
Question Creator Created Votes Leader
by Amoret 12/8/2024
Amoret 12/8/2024 33 Lucinde
by Amoret 12/8/2024
Amoret 12/8/2024 33 Linus
by Amoret 12/8/2024
Amoret 12/8/2024 36 Lilith
by painted_tetra 12/8/2024
painted_tetra 12/8/2024 35 Luke Eliott
by Dianatiger 12/8/2024
Dianatiger 12/8/2024 34 Clarissa
by Laurea 12/8/2024
Laurea 12/8/2024 34 Artemisia
by Renee Seance 12/8/2024
Renee Seance 12/8/2024 33 Esther, Annika & Cosima
by Renee Seance 12/8/2024
Renee Seance 12/8/2024 25 Charis Isabella
by Renee Seance 12/8/2024
Renee Seance 12/8/2024 31 Minerva
by Renee Seance 12/8/2024
Renee Seance 12/8/2024 29 Damaris
by Renee Seance 12/8/2024
Renee Seance 12/8/2024 27 I think it's ok to use it as a first name
by Wordsmith 12/8/2024
Wordsmith 12/8/2024 30 I dislike it.
by Wordsmith 12/8/2024
Wordsmith 12/8/2024 31 I like it.
by Wordsmith 12/8/2024
Wordsmith 12/8/2024 31 It's okay.
by Laurea 12/8/2024
Laurea 12/8/2024 32 Edgar Ambrose
by sweetpeasarah 12/8/2024
sweetpeasarah 12/8/2024 25 Melody Beth and Caroline Ella
by Diffrances 12/8/2024
Diffrances 12/8/2024 26 ⭐⭐⭐
by Diffrances 12/8/2024
Diffrances 12/8/2024 33 Louis
by Diffrances 12/8/2024
Diffrances 12/8/2024 24 Charlotte Li (6/12)
by Felie 12/8/2024
Felie 12/8/2024 14 2391 Cecile (3 newborns)
by Felie 12/8/2024
Felie 12/8/2024 13 2386 Camille (3)
by Felie 12/8/2024
Felie 12/8/2024 12 2372 Beatrix (3)
by Felie 12/8/2024
Felie 12/8/2024 11 2367 Beatrice Agata (3)
by Felie 12/8/2024
Felie 12/8/2024 13 2354 Enrico Paolo (3)
by AnonymousNameNerd123 12/7/2024
AnonymousNameNerd123 12/7/2024 26 Reece / Rhys (m)
by AnonymousNameNerd123 12/7/2024
AnonymousNameNerd123 12/7/2024 26 Rhys (m)
by Goldcrown 12/7/2024
Goldcrown 12/7/2024 40 Matilda
by Tovaryshka_Anya 12/7/2024
Tovaryshka_Anya 12/7/2024 24 Nasrin
by Diffrances 12/7/2024
Diffrances 12/7/2024 22 ⭐⭐
by erb816 12/7/2024
erb816 12/7/2024 24 ★★