Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
ÆscmannmAnglo-Saxon Probably originally a byname from Old English æscmann "sailor, pirate", i.e. one who sailed in an ash-wood boat, from the elements æsc "ash tree", sometimes referring to a kind of light ship, and mann "person, man".
KimanimAfrican "Adventurous" or "sailor" Kukiyu tribe in the nation state of Kenya.
NawinmThai Means "marine" or "seaman, mariner, sailor" in Thai.
PilotmEnglish (Rare) Either from the surname Pilot, which is derived from Pilate, or directly from the vocabulary word pilot, which is derived from either Greek πηδον (pedon) "steering oar" or πλωτης (plotes) "sailor"... [more]