Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
IsaomJapanese From 巌 (isao) meaning "rock, boulder, crag" or 威 (isa) meaning "to intimidate, to threaten, to menace, dignity, majesty" combined with 生 (o) meaning "genuine life, birth"... [more]
IwafJapanese This name can be used as 岩 (gan, iwa) meaning "rock, crag" or 磐 (han, ban, iwa), with the same meaning as 岩.... [more]
IwaemJapanese (Rare) From 巌 or 巖 (gan, iwa, iwao, kewa.shii) meaning "rock, crag" combined with 恵 (e, kei, megu.mi, meaning "blessing, favour, grace, kindness." Other kanji combinations are possible.
IwaomJapanese This name can be used as 巌 (gan, iwa, iwao, kewa.shii) or 巖 (gan, iwa, iwao, kewa.shii) which both mean "rock, crag."... [more]
Khadbaatarm & fMongolian From Mongolian хад (khad) meaning "crag, cliff, boulder" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
KhadkhuyagmMongolian (Rare) From Mongolian хад (khad) meaning "crag, cliff, boulder" and хуяг (khuyag) meaning "armour" or "warder, overseer".