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Name M/F Remark
Abilene f It's so beautiful! it does not sound like an apple in a tree with a smily face!
Alastar m Alaster is another alternative to this awesome name!
Charlie m Charlie on a girl is sooooo.....eeewww....Charlie on a boy is cute :)
Charlotte f The Movie "Charlottes Web" scares me but still I love this name...
Christina f It's beautiful, Christina Aguilera rocks and so does Christina Applegate
Donovan m My mom once took care of a sweet little boy who had this name. Van is a cool nick name.
Edward m A gentlemans name.....And my favorite character in Twilight.
Eveleen f so much nicer than Evelyn...too many E's though, but I guess it's a good thing.
Harrison m Masculine, and Harrison Ford rocks!!!!
Holly f so cute for a child and for a grown woman.
James m I've always liked this name, But James who was on survivor is AWESOME!!!!
Jenna f It sounds sweet and much nicer than Jennie and Jennifer. A sweet girl bore this name, but she moved away...
Jude 1 m Mello, calm and sophisticated. Definitly not on a girl!!!!!!
Marianne f I like my name and the name Anne is so nice. so Mary+Anne=Marianne
Mirabelle f I like Marabelle a little bit better, but this is nice too.
Patrick m My dad's name, and Saint Patrick! so masculine and strong.
Peter m My Uncle bears this name, it's so biblical and old fashioned.
Rosemary f Rose+Mary= Rosemary I've gotta name a character after this name! so beautiful and feminine. Yes it's the name of a herb.