Submitted Names with "valorous" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword valorous.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Alpár m Hungarian
This is an old Hungarian name of Turkic origin. "Alp" means "Stouthearted", "Brave", "Chivalrous", or "Valorous". The second part, "er" means "soldier" or "male". In the early modern period, this name was conflated with Albert, and as such became the Hungarian version of that name.
Baothghalach m Irish
Means "foolishly valorous", from the roots baoth "foolish, vain" and galach "valorous".
Cadwallon m Old Welsh, History
Derived from Old Welsh cat "battle" and an uncertain element, possibly gwallon "ruler" or uualaun, uualon "valorous" or guallaun "good, best"... [more]
Kreshnik m Albanian
Derived from Albanian kreshnik "valiant hero; valiant; valorous".
Maenwallon m Medieval Breton
Old Breton name, recorded in Latin as Maenuuallon, meaning "great and valorous" from Old Breton maen, from Latin magnus "large, great, strong", and Old Breton uuallon or Old Welsh uualaun, uualon "valorous".
Riwal m Breton
Derived from Old Breton ri "king" and uuallon "valorous".
Wallon m Medieval Breton
Derived from Old Breton uuallon, cognate of Old Welsh uualaun, uualon "valorous".