GnomefAncient Greek Derived from Greek γνώμη (gnome) meaning "opinion; intent, purpose, resolve; means of knowing; thought, judgment, intelligence".
JudgemEnglish This name is derived from the word of the same name. The word originates from Old French jugier meaning "to judge, pronounce judgment," which, in turn, comes from Latin iudicare meaning "to judge, to examine officially, form an opinion upon" (derived from iudicem meaning "a judge," which is a combination of ius meaning "right, law" and the root of dicere meaning "to say").
LaadanmBiblical Hebrew A biblical boy's name, meaning "For Pleasure, devouring judgment"
MendimmAlbanian Derived from Albanian mendim "thought; opinion, judgment".
MidianmBiblical Means "strife" or "judgment" in Hebrew. In the Hebrew Bible, Midian was a son of Abraham and Keturah.