Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is masculine; and the usage is Irish; and the place is Ireland.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Mechar m Irish
Means "fine, majestic" in Irish.
Michál m Irish
Irish form of Michael.
Micheál m Irish
Variant of Mícheál.
Mochta m Irish
Means "great." ... [more]
Mossy m Irish
Irish diminutive of Maurice.
Muireadach m Irish
It means "chieftain".
Mullen m Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Maoláin.
Mundy m Irish
In irish it means "From Reamonn".... [more]
Murchadha m Irish
Variant of Murchadh.
Mychael m English (Rare), Irish (Rare, Archaic), Medieval Baltic
Variant of Michael, as well as a medieval Latvian form.
Nairciseas m Irish
Irish Gaelic form of Narcissus.
Naoi m Irish
Irish form of Noah 1.
Neachtan m Irish, Irish Mythology
The name of the Irish god of water, cognate to Neptune.
Nessan m & f Irish
Variant of Neasán
Nev m English (British, Rare), Irish (Rare)
Short form of Neville (English), Nevan and Nevin (both Irish). Known bearers of this name include the American former sports broadcaster Nev Chandler (1946-1994) and the Australian former politician Nev Warburton (b... [more]
Nial m Irish
Variant of Niall.
Niallán m Irish
Diminutive of Niall
Ninnidh m Scottish, Irish
Diminutive of Ninian. This was the name of a 6th-century saint, one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland.
Ninyan m Irish
Variant of Ninian.
Nóe m Irish
Irish form of Noah 1.
Nolin m Irish
Variant of Nolan.
Nuallain m Irish
Irish name, meaning "noble".
Odar m Irish
Means "dark, grey-brown" in Irish.
Oein m Irish
In terms of etymology it is though to be derived from the Shelta words for “Seer”, as a phonetical interpretation of the Gaelic/ Irish word Ogham.... [more]
Oghy m Irish
Variant of Oghie
Oilibhéar m Irish
Irish form of Oliver.
Oilleóg m Irish (Rare)
Diminutive of Oillill.
Oillill m Irish (Rare)
Means "sprite; elf".
Oirféas m Irish (Rare)
Irish Gaelic form of Orpheus.
Oistín m Irish, Old Irish
Irish form of Austin, or possibly an Old Irish form of Old Norse Eysteinn.
Ólan m Irish
The name of the patron saint of a parish in Ireland, possibly derived from olann "wool, wooly hair".
Ólchobar m Irish
Means "drink-desiring, lover of drink", from Irish ól "drink" and cobar "desiring". The name of several Irish kings.
Orren m Biblical, Irish
Variant of Oren or Orrin.
Owney m Irish
Diminutive of Owen 2.
Packie m Irish
Diminutive of Patrick.
Packy m Irish
Diminutive of Patrick.
Padhraig m Irish
Variant of Padraig.
Padriac m Irish
Variant of Pádraig.
Páidín m Irish
Diminutive of Pádraig, utilising the diminutive suffix -ín.
Park m Irish
Park - a pet name or nickname for Patrick of Irish origin.
Pauric m Irish
Variant of Padraig.
Pearse m Irish
Anglicised form of Piaras.
Peatán m Irish
Diminutive of Pádraig.
Phádraig m Irish
Variant of Padraig.
Philly m & f Irish (Rare), English (Modern)
Irish diminutive of Pilib, the Irish form of Philip. As an English name, it can also be a diminutive of names beginning with Phil-, such as Philip, Phyllis and Philomena.... [more]
Podge m Irish
Diminutive of Padraig.
Póil m Irish (Rare, Archaic)
Genitive form of Pól, usually found in the medieval compound name Maél Póil meaning "devotee of Paul (the apostle)".
Rafer m Irish
Variant of Rafferty.
Raiféal m Irish
Irish form of Raphael
Rannulbh m Irish
Irish form of Randolph.
Rath m Irish
Means "prosperity, success".
Reidìn m Irish
Irish name, it means "calm".
Riaghail m Irish
Irish form of Regulus.
Riphath m Biblical, Irish Mythology, Irish, Scottish
Name of Gomer second-born son in Genesis ch. 10. Irish/Scottish oral tradition (Leber Gabala Eirinn) lists him as the ancestor of the Scots (including the Irish). They too call him the second son of Gomer... [more]
Roane m Irish
Variant of Roan.
Roarke m Irish
It derives from the surname Ó Ruairc in Irish. Other variants of the surname include Rourke and O'Rourke, both common in Ireland. Possibly an Irish translation of the Germanic name Roderick
Rodhlann m Irish (Rare)
Irish form of Roland.
Rooney m & f Irish, English
Transferred use of the surname Rooney. A famous bearer is the American actress Patricia Rooney Mara (1985-). Rooney is her mother's family name used as middle name.
Roran m Irish, Scottish, Literature
Roran is a derivative of the name Rory (Irish: Ruairí; Scottish Gaelic: Ruairidh) and so shares the meaning: The Red King.
Rórdán m Irish
From Irish Ríoghbhardán meaning "little poet king".
Ros m Scottish (Rare), Irish (Rare), English (British, Rare)
Variant of Ross occasionally used in Ireland.
Rosién f & m Irish
Diminutive of Róis or the Irish word for rose
Rua m Irish, Scottish (Rare)
Irish Anglicised form of Ruadh
Ruadhagáin m Irish
Variant of Rogan.
Ruadhagán m Irish
Variant of Rogan.
Ruadháin m Irish
Personal name from diminutive of ruadh ‘red’.
Ruadhrac m Irish
A personal name from Norse Hrothrekr (see Roderick).
Ruanadh m Irish, Scottish
Gaelic byname meaning "champion".
Ruanaidh m Irish
A byname meaning "champion".
Ruane m Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Ruadháin.
Ryon m Irish
The name Ryon is a variant of Ryan and simply means "King"
Samhail m Irish
Variant of Samuel.
Samhradháin m Irish
An Irish byname meaning "summer".
Saor m Irish (Modern)
From Modern Irish word soar meaning "free", derived from Old Irish sóer "free".
Séadna m Irish
Séadna, also Séanna, is an Irish Gaelic personal name known mostly due to the popularity of the book Séadna, by Father Peadar Ua Laoghaire (occasionally known in English as Peter O'Leary), which was published in 1904... [more]
Seaghdhan m Irish (Rare)
Variant of Séaghdha as well as an older form of Sean.
Seanachan m Irish
Derived from sean, meaning "old".
Seastnán m Irish (Rare, ?)
No one is quite sure what Seastnán means but it is said to mean "Bodyguard"
Sedulius m Irish (Latinized)
Latinization of Siadhal. This name was borne by Sedulius Scottus (sometimes called Sedulius the Younger, to distinguish him from Coelius Sedulius; fl... [more]
Séimí m Irish
Diminutive of Séamus.
Shanachie f & m Scottish Gaelic, Irish
Irish word for "a skilled teller of tales or legends, especially Gaelic ones." From the Scots Gaelic word seanachaidh, from Old Irish senchaid, variant of senchae, meaning historian, derived from sen, meaning old.
Shaunin m Irish
Shaunin is a variant of an Irish name Shaun which means "God is Gracious" or "Gift from God"
Shelta m & f Irish
From the name of a private or secret language spoken by Irish Travellers (a group also known as the Pavee). It means "a voice that moves" in Shelta ("moves" in the sense of being emotional, endearing and affectionate) and some modern Celticists think it comes from the Irish Gaelic word siúlta which means "walking" (the "s" is pronounced "sh" and the diphthong is as much like a slurred schwa sound).... [more]
Siadhal m Irish (Rare)
Younger form of Siadhail.
Siar m Irish (Modern)
From Irish siar meaning "westward".
Síoda m Irish
Originally a Gaelic byname meaning "silk".
Siodhach m Irish
Most likely related to the word "peace". Compare Siochain "peace" and Siodhachain
Síomón m Irish (Rare)
Irish form of Simon 1.
Sionnan m & f Irish
Sionnan means river goddess
Síoráin m Irish
Diminutive of the word síor "long-lasting"
Sírín m Irish
Variant of Síoráin
Slevin m English (Rare), Irish (Anglicized)
Transferred use of the surname Slevin. The author Anne Tyler used this name in her novel 'Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant' (1982); it was also used in the movie 'Lucky Number Slevin' (2006).
Solamh m Irish (Rare)
Irish form of Solomon.
Spealán m Irish
Diminutive of the word "speal"
Spranger m Irish (Rare, Archaic), English (Rare, Archaic)
Of uncertain etymology, possibly a transferred use of the surname Sprainger. Spranger Barry (23 November 1719 – 10 January 1777) was an Irish actor.
Súileabhán m Irish
Means "little dark eye" in Irish, from Old Irish súil "eye", dub "black, dark", and án, a diminutive suffix. This is the original Irish form of Sullivan.
Taidgh m Irish
Variant of Tadgh.
Tavin m Scottish (Modern), Irish (Modern)
In Scottish, Tavin means 'twin'. Tavin is also the Irish word teevee meaning 'hillside'.
Teig m Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Tadhg used by Douglas Hyde in his translation of the Irish folktale 'Teig O'Kane (Tadhg O Cáthán) and the Corpse'.
Téodóir m Irish
Irish form of Theodore.
Thady m Irish
Irish diminutive of Thaddeus, an anglicized form of Tadhg. Thady Quill is the subject of an Irish ballad, 'The Bould Thady Quill' (ca... [more]
Tiomóid m Irish (Rare)
Irish form of Timothy, occurring in some Irish translations of the Bible. It is not commonly used as a given name.
Tomáisín m Irish
Diminutive of Tomás.
Torán m Irish
Formed from a diminutive of tor ‘lord’, ‘hero’, ‘champion’.
Trainor m Irish (Americanized, Rare)
Transferee use of the surname Trainor.
Treabhair m Irish
Irish Gaelic form of Trevor.
Tréinfear m Irish
A byname meaning "champion, strong man" (from tréan "strong" and fear "man").
Tynan m English (Australian, Rare), Irish
Variation of the transferred use of the surname Tuíneán.
Uaid m Irish
Irish form of Wat
Ualtar m Irish (Rare)
Irish form of Walter.
Uiginn m Irish
A byname meaning “Viking”.
Uileagóid m Irish
Diminutive of Uilleag
Uinsean m Irish (Rare)
Irish form of Vincent.
Ultan m English, Irish
Anglicised form of Ultán.
Wilgar m Irish
Transferred use of the ancient surname Wilgar having Olde English and Scottish origins.
Winfield m Irish
named after a stadium
Zacairiá m Irish
Irish form of Zechariah.