey and see. original spelling of Aidan had about 117k boys with the name in the USA in total according to the USA Social Security Administration since 2021. 'variant' Aiden is MUCH more popular, at about 234k boys with the name in the USA in total according to the USA Social Security Administration since 2021. only exception to this is Ireland, where Aidan is the most popular spelling. In Scotland, both spellings are equally a popular.
As an Aiden myself, please don't call your child this. They will most likely get called aids by friends (just my personal experience).
Such a tedious-sounding and arduous name.
I like the name personally. I don't know why everyone is hating on it.
I love this name.
It’s very sweet sounding, bright, and handsome to me.
This is a super epic really awesome absolutely amazing astounding name.
Very ugly.
I think this is a cool name!
This name may be highly overused for my generation with its variants. However, I have a weird confession that I want to share: Throughout all of my life… I’ve always ended up crushing on guys with this name/its variants (Aiden, Braeden, Caidan, Hayden, Jadyn, Zaiden…you get it. It’s not limited to spelling!). In fact, I have a crush on a guy with this name/its variant right now. It honestly has nothing to do with the name for me. I seriously don’t get why I’ve always fallen for guys solely with this name/its variants. But, I always do, most of the time. The people I’ve met with this name have all been caring, trustworthy, fun, mysterious, and… well… hot. So, if you have this or a similar name… I hope you consider that a compliment (and that I don’t weird you out). Aiden and all of its variants are awesome names. You know? I totally get why they were so trendy when I was born. Anyways, I guess I’ll step down from my podium now.
I think it's an uncool name.
I think it's a cool name.
Boring and overrated.
When I think of Aiden I think of some annoying kid with a Minecraft creeper sweater, not a very good name.
I always think of aids, and I’m pretty sure people in these comments do too. Not a fan.
This name sounds like a dog's name.
My name is Aiden and I think it's great. I don't mind the other names similar to mine and I think people over react about it. I read a lot of the comments below and some are kinda stupid. I'm probably biased, but I think Aiden is a great name.
Aiden is a cool name on its own, but there are just so many of them, and then there’s all the similar sounding names that branched off from that. I think in my elementary school there were about 10-15 kids with “-den” suffix names that all sounded like Aiden. There’s nothing wrong with the name at all. I just probably wouldn’t name my kid this considering how common it is. But if you do have this name, don’t worry, it’s neat. Just too common for me.
Reminds me of hearing aids. Or aids who help people. I knew of a sweet boy with the name but never liked it at all.
Classic, strong, good-sounding old name that has unfortunately been tainted by its association with the -aden army of names (Brayden, Hayden, Cayden, Zayden. Etc.).
I like this name, it's cool. I also like Kaden, Hayden, Brayden, Caden, etc.
I love Aiden, handsome.
Too trendy for me.
Aiden and its variations are part of a meme (made by members of the trans masculine community) poking fun at the similarities in the names they and many other transgender men choose for themselves. (Aiden/Brayden/Cayden/Hayden/Jayden/etc.)
I don't like it. It's too trendy and has a nasty spelling and pronunciation.
Has a strong sound to it and has Irish roots, Liam could be setting the trend for an influx of Irish name popularity...
Too bad it got popular. I love the meaning.
I love Aiden.
Prefer it spelt Aidan due to its traditional Irish Roots, although this name doesn't really jump out at me and I wouldn't use it for my child. I don't believe it is as bad or tacky as people make it out to be though.
For all of you mind-twisters, Aiden isn’t made up. It’s an anglicized form of an Irish name which means Fire. It’s nice, honestly!
I’ve seen this name spelled 3 different ways. Aiden, Aden, and Ayden. I know 5 Aiden’s that I talk to fairly regularly, 3 of them spelt Aiden. It’s the kind of name where you’ll be known as, “Aiden *insert last name initial*” for your entire childhood and then as your last name for your entire adulthood. Honestly, I’ve met more Aidens than Mikes or Johns.
I very much prefer Aidan.
I’m to understand that Aiden in Greek means Magnificent hero.
This name is cool! My name is Aiden. There's a lot of you saying that it's a bad name I don't know why. Aiden means fire. Aiden is a band name and they're fantastic.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Aiden who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 563rd most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
This spelling makes me want to say Ay-Den and looks worse then Aidan. I would name my child Lucifer before I named them Aiden.
Aiden Pearce from Watch Dogs!
I used to like this name, but then I got sick of it because it became too popular. I'm not a fan of Adam, Hayden, Caden, or any of those other names.
Aiden has always been a popular name in Ireland, where it's one of the least trashy names a man could possibly have. It's sad that for some, Aidan/Aiden has become associated with trashy names such as Kayden, Hayden, and Brayden.
I was born in the mid-nineties to a family of Irish Catholic immigrants. I was given the first name Aiden. It, along with my middle name, was chosen in part due to the religious nature of it. For the most part, up until about 2003 or so, that was the context that the name was given to the majority of those who had it, who were few and far between in the first place. Nothing has been quite as irritating, starting with its sudden popularity in the mid-2000s, then the fact that every secular soccer mom in all of suburbia has started naming their bratty little son's Aiden. It's trendiness has ruined the perception of my name. I want my name back. Maybe appropriate a Polish name next, Krzysztof has enough z's in it to make you feel unique even when it's the #1 most popular name in the country.P.S. Aiden and Aidan are the only correct anglicized spellings. All you're doing when you add a "y" or an "ae" in random places is spelling the name wrong.
This name is very overused now and sounds way to much like those other -ayden names, but it is decent with a good meaning.
This is my name and it sounds cool!
This name is super cool! Although it seems to be very popular, it's such a cool name and it would be really easy to grow with. I could see the name Aiden on any type of guy. Although I prefer names like Kayden, Hayden, Brayden, etc. This name is still super dope.
This is the only respelling of Aidan that I can stomach, as all the others I've seen (Aedan, Aydin, Aidynne) look horrible and ugly. Other than that, my opinion is the same as for Aidan; that it's a fine name, but overused and boring.
I find it funny how everyone tends to say this name is over used. If you actually did some research on it, you'd find that names such as Noah, William, Liam, and Jacob are consistently the top 5 most used names. The closest Aiden has ever gotten to number one was being ranked number 5 in 2014. "Aiden" is consistently ranked number 12 and below. All in all, I love this name and hope no one is discouraged from naming their child this just because of some rude, ugly-hearted people who probably have "really bad" "overused" names themselves.
OK, I change my mind. Although this name is annoyingly and obnoxiously common, it's actually somewhat decent. I won't ever become obsessed over it (I'll always prefer Adrian over it) but I now tolerate it.
Every name rhyming with Aiden however (Braeden, Caiden, kaiden, zayden, raiden, Hayden etc) will forever be garbage! Aiden\Aidan is fine. Every name rhyming with it are pure jokes. I'll celebrate the day those names aren't on the charts! Since this name is so common, spare teachers the migraine and have this as your son's middle name or secondary middle name.
As a kindergarten teacher I am sick and tired of all these -aden names. Just say no.
I think Aiden is a great name, and should be spelled Aiden not "Aidan". Aiden is more rare, where you see both girls and guys named Aidan.
Aiden Froste (also known as Fubuki Atsuya) is a character in Inazuma Eleven.
Sounds like a character out of a romance novel. It'd be unfortunate if your kid ends up being unattractive as an adult, because I feel like my expectation for someone named Aiden is that they are very attractive. Also, this doesn't seem like a name people have in real life. Like, I can't picture an adult man name Aiden.
I'm sorry... this is not a grown man's name.
I think this name (and all other variants) is pretty ridiculous. It doesn't even sound like a real name to me. It also isn't fitting on anyone out of elementary school.
This is the only "-aden" name I like. I think it has a nice sound and meaning.
What nickname would you give your son; Aids?That's nice... lol!Just go with Adrian. Its SO much better. Also Aiden\Aidan the start of the horrific, caiden, braiden, jayden, zaden trend (all spellings).
I really enjoy this name, one of my favorites. Though I pronounce it AI-den, not AY-den. Love it!
Personally I can only picture this on a child. And I've never even met a child with the name Aiden. It just doesn't sound like a name that would fit an adult.
But at least it's a simple short name.
The name Aiden was given to 86 poor little girls born in the US in 2012. I'm sorry, but this name and all its variants are godawful on either gender.
This respelling is definitely an infantile and common one. I don't mind Aidan or even Aedan, but Aiden looks horribly butchered and childish.
I find it heartily humorous that parents always seem to claim and preach how they did not realize that "Aiden" was so disgustingly overused; how they chose it because they were fond of it; because they that it it was individual.
Perhaps thy did, at the time... but it is hideously difficult for me to believe that they are (or were) so blind. These days, I cannot leave the house without hearing at least one parent summoning their child by this name.That said... it is a terribly juvenile, overrated name. I often say that names are more attractive when written... but "Aiden" is revolting to both the eye and ear. I truly am unable to look (or listen) to it without tightening my face-- it's quite unfortunate (though not the fault of the bearer.)I just wish that parents dug deeper for all of the possible gems.
This name is very cute, but way too common right now in the USA. Everyone who is having a kid is naming it Aiden.
Ugh. Every freakin' kid these days is named Aiden or something that rhymes with it- Jayden, Brayden, Hayden, Zaiden, Gayprideparaden... ENOUGH ALREADY!
Why is everyone hating on Aiden? In my opinion, I think it is a nice name. I don't hear it around that often, but this name did catch my attention from the band. I still love this name very much and would like to name my future son this.
I hate this respelling. You can't get away with respelling a traditional Irish name. It doesn't work that way.
I hate to say this (of the negative comments I might receive) but I can see the appeal of Aiden being upper-class. I rated it so.
I don't like this name very much, it's way too trendy to be my style. I also can't imagine it on anybody older than seven. :/
Least favorite boy's name. Sounds preppy and pretentious- like people are trying to groom their kid into Hollywood. Just my opinion.
I feel like it's an immature mallgoth name that young parents would bestow upon their child, only to dress him in the Misfits onesies on the Hot Topic rack. There was some gothy pop punk band with this name, so that association will always be there for me.
Tacky and faddish. You couldn't swing a cat in a trailer park without hitting five of them.
I used to like the name, but now I'm kinda sick of hearing it. I HATE the Aiden spelling. The original spelling is Aedan or Aodhan. I'm not saying that Americans should spell it that way, but Aidan is the original English spelling. Aiden just looks butchered.
My brother is named Aiden. When my parents named him this the name wasn't very popular but now it is one of the most popular name in the USA. I think it is a very unique name which has a nice sound to it.
I don't dislike the name Aidan, but spelling it Aiden just makes it look ugly. It also makes me want to pronounce it Ay-DEN instead of AID-an. Vowels actually mean something; they're not just stuck in names willy-nilly because they look nice.
Means Fire.
This was my great-great-uncle's name, so I might use it as a middle name, but I do not like it enough to use as a first name. The name sounds too strange and old to me.
Aiden Falconer is one of the main characters in the series On The Run writte by Gordon Korman.
Aiden and his pals Jaiden, Kaiden, Braiden and Rayden rival Nevaeh for most repulsive trends of the 2000's. Ugh. I swear, you can't chuck a stone in a kid's playpark without hitting an Aidan any more.
Parents, find something else to beat to death already, please? All these names sound incredibly babyish, and I'm sick of hearing them.
I think because of the band "Aiden" it is becoming wildly popular with the younger emo and rocker people. When I see this name, I think of either a hard-core rocker dude or a cute little blonde toddler. Hmmmm. I do love this name though.
I hate this name. It sounds so tacky and babyish. Also, every other boy seems to be named Aiden, Jaden, Caden, or Brayden. Now they're even being given to girls (barf). Why do people like these names?
When a teacher at my school named her son this in 2000 or 2001, I thought it was cool. Now I think it is fadish.
My wife and I named our son Aiden because we simply like the name. No connection to Irish heritage or a famous person. We just like the way it sounds, masculine yet not too rough, and THOUGHT it was uncommon. Only after we had settled on it did we find out how popular it is - and all the names that sounds like it. We are certainly disappointed about that, but ultimately we are happy with our choice and I have never seen a more appropriately named child. He is certainly a fiery spirit!
Aiden is one of the cute little Asian boys on Jon and Kate Plus 8. But his name is spelled Aaden.
Silly name given to their sons by Americans who only have the most tenuous and superficial connection to Irish culture, and little connection to their own, but who want to capitalize on Irish trendiness. The kind of people who probably couldn't even find Ireland on the map. Skip this name, prospective parents.
Get over yourself, and the use of Aiden. We chose it simply because we like it, and not because of any "tenuous and superficial connection to Irish culture".
What if you actuly ARE Irish? Hmmm? Then can you name your kid this?
Aiden is an American post-hardcore band from Seattle, Washington.
I love this name. It sounds sexy in a way. It's a name of a good band too. I would love to name my kid this, preferably a boy.
Aiden is the leading human male character in Annette Curtis Klause's "Blood and Chocolate" who happens to have some hippie-like qualities.
Aiden Burn is a character´s name in TV series "CSI: NY". She is played by Vanessa Ferlito.
Aiden Allen Rawls is the son of Lou and Nina Rawls.
Aiden is actually a legitimate name in its own right. It's a Hebrew name and a variant of Eden and is pronounced much the same way as Eden.
I like this name very much for boys, not girls. I wish it wasn't so popular, though. I also prefer this spelling over all the others.
I have heard Aiden used as a girl's name and I think it's pretty like that. I am not fond of the masculine usage.
I have heard this name is Celtic for "Fire".
This is a trendy butchering of the male name *Aidan*. It is simply a misspelling of a masculine name and is not suitable for anyone, least of all females.
To the user that claimed Aiden was a trendy butchering of "Aidan", what butchering is going on here? ONE letter was changed from the origional. It's not like this is spelled "Aiydynne", or something- that would be a butchering. Aiden is simply a variant of Aidan, and barely so. I actually like both of these names, although their popularity is rather high at the moment.
Aiden is half of my name; I think that it is really classic and androgynous.
There is a band named Aiden they are rather good too!
I love this spelling much more than Aidan; it looks a lot prettier.

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