
Question Creator Created Votes Leader
by EsmeLily 8/13/2024
EsmeLily 8/13/2024 37 Eleanor
by EsmeLily 8/13/2024
EsmeLily 8/13/2024 37 Beatrix
by NamesAreTreasures 8/13/2024
NamesAreTreasures 8/13/2024 38 It's not my style.
by NamesAreTreasures 8/13/2024
NamesAreTreasures 8/13/2024 31 Augustus & Atticus.
by NamesAreTreasures 8/13/2024
NamesAreTreasures 8/13/2024 30 Elizabeth & Atticus.
by NamesAreTreasures 8/13/2024
NamesAreTreasures 8/13/2024 29 Atticus James.
by NamesAreTreasures 8/13/2024
NamesAreTreasures 8/13/2024 38 It's not my style.
by LukeH 8/13/2024
LukeH 8/13/2024 36 Frances
by ChuckTheGondor 8/13/2024
ChuckTheGondor 8/13/2024 19 Lorenzo Samrath "Lonzo"
by Wordsmith 8/13/2024
Wordsmith 8/13/2024 31 I like it.
by Diffrances 8/13/2024
Diffrances 8/13/2024 27 ⭐⭐
by ChuckTheGondor 8/13/2024
ChuckTheGondor 8/13/2024 23 Lucretia Lillith
by ChuckTheGondor 8/13/2024
ChuckTheGondor 8/13/2024 19 Maizey Louella
by ChuckTheGondor 8/13/2024
ChuckTheGondor 8/13/2024 17 Jessalyn Orla
by ChuckTheGondor 8/13/2024
ChuckTheGondor 8/13/2024 16 Kalista Yvanna
by sharky1973 8/13/2024
sharky1973 8/13/2024 23 Frida
by sharky1973 8/13/2024
sharky1973 8/13/2024 24 Even
by sharky1973 8/13/2024
sharky1973 8/13/2024 22 I dislike all of these names for women and girls.
by sharky1973 8/13/2024
sharky1973 8/13/2024 22 I dislike all of these names for women and girls.
by sharky1973 8/13/2024
sharky1973 8/13/2024 22 Lorelei
by jellyfishpeanut 8/13/2024
jellyfishpeanut 8/13/2024 38 Nell
by jellyfishpeanut 8/13/2024
jellyfishpeanut 8/13/2024 28 Magnolia
by jellyfishpeanut 8/13/2024
jellyfishpeanut 8/13/2024 26 Roxanne
by TMyers 8/13/2024
TMyers 8/13/2024 28 Vincent Marcel
by jellyfishpeanut 8/13/2024
jellyfishpeanut 8/13/2024 31 Alice, Ruth, Iris, Louise
by Goldcrown 8/13/2024
Goldcrown 8/13/2024 26 Alfred & Daphne
by dewyforest 8/13/2024
dewyforest 8/13/2024 21 Like
by TMyers 8/13/2024
TMyers 8/13/2024 22 Emrys Gerard
by jellyfishpeanut 8/13/2024
jellyfishpeanut 8/13/2024 29 Elizabeth James Isabel Anna Lucy Jane Sam
by dewyforest 8/13/2024
dewyforest 8/13/2024 20 Even