Submitted Names with "blacksmith" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword blacksmith.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Darkhan m & f Mongolian
Means "blacksmith, craftsman" in Mongolian.
Ghwch'e m Circassian
Means "blacksmith" in Circassian.
Gowan m & f Scottish, Medieval English
From a Scots name for the daisy and other golden or white field flowers, perhaps ultimately from Old Norse gollinn "golden". Robert Burns' poem "To a Mountain Daisy" (1786) was originally titled "The Gowan"... [more]
Kalvis m Latvian
Directly taken from Latvian kalvis, a poetic word for "blacksmith, smith".
Kawesa m Ganda
"blacksmith" Kovacs
Kovals m Livonian (Rare), Medieval Baltic (Rare)
Of debated origin and meaning. While some modern-day academics link this name to Livonian koval "smart", others rather see a connection to Slavic kowal "blacksmith".
Kurdalægon m Ossetian Mythology
Contraction of Kurd Alæ Wærgon in which Kurd (derived from *kur- meaning "to heat", "to incandesce") and Alæ (Ossetian for "Aryan" and later "Alan") are epithets meaning "blacksmith" and "Alan" (a nomadic Iranian ethnic group), "Aryan" (an Indo-Iranian term meaning "noble") and Wærgon (from Old Ossetic *wærg meaning "wolf"), the original name of Kurdalægon... [more]
Mpanefy m Malagasy
Means "blacksmith" in Malagasy.