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Name M/F Remark Rating
Aidan m
Aisling f Who doesn't think that their little girl is a dream come true? At least... sometimes...
Alon 1 m It sounds rather romantic, doesn't it?
Altair m Hmm... Would be a perfect middle name after Faolán... plus it sounds really nice.
Anna f I just love this name, no reason why.
Astra f Same as with 'Anna', though it's definitely a plus that it means star.
Ava 3 f It is a kind of cute name, right?
Ceinwen f
Evelyn f / m
Faolán m It means wolf, and I think of a wolf staring at me through a canopy of leaves.
Fiera f
Karen 2 m Hilarious!
Karim m Noble and generous... Good qualities.
Leandra f Lioness, fierce and elegant.
Líadan f Well... Romantic, isn't it?
Lucifer m I think it's a very optimistic name, very romantic.
Lyra f The name of the main character in one of my favourite books.
Natalie f Comes from "Christmas". ^_^
Rayner m
Ruadhán m I just plain love this name, there's no reason why.
Taika f
Temperance f
Túathal m "Ruler of the people, stop sleeping in class!"
Valencia f Bloody elegant to pronounce.
Zelda 1 f Heh...