Name Zernebog
Gender Masculine
Usage Slavic Mythology
Scripts Црнобог
Other Forms FormsChernobog ,Crnobog, Czernobóg, Černobog
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Meaning & History
(Slovak) variant transcription of CHERNOBOG. Zernebog is a Slavic deity, about whom much has been speculated but little can be said definitively. The name may also be given as Crnobog, Czernobóg, Černobog, Црнобог or Chernobog; these are all romanizations of the Russian Чернобог, meaning black god. The only historical sources, which are Christian ones, interpret him as a dark, accursed god, but it is questionable how important (or evil) he was really considered to be by ancient Slavs.
The name is attested only among West Slavic tribes of the 12th century, hence it is speculated that he was not a very important or very old deity.