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AdamastormLiterature, Portuguese (Rare) Derived from Greek ἀδάμαστος (adamastos) meaning "untamed" or "untameable" (also see Adamastos). The giant Adamastor is a personification of the Cape of Good Hope in the 16th-century Portuguese poet Luís de Camões' epic work Os Lusíadas (The Lusiads)... [more]
AdamastosmGreek Mythology Means "untamed" in Greek. This was an epithet of Hades. In Greek legend Adamastus of Ithaca was the father of Achaemenides, Odysseus' companion.
DiamonifAfrican American Derived from the words Diamond and Imani. Diamond which comes from the English word diamond for the clear colourless precious stone, the birthstone of April. Diamond is derived from Late Latin diamas, from Latin adamas, which is of Greek origin meaning "invincible, untamed"... [more]
FeroniafEtruscan Mythology Derived from a Sabine adjective corresponding to Latin fĕrus "not cultivated, untamed; of the field, wood; not mitigated by any cultivation". Feronia was a goddess associated with wildlife, fertility, health, and abundance... [more]
ÓtamrmOld Norse From Old Norse útamr "untamed", combined with ú, a negative prefix.
RhadamanthosmGreek Mythology I am uncertain of the meaning, but it might be etymologically related to Greek adámas "invincible, untamed" or Greek damázo "to overpower, to tame, to conquer." In Greek mythology, Rhadamanthos was a son of Zeus and Europa.