Submitted Names with "prickle" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword prickle.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Acanthis f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Literature
Latinized form of Greek Ἀκανθίς (Akanthis), which was the name of a type of finch, known as thistle finch in English, literally meaning "prickly" from Greek ἄκανθα (akantha) "thorn, prickle, thistle" (compare Acantha, Acanthus)... [more]
Angilbald m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Angilburg f Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Angilfrid m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Angilhard m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Angilmund m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Angilram m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Angiltrud f Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Angilwin m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]