
Question Creator Created Votes Leader
by AnonymousNameNerd123 12/11/2024
AnonymousNameNerd123 12/11/2024 22 Multi selection polls with many rows
by Impala1729 12/11/2024
Impala1729 12/11/2024 30 Rosaline (mother); Katrina (daughter)
by Laurea 12/11/2024
Laurea 12/11/2024 30 Anaïs
by Impala1729 12/11/2024
Impala1729 12/11/2024 26 Juniper Edith March
by painted_tetra 12/11/2024
painted_tetra 12/11/2024 35 Even
by Goldcrown 12/11/2024
Goldcrown 12/11/2024 31 Tabitha
by hello_1234 12/11/2024
hello_1234 12/11/2024 25 Kassandra
by Goldcrown 12/11/2024
Goldcrown 12/11/2024 30 Laurence
by IanTheNameCorrector 12/11/2024
IanTheNameCorrector 12/11/2024 27 Like it
by kiutdol 12/11/2024
kiutdol 12/11/2024 27 Hannah E. Attwood
by kiutdol 12/11/2024
kiutdol 12/11/2024 37 Edward
by Wordsmith 12/11/2024
Wordsmith 12/11/2024 35 I dislike it.
by Wordsmith 12/11/2024
Wordsmith 12/11/2024 30 It's okay.
by Wordsmith 12/11/2024
Wordsmith 12/11/2024 32 I dislike it.
by Wordsmith 12/11/2024
Wordsmith 12/11/2024 33 I like it.
by Wordsmith 12/11/2024
Wordsmith 12/11/2024 29 It's okay.
by Amoret 12/11/2024
Amoret 12/11/2024 38 Even
by Amoret 12/11/2024
Amoret 12/11/2024 33 Nico
by Amoret 12/11/2024
Amoret 12/11/2024 33 Even
by Amoret 12/11/2024
Amoret 12/11/2024 32 Mortimer
by Amoret 12/11/2024
Amoret 12/11/2024 33 Mercy
by Renee Seance 12/11/2024
Renee Seance 12/11/2024 39 Helena Elise
by Renee Seance 12/11/2024
Renee Seance 12/11/2024 34 Eulalia
by Renee Seance 12/11/2024
Renee Seance 12/11/2024 35 Louisa
by Renee Seance 12/11/2024
Renee Seance 12/11/2024 28 Diana
by Renee Seance 12/11/2024
Renee Seance 12/11/2024 24 I think it's ok to use it as a first name
by kiutdol 12/11/2024
kiutdol 12/11/2024 39 Eleanor
by NamesAreTreasures 12/11/2024
NamesAreTreasures 12/11/2024 34 Dennis.
by NamesAreTreasures 12/11/2024
NamesAreTreasures 12/11/2024 33 Daniel & Denis.
by NamesAreTreasures 12/11/2024
NamesAreTreasures 12/11/2024 31 Daphne & Denis.