Derived from Old French gagnier meaning "to farm, to cultivate".
Usage: French
Rating:80% based on 1 vote
Nickname for a gentle minded person from French doux "sweet" (from Latin dulcis).
Usage: French
Rating:80% based on 1 vote
French: variant of De Var, a habitational name for someone from a place named Var, for example in Charente. Respelling of French Devors, a habitational name, with the preposition de, for someone from Vors in Aveyron.
Either from cochet a diminutive of coq "rooster" used as a nickname for a vain conceited or womanizing individual. Or possibly also a habitational name from (Le) Cochet the name of several places in various parts of France.
Usage: French
Rating:80% based on 1 vote
Derived from French clou meaning "nail", referring to someone who made or sold nails.
Usage: French
Rating:100% based on 1 vote
Derived from a diminutive form of French charbon"charcoal", a nickname for a person with black hair or a dark complexion.